Anonymous4: @Anonymous: My apologies if I disappoint you, but shota and "pedoshit" happens to be what I draw most of the time, if you was really familiar with my drawings you would have noticed that before. Again, my apologies.
Anonymous8: I have recently gone on a Tarzan kick after seeing a stage show of it. This is hands down the most realistic, gripping, and beautiful pictures of young Tarzan I've seen. What makes it so amazing is that it is exciting, and kinds sexy/cute, without him being sexualized. Good fucking job Ekuhvielle!
Anonymous12: This is actually more realistic, because if he grew up around animals, wouldn’t he not have a sense of modesty about being naked in front of other animals?
cOME ON dude, your gay stuff was awesome.
@Anonymous: And proud.
@Anonymous: Thank you, it's a very old picture but I'm glad you like it.