Anon_3dot141: @Anonymous: It's the name used in place of Poke'mon, since the accented "e" can't be typed out on keyboards with English letters only. And, because English is the language that Paheal expects its users to use, we use Porkyman instead of Poke'mon.
Anonymous8: @GoldenFuzzy: Thats true and untrue,at the sametime, hypnotism has alot to do with suggestions picked up by the unconcious mind and even when somebody is not in a trance state you can use cues in your language and gestures to manipulate people even in everyday life simply through the power of perception without awareness, there is a lot science and the left brain still dont understand about the true inner workings of the unconscious mind.
Anonymous10(9): @Anonymous: Eh buddy!You, uh, you gonna maybe shut up? This ain't! We of America ain't in the mood for dat hypno-sciencey shitz!
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