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TagsCupid, Rouge_the_Bat, Scificat, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(series), Valentine's_Day, cosplay, featured_image
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Info1280x1094 // 1.3MB // jpg
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Spike1996: hit me with your rhythm stick
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trev-head: It's a trap!
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Anonymous1: perfect
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DIMONition: wellll done
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Anonymous2: Nice thing that we are now away from the corona virus image
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Anonymous3: I like to get naked fill my pool with beans jump in and pretend I'm a hotdog sausage. Is that weird
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Anonymous4: I remember when I saw this image for the first time in 2013 when I was 19 and I was a virgin. Now I'm 26 years old and I'm still a virgin.
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Anonymous5: That's a great way to break a bow
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Anonymous6: virgin ahhahahaahhahaha hire a prostitute or something u sad virgin
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Anonymous7: A normal picture for once. Thank god
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Anonymous8(6): 'oh no im a nerd emo virgin, girls doesnt like me, im fat and emo and nerd so im a virgen' hire a prostitete, they dont care as long as you have a penis if you pay them they will let you fuck them and suck ur fat nerd penis cuz they are gross
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Anonymous9(6): my father actually owned a brothel for some time lol im so proud my dad was a pimp
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Shedy: @Anonymous: Not that far off tbh.
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Shedy: Unholy fuck, I can comment again.
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Anonymous10: Hell, at least you're a virgin, still very much aware of the self-improvement you need to, can, and will achieve. Better than divorced - to have loved and lost it! Happy Singles Awareness Day!
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Anonymous11: God finally we move on from the fucking corona one.
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Anonymous12: Cute
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TBOI-Pornheaven664: Cute and amazing at the same time
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Anonymous13: I hate furries please take this down now!
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Anonymous14: Sex with preteens is awkward the first time because they always look away or keep their eyes closed which makes it hard to read faces.
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YoloSwag69: Hey medic i like valentines day. Valentines day? More like GAYlentines Day *KAVDJSHSHSVSBASVQSVSHSHWNQIASIAHAHU*
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Anonymous15: This is clever of them to have this image featured today. Not only is it Valentine's Day, but also the Sonic movie premieres todau.
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Anonymous16: Valentine's Day + Sonic Movie Day = This

And I'm all for it!!!
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DarkAtHeart: This movie is going to be so bad LOL
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Violetty: @DarkAtHeart: To my surprise I actually kinda liked it.
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: shut up
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TheDR: @Anonymous: That makes it more fun, also makes it harder for the surviving ones to identify you.
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Zvantastika: ~Happy Valentines day, also Sonic the movie day~
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Anonymous18: The coronavirus
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KeybladeMaster22: @DarkAtHeart: The reviews say otherwise.
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Anonymous19: 2013 Lol
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Anonymous20: So fucking sexy Uwu
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GamerHippo: finally something good featured
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Farfegnugen: Been told by a couple of people this kid's movie is actually pretty damn good. And hey, we got 90's Carey back so bonus there.
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Anonymous21: Holy shit, something actually good gets featured?
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Anonymous22: >Valentines day
>STH movie premiere
>Corona virus (bats, lol)

This is a fucking jackpot
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Apis_Number_01_Fan: Good idea. :D
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Anonymous23: Three great features in a row. Fucking based mods.
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Anonymous24: I haven't seen a drawing of the Sonic franchise in highlights for a long time
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Anonymous25: I must be getting old, my first thought was "That bow string is going to take her nipples clean off and smack really hard into her thighs if she lets go."
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Rat: @Zvantastika: Best feature paheal ever had.
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Anonymous26: Gimmie back Corona-Chan!!
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Zvantastika: @Rat: I'm not sure about that buddy >>629741
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Anonymous27: It's not Razor Wire #32, that's not how any of this works.
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Anonymous28: too late. stay in after school fool!
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Anonymous29: Happy Valentine's day, and I hope that all fabulous and successful Africans die on this wonderful day... Virgins...
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Anonymous30: Bruh this image is actually well drawn
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Hentailicker93: I guess it's feauted for two reasons the new sonic movie (from what I have seen is only funny because of Jim Carrey) and Valentine's day ofc.
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Hentailicker93: @Anonymous: the racism is at the top here. that's why I "love" being here. ^^
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Enderman_Gray: You can't eat bat, you could get infected from Coronavirus
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Anonymous31: @Anonymous: what a faggot
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Anonymous32: yall good?
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YoloSwag69: Why did the chicken cross the road? a man has fallen into the river in lego city! *maniacal laugh*
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Anonymous33: I'm good Anon 39 thank you for asking. I haven't talked with the wife in 5 months it has been rough man but you know what they say you cant make an omellete without squishing a few lemons and I gotta tell you I squished a lot of lemons in my time. I dont know if Jesus will ever forgive me for the things i did and am still gonna, though pappa always told me to keep your chin up and your dick out for Rouge pussy regardless of the circumstances of the past future and present. keep it real my kings
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Anonymous34: @Anonymous: what a funny joke
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Golden_Experience_Requiem: No.
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JaxRhapsody: I forgot how hot she was.
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Nightweaver20xx: Yes, furry degeneracy is back in control of the board.
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Anonymous35: How the fuck does this artist think bows work? There's zero tension on those limbs, Rouge is literally just holding a loose string. 0/10 absolutely unfapable
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Anonymous36: attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African

This has been your token racist comment for the new featured image. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
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Anonymous37: I have become... he who fucks bats.
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Anonymous38: @Anonymous: so, many other people do like it, if you don't like it, ignore it
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: Since when do cartoons obey the laws of physics? Watch a Road Runner cartoon, especially when he comes to an instant dead stop at 600 miles an hour.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Or when Wile E. Coyote gets mashed by a 50-ton boulder and shrugs it off.
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Anonymous39: @DarkAtHeart: How do you feel that the movied did pretty well?
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Anonymous40: Fuck ass African people
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Anonymous41(40): African schools starving african children fortnite apex legends call of duty pubg 360 noscope mlg kush 42069 dorito mountain dew Air Jordan's Nike Calvin Klein Adidas Under Armour Reebok
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Anonymous42: We didn't start the fire
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Anonymous43: @Anonymous: we didn't start the fire, it's always burning and the times are turning, what do I have to say, we didn't start the fire
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Anonymous44: @Anonymous: well hey at least it was not in a
Plastic sandwich bag do not ask
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Teenjenny: I love rouge <3
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Mastersword88: Finally, image of the day or whatever that I actually like.
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LizzieLink: Ohhhh, I'd love to cosplay this <3 My tits are just the right size.
Damn, this got me real horny. I'll trade your cumtributes of my future cosplay for ass/tit/pussy pics of mine :3 Discord is Link#5554
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Anonymous45: God, please, if you exist come kill this entire world in the most painful way you can.
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Anonymous46: @Anonymous: Sadly he may be granting your wish with that accursed Coronavirus.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: Why not just kill yourself painfully? It'll be the same from your perspective.
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Anonymous47: @Anonymous: Are you seriously trying to roast someone on a porn site? You must have the worst self confidence issues. I honestly feel bad for you, I really do.
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Anonymous48: @trev-head: Why? I don't see a penis anywhere
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Violetty: @Anonymous: Trev probably means that if you stand in front of her you're probably going to get shot.
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Anonymous49: That bow wouldn't fire at all her tits and legs are in the way. If she released that string it would tear her nipples off and then run into her legs
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Wolflover99: The eyes, holy shit the eyes
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IceGod: @Anonymous: same

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