Anonymous3: Could be but it is not clear on if being dragon born can be passed on by having a kid (most likely the reason they made it adoption in hearthfire) also unrelated but if you are the dragon born in skyrim would you have a legit clame to become emperor or was that only if someone was both a septim that was thought to be of dragon blood
Anonymous4(2): Well the septims all had dragon blood in them so therefore all of dovakiin's kids do. That means there are possibly dozens of new dragonborns coming from this thick dipshit's rape adventures. Really interesting implications for a porn comic.
Anonymous5: @Anon3
The entire bloodline of the Emperor is dead, not for the first time. What was constantly happening is the a Dragonborn would arise (canonically not all of them Human) and would use his gifts to take over the world. The Septims were just the last one to do so.
Dragonborn make great conquerors.
Anonymous6: HOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! HO-HOLY SH** when I looked in the comments section I literally laughed my knee off *seriously it did come off for some strange reason o_O*
Anonymous9: All races can breed with one another anon8 if you would have read the book racial physiology in skyrim you would know that the child will just be the same race as the mother with some traits as the father
Anonymous10: Dragonborn don't literally have Dragon blood in them. They are born with the soul of a Dragon, which is presumably stronger than a mortal's soul, and the ability to absorb other Dragon souls.
The line of Septims were all part of a bargain made with Akatosh to protect the world against the gates of Oblivion.
Anonymous16: most races can definetly interbreed, elves and nedes, Imperials are all meant to be crossbred bastards, not sure if argonians and khajit could breed out, but an orc's just an ugly elf cursed when trinimac got eaten, nice pick... and bretons who a nedes with some elven blood are said to have dragon blood in older games.
Anonymous20: @viewer7: Yeah, but what better way to keep our phony and unrealistic "special snowflake" image up, than to routinely ascribe everything bad on to non-whites. It's like a drug or something for all too many whites. As a white guy, I can say that it's just embarrassing how desperate some of my fellow dudes are when they do this nonsense. It's like how people with low self-esteem look at themselves in front of the mirror in their bedroom and say "I'm a winner!" over and over.
Anonymous23: @Anonymous: he has none. The Septim dynasty ended with Martin. Since the amulet is defunct, no man of dragon blood has a claim to the throne.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Before the Septim dynasty there was the Reman dynasty, spanning for moar than 2000 years. Perhaps another amulet can be made for the Dovahkiin so he (or she, whatever) can rule the empire with righteous Akatosh protection. I mean, the first amulet WAS made. Another one can so as well.
Gotta write a fanfic about how the dovahkiin became Teh Emperor and song on his honor will be made, such as "I think the Empire is a pretty cool guy. eh kills the Thalmor, makes the Akaviri suck his chode and isn't afraid of anything."
The entire bloodline of the Emperor is dead, not for the first time. What was constantly happening is the a Dragonborn would arise (canonically not all of them Human) and would use his gifts to take over the world. The Septims were just the last one to do so.
Dragonborn make great conquerors.
The line of Septims were all part of a bargain made with Akatosh to protect the world against the gates of Oblivion.
It's one of the many perks of being the dragonborn.
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Gotta write a fanfic about how the dovahkiin became Teh Emperor and song on his honor will be made, such as "I think the Empire is a pretty cool guy. eh kills the Thalmor, makes the Akaviri suck his chode and isn't afraid of anything."
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