Anonymous10: i found somethink while i was reading somethink on halopedia it says that the elites reproduce by layin an egg our so like a dophin our somethink whatever it said go onto google then type in halopedia then look up elites on it it will say after a bit of readin what im talkin about
Anon_Bass: actually yeah this is male, female sangheili have dreads like a yautja, and their mouths are only two piece mouths, instead of 4. Watch Halo Legends episode 2 for the appearance of a female.
Anonymous18: It's actually a male. By looking at elites and comparing them to reptiles, their festivals are inside their body, and the penis is too, until it erects and comes out of that "pussy crack"
Anonymous21: A: Elites are alien, and most likely give birth to live young. B: They have internal reproductive parts, and only fully open there mandables wheen breathing hard. C: Elites have toes, not hooves you asswipe :P
and its defiantly not the artists signature, fucktard
@EMPEROROCTAVARIUS Sangheili are an extratrestial equivilant of a saurian. :P
plus all sanghelli had that type of mouth as a civilian, even teh males
you can see the splits, the mouth pieces jsut remained closed because the animators were lazy
dreadlocks were present in males aswell
the split jaws are used to intimidate.