Anonymous8: i don't get why people take porn and such so seriously XD
crablouse seems to be doing this for shits and giggles XD
and frankly her art style is perfect for this XD
it's rediculous and silly i enjoy it :l
Anonymous11(1): Minus the emoticons, I agree with Anon 7. You can't really take things too seriously. Porn is meant to be fun. I always aspire to be a little tongue-in-cheek but not detract from the hotness of a given picture.
Anonymous18: @aquaticInheritor: here to remind anyone who stumbles across this that this specific person in 2015 didnt understand why comments exist on this kind of stuff
crablouse seems to be doing this for shits and giggles XD
and frankly her art style is perfect for this XD
it's rediculous and silly i enjoy it :l