Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. Uploadercinnacherry, February 16, 2013; 17:45TagsAntonio_Fernandez_Carriedo, Axis_Powers_Hetalia, Lovino_Vargas, Spain, romano, south_italySource LinkUnknownLockedNoInfo502x691 // 138KB // jpg February 17, 2013; 03:58 - Reply LunchMoney: Why does that red head have horns? What is he? March 10, 2013; 10:26 - Reply Anonymous1: @LunchMoney: Sweet devil version of Romano. ;) June 30, 2017; 09:47 - Reply Anonymous2: @LuchMoney @Anon1 He's a bull. Report an ad?
He's a bull.