Anonymous6(1): @Anonymous: Actually from the thumbnail you can't tell if it's futa or not and assume not based on the previous ones like that... and I wasn't being (completely) serious with my previous comment, so relax and stop projecting nonsense.
Adding to @Anonymous: Just as retarded as right-wing morons ironically. Moderates unite! :D
Marm: @Anonymous: Hey I posted the non futa version first, obviously this is just for people who like futa. Why would I post the same animation again with just a slightly different angle?
i_hate_haters: @Marm: Don't bother catering to the homophobes and futa-haters. You post what you want to, don't let anyone make you think your work needs to be changed.
Anonymous11: i don't mind futa is sort of a stepping stone when solo girl or lesbian gets dull. its all these pics with a girls head or hand and a full male that annoys me. i am hear to fap to nude chicks not a guys junk
Anonymous13(1): @Marm: Maybe because you improved the animations, added better boob jiggle or something? :P My point still stands; it wasn't obvious (as you falsely claim) from the thumbnail and fact that you posted similar that wasn't futa.
Anonymous14(1): @i_hate_haters: Why the projection, where have I shown hate towards homosexuality or futa? None exists in any of my comments, so you must be delusional.
Anonymous15: @Anonymous: Oh no, you couldn't tell what it was so you wasted a precious two seconds on a picture you didn't. So get over yourself and move on to other images. Good lord.
Anonymous22: Really? Are you cunts that fucking stupid you have to shit your pants like a retard every time you see an image you don't like? Seriously you sound so fucking piss weak it's a wonder you're even legal fucking age. You sound like some priest's cock whore baby boy in Sunday School, that's how much of a bitch's cunt you sound.
Cane751: Q: Do you like lesbian strap-on porn or futa?
A: Both.
Q: What does a woman look like when she puts on a strap-on?
A: A futa.
Q: What's a futa?
A: A fictional female character with a penis. There's more than one type of futa.
Q: Does liking futa make/turn you gay?
A: No, it doesn't. That's just a stupid notion. Does watching two women fuck each other with strap-ons make you crave men?
Q: Is futa more natural than strap-ons?
A: Yes, and here's why I think so:
The female characters aren't actually male. Dildos/Strap-ons are nothing but fake dongs and can't actually "feel" the experience. Futa on futa/female is like girl on girl where the penetrator can actually "feel" it. All it does is repalce the man for a hot girl instead. I like strap-on & futa hentai, but futa makes it hotter imo.
^That's why I like futa. If you rather see dicks on guys than futa you're either:
- A female who doesn't understand this fetish.
- A male who prefers seeing cocks on other males rather than futa, and THINKS he can call futa lovers "gay".
So you're a male who prefers seeing dicks only on males? ...Umm yeah, there's nothing gay about that. You trolls are so ignorant and narrow-minded. So many people with a limited imagination.
Anonymous24(4): If you're so insecure and sexually frustrated that you have to come in my porn and tell me what my sexuality is, then I'm pretty sure you need to crawl your way out of diapers, pull the dildo out of your ass and go find a cult community to hide yourself away in.
Thumper: @Cane751: fixate on this, you fight for it as though it's endangered, as though it's going out of style. There's no slack in production of futa here; and, this site is devoted to a wide variety of tastes, learn to tolerate a few critics. When you show that you don't tolerate others, you're showing you don't deserve to be tolerated yourself.
Anonymous25: Oh for fucks sake you're too fucking retarded not to troll futa images aren't you? Come on fuckface, for once in your miserable fucking lives grow a pair and admit it.
Anonymous26: @Thumper: So, you like trolls.. It really sounds like you're defending these retarded trolls. I'm pretty sure Cane just likes putting those asshats in their place. Regardless what type of image it is... NOBODY likes a whining troll. Shemales aren't actual futa, there's a difference. Did you miss the part where he said "fictional female characters" and "hentai"? So your post is irrelevant.
i_hate_haters: @Anonymous: I wasn't citing you, i was refering to Anons 1,2, 8, and all the other dumbasses who have to make themselves feel more secure about their sexuality by putting down all those who don't agree with their sexual preferences.
Thumper: @Anonymous: lmao, a post is irrelevant when no-one anywhere agrees with it. thanks for playing god and telling us all whats what. I'm not defending 'trolls', I defend their right to have an opinion, the right to be critical in what amounts to an internet arthouse. porn, yes, but still the majority of the work here is all done by artists, of various talents. some works are done for lust, some for lulz, but all are posted in the spirit of 'what do you think of this?'. Your favorite style is criticized and you not only take it personally, but you start waving your freak flag and cry 'racism', 'sexism', 'homophobia' and whatever else fool labels you can condemn us with. grow the fuck up, critics are like a validation of art. art is meant to inspire a variety of emotions, of perpectives; your 'haters' are just one shade in the 'rainbow of expression' that is the very soul of 'art'.
Anonymous27: @Thumper: These so called "critics" you're trying to defend are nothing more than trolls (most likely underage people who don't belong on this site) just looking to stir something up. You're trying to tell me that they (trolls) have a right to comment?
But you're talking to Cane like he doesn't have that same right to express his opintions. There's a difference between being a critic and just being a plain dumbass. You're a fucking hypocrite, Thumper.
Anonymous28(11): i love that people diss futa and put it down but no one cares about the gore pics we have littering rule34 or all the loli pics where the offical media claims they are underage
Thumper: @Anonymous: now, you're right. As I posted my original comment here, I saw I had initially clicked the reply to cane button. My post had turned into something else by the time I had posted however. (I guess whatever cane had posted just wasn't enough to hold my attention, lol..) anyhow, I stand by my post as a generic statement to the futa-'defenders' here.
Anonymous29: @Thumper: Please enlighten us as to how someone devolving into a spastic, shit-throwing, retarded monkey while tearing into based completely on subjective tastes qualifies as criticism. And what's more they're stated as objective fact, not opinions.
"Those chocolate chip cookies you made had too many chips for me."
"Fuck you chocolate chip cookies suck!"
Notice a difference? The latter is nothing more than an opinion labeled as fact with no supporting points or reasons as to why they feel that way. It's not criticism, it's simply shitkicking.
It's also quite amusing how the only fetish around here that has to put up with this shit is the futanari one. Every time something like this is posted it gets inundated with people who are prime examples of the above, have no understanding of human sexuality, or are complete and utterly shameless hypocrites that have no problems embracing other fetishes like bestiality, gore, underage, rape, etc. Hell, futanari is tame compared to some of that stuff, yet it still has mouth-breathing retards fuming at it 24/7.
I can't help but think you simply play devil's advocate simply for its own sake or because you yourself harbor a dislike for futanari. There's nothing wrong with the latter, but standing up for "criticism" when it's nothing but shit tossing simply because it quietly falls in line with your beliefs is not in any way constructive and no amount of patting yourself on the back is going to make it so. I can't help but notice that your ire is only ever directed at those flinging back at the haters.
Thumper: ^(I actually read all this), in responding you fuel the lulz, moron. futanari buffs, (the vocal ones), are generally self-absorbed assholes, desperately looking for disapproval/opposition to fuel their 'victimhood status'. In claiming the mantle of victim, they justify their emo-tion based line of rationality. (They don't use logic, they use emotional/reactionary outbursts based on hurt feelings). 'Political Correctness' is based on not hurting somebody's feelings, so when their feelings are hurt they're justified in becoming aggressive. In defending themselves they become heroes in their own PC narrow-minded view of the world. This vicious circle is a stagnant wasteland, devoid of genuine thought. It's a deviant mindset, an evolutionary backwash.
Anonymous30(29): @Thumper:Name a fetish whose vocal fans aren't self-absorbed assholes Thumper, you're just running on cherry-picked semantics here.
You also seem to ignore that a lot of the people who detest futanari around here do nothing but what you're describing. Look at the very first post here and try to tell me how that isn't an emotional/reactionary outburst? How the fuck is violently shouting faggot and telling everyone that their fetish sucks anything but devoid of genuine thought? Please tell me how whining assholes showing up in comment sections to pictures with obvious futanari content to voice their indignation is anything but the fueling of a victimhood status? Please tell me how a bunch of retards who do not understand human sexuality lashing out at everyone who likes something they don't is anything but reacting on self-absorbed hero complexes?
Speaking of hero complex, you've got quite a nasty one yourself. See, you attribute all those things to futanari fans, but completely ignore the asshats on the other side with the very (and quite obvious I should mention) thin veneer of advocating criticism simply because you don't like it. Be fucking honest Thumper, no one gives a shit if you don't like it. In case you haven't noticed the people who act like adults about their dislike don't get angry responses. Criticism by definition also includes counter-arguments to initial criticism but you're too busy defending the lowest common denominator to notice so you make up "victimhood" bullshit to package and sell your double-standards. Deep down you don't give a shit about artistic criticism, you just don't like futanari and you're perfectly willing to defend whatever silly or illogical utterance that perfectly fits your own definition of "evolutionary backwash" because of your own bias. Your opening parenthetical statement makes this obvious before even reading the rest of your post.
Thumper: "Be fucking honest Thumper, no one gives a shit if you don't like it"., I honestly don't mind it, it's a part of the site, I've cracked jokes in futa threads. I'm not a fan, cause I'm not into dicks; That having been said, I don't see you have an argument here past attacking my previous post. so you make up "victimhood" bullshit to package and sell your double-standards. See, in your mind I've been classed as 'hater', so here we go with the standard reaction to a hater; I'm 'irrational', 'worthless', 'mean', to be attacked. You're in the 'avenging hero' mode of your dementia, sorting out the haters, the phobics, secure in your position as the victim, etc. your reply shows this in that there is no argument there, no reason for me to go on with this. I'm left responding to the defense of my post, not to any 'argument', you have no point to make other than 'they suck, you suck, you're the one who..' whatever. I'm not going to reply to this again, I'll leave you with the last word. prove me wrong.
Anonymous31(29): @Thumper: I'm lumping you in with the haters because you haven't given anyone any reason not to up to this point. Your criticism is directed solely at those who fling shit back at them, but not them when the criteria of your disdaining them fits both parties equally. How is anyone to make any other assumption when here and in other comment sections you've routinely sided with the haters, defending their opinions as valid "criticism," but labeling all responses as "victimhood complexes."
And if you really think about that, where does the victimhood complex really lie then if anyone engaging a hater is automatically the things you say they are? How does defending the instigator, but lambasting the response to such make any sense within your own definition of what the hell the victimhood complex is supposed to be? Right now it kind of looks like you're the one with the victimhood complex, defending the poor helpless people who can't stand futanari but venture off to it anyway from those evil fans who are sick and tired of all the trolling. You're doing it right now with me because I called out the fact that your derision is always one-sided and when making assumptions on that fact you try to make me the villain by lumping you in with a crowd you've done nothing but defend.
You've still to answer any of the questions I asked about how the haters you stand up for have any difference to the scathing condemnation you had for fans and that is the crux of the argument because yours was built on accepting valid criticism, but only seemingly from one side. And you know very well when I say hater I don't mean those who actually voice a goddamn opinion without acting like it's objective fact or insulting people, I've specified that many times, and yet you act like any attempt to combat haters is synonymous with trying to silence all dissenting opinion. That's disingenuous and it should come as no surprise that a number of people here have found that purely hypocritical. Just like you accusing everyone else of playing the victim only to do it better than anyone else here. Just like your one-sided stance on the validity of criticism but not any criticism returned.
I don't have to prove you wrong on anything. You've done it yourself by ignoring any point anyone has made for the sake of whining about how horrible futanari fans are.
Thumper: @Anonymous: yeah, I'm fucked up. moron. My time here was spent arguing that both sides be allowed their opinions, allowed to speak regardless. T.s.'s time was spent saying they should be shut down and have no right to speak. And, when attacked, I attacked those attacking me. You fucks want to have your cake, eat it, and use the leftover icing to lube your daisychain-analfuck, too. Everyone deserves a voice, the minute anyone is shut down for volume or degree, it takes from us all. Heh, and no, I'm not mad..
Anonymous36(35): I don't have to do shit. I just thought it was lulzworthy that you come back after over a week to be a bitch. Were I to become some namefag like you that would be what I'd tell you.
Anonymous40: why is everbody so asshurt about this i mean you click on the picture see its futa say to yourself no thats not what im looking for and go away.
Anonymous43: Man the comments here are a fucking warzone. Just to spur it again though, the thumbnail makes it clear Zoey has a dick between those legs
Why don't you go run back to your right-winged hate group where you belong. The internet doesn't need either of you.
Adding to @Anonymous: Just as retarded as right-wing morons ironically. Moderates unite! :D
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Nice one.
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Yeah it's something like that.
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A: Both.
Q: What does a woman look like when she puts on a strap-on?
A: A futa.
Q: What's a futa?
A: A fictional female character with a penis. There's more than one type of futa.
Q: Does liking futa make/turn you gay?
A: No, it doesn't. That's just a stupid notion. Does watching two women fuck each other with strap-ons make you crave men?
Q: Is futa more natural than strap-ons?
A: Yes, and here's why I think so:
The female characters aren't actually male. Dildos/Strap-ons are nothing but fake dongs and can't actually "feel" the experience. Futa on futa/female is like girl on girl where the penetrator can actually "feel" it. All it does is repalce the man for a hot girl instead. I like strap-on & futa hentai, but futa makes it hotter imo.
^That's why I like futa. If you rather see dicks on guys than futa you're either:
- A female who doesn't understand this fetish.
- A male who prefers seeing cocks on other males rather than futa, and THINKS he can call futa lovers "gay".
So you're a male who prefers seeing dicks only on males? ...Umm yeah, there's nothing gay about that. You trolls are so ignorant and narrow-minded. So many people with a limited imagination.
Flawless Victory
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But you're talking to Cane like he doesn't have that same right to express his opintions. There's a difference between being a critic and just being a plain dumbass. You're a fucking hypocrite, Thumper.
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"Those chocolate chip cookies you made had too many chips for me."
"Fuck you chocolate chip cookies suck!"
Notice a difference? The latter is nothing more than an opinion labeled as fact with no supporting points or reasons as to why they feel that way. It's not criticism, it's simply shitkicking.
It's also quite amusing how the only fetish around here that has to put up with this shit is the futanari one. Every time something like this is posted it gets inundated with people who are prime examples of the above, have no understanding of human sexuality, or are complete and utterly shameless hypocrites that have no problems embracing other fetishes like bestiality, gore, underage, rape, etc. Hell, futanari is tame compared to some of that stuff, yet it still has mouth-breathing retards fuming at it 24/7.
I can't help but think you simply play devil's advocate simply for its own sake or because you yourself harbor a dislike for futanari. There's nothing wrong with the latter, but standing up for "criticism" when it's nothing but shit tossing simply because it quietly falls in line with your beliefs is not in any way constructive and no amount of patting yourself on the back is going to make it so. I can't help but notice that your ire is only ever directed at those flinging back at the haters.
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You also seem to ignore that a lot of the people who detest futanari around here do nothing but what you're describing. Look at the very first post here and try to tell me how that isn't an emotional/reactionary outburst? How the fuck is violently shouting faggot and telling everyone that their fetish sucks anything but devoid of genuine thought? Please tell me how whining assholes showing up in comment sections to pictures with obvious futanari content to voice their indignation is anything but the fueling of a victimhood status? Please tell me how a bunch of retards who do not understand human sexuality lashing out at everyone who likes something they don't is anything but reacting on self-absorbed hero complexes?
Speaking of hero complex, you've got quite a nasty one yourself. See, you attribute all those things to futanari fans, but completely ignore the asshats on the other side with the very (and quite obvious I should mention) thin veneer of advocating criticism simply because you don't like it. Be fucking honest Thumper, no one gives a shit if you don't like it. In case you haven't noticed the people who act like adults about their dislike don't get angry responses. Criticism by definition also includes counter-arguments to initial criticism but you're too busy defending the lowest common denominator to notice so you make up "victimhood" bullshit to package and sell your double-standards. Deep down you don't give a shit about artistic criticism, you just don't like futanari and you're perfectly willing to defend whatever silly or illogical utterance that perfectly fits your own definition of "evolutionary backwash" because of your own bias. Your opening parenthetical statement makes this obvious before even reading the rest of your post.
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And if you really think about that, where does the victimhood complex really lie then if anyone engaging a hater is automatically the things you say they are? How does defending the instigator, but lambasting the response to such make any sense within your own definition of what the hell the victimhood complex is supposed to be? Right now it kind of looks like you're the one with the victimhood complex, defending the poor helpless people who can't stand futanari but venture off to it anyway from those evil fans who are sick and tired of all the trolling. You're doing it right now with me because I called out the fact that your derision is always one-sided and when making assumptions on that fact you try to make me the villain by lumping you in with a crowd you've done nothing but defend.
You've still to answer any of the questions I asked about how the haters you stand up for have any difference to the scathing condemnation you had for fans and that is the crux of the argument because yours was built on accepting valid criticism, but only seemingly from one side. And you know very well when I say hater I don't mean those who actually voice a goddamn opinion without acting like it's objective fact or insulting people, I've specified that many times, and yet you act like any attempt to combat haters is synonymous with trying to silence all dissenting opinion. That's disingenuous and it should come as no surprise that a number of people here have found that purely hypocritical. Just like you accusing everyone else of playing the victim only to do it better than anyone else here. Just like your one-sided stance on the validity of criticism but not any criticism returned.
I don't have to prove you wrong on anything. You've done it yourself by ignoring any point anyone has made for the sake of whining about how horrible futanari fans are.
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