samus_aran: @Christopher: It's so easy to sneak something on to a plane now, just go behind the hottest girls you can find 2-3 6-10s aughta do it. Then they get picked and you can go through metal detector, I once snuck my personal switchblade on.
I always carry it it's done me innumerable services against muggers.
samus_aran: @Anonymous: I'm not roleplaying. I'm an average guy who carries a switchblade to help against muggers. They tend not want to risk getting stabbed.
Anonymous2: Ha. That's awesome. I did a similar edit with this one way back, although I neither uploaded it (just sent it to some friends) or added the "Boobs" counter. Those do make all the difference.
Anonymous3: What the hell dennis? Honestly!
Not ALL Muslims are bad, most aren't. It's the overreacting ones and the extremists you hear about, and often others get caught up in it.
Also, what the hell are 'non aryans'?
Anonymous4: @dennisandmooch: @dennisandmooch: Aryans are blonde haired blue eyed people of Germanic heritage. The whole point of the Aryan race is that its NOT synonymous with the Caucasian people as a whole... TROLOLOLOL
Anonymous5: @dennisandmooch: hey don't listen douchbags Anon 3-4, they are fucking idiots. I understand where you coming from. But you mean non-whites. My friend .
Anonymous7: If you live in the southern USA, and your descendents do not immigrate for the next 10,000 years, they will be Mexicans, and will be forced to commit sepuku.
Good luck with maintaining your skin colours for the future of mankind, its this little thing called evolution, you may or may not have heard of it.
Kinda important, just saying.
Anonymous9: Post an edit they said, people will come to know you as a shitty MSpaint picture editor they said.
Arguments about Hitler's ideals for mankind.
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Especially with the cases of numerous people somehow getting ON THE TARMAC at big-name airports.
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I always carry it it's done me innumerable services against muggers.
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kill all musilums and non aryans
Not ALL Muslims are bad, most aren't. It's the overreacting ones and the extremists you hear about, and often others get caught up in it.
Also, what the hell are 'non aryans'?
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(white power) Not ALL Muslims are bad ALL Muslims are evil
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Good luck with maintaining your skin colours for the future of mankind, its this little thing called evolution, you may or may not have heard of it.
Kinda important, just saying.
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Arguments about Hitler's ideals for mankind.