boxforty: @Anonymous: As usual it won't be anytime soon, they're sketching up a big piece right now that's only a bit more complex than they usually draw.
Anonymous5: @bixforty I got my time 3-5 hours a day lol other than that I just playing dota,lol or tf2. And I still waiting for your work too, This work I just draw to practicing my skill, your work is way more better than me thought :)
boxforty: @V4Vendetta: (It isn't 'my' work >.<), Most of the time it's more than one guy working on an image, one to draw the sketch, and one to paint.
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Invoker fucks behind: What the hell, Magina? Srsly?!
Invoker: Magic SUCKS!
Rubick: YOU SUCK!
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I did try to mention @boxforty:. Sorry @PDG: :(