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Okay_with_this: Those are some big ass ears
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Lapp: I mean, he'll only ever get pegged, unless he marries an orca or some shit. Poor guy. :(
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MikeOShay: NOT BIG ENOUGH. We've reached fishing rod length, we need girder length.
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Roflcakes: Guys... Ponies are made out of pliable marshmallow, he can hilt that thing in her without a problem.
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Thumper: @Roflcakes: I'm figuring more of a 'circus peanut' type of marshmallow..
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bAv-R34: Something tells me that if Snails /did/ have a rod that big, FemSnails's vagoo would be like,
...I dunno, the fuckin' Marina Trench or some shit.
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Anonymous1: But in that case she'd have an appropriate body length. So she's probably just very stretchy.
But then again, almost every pony is, so what the hell gives?
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Thumper: mayhaps an illusion? it seems to be a surprise..

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