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Voslar: Oh God damn it! Chrysalis is like a sapient pony STD. Enjoying hot sex with your waifu? Ha ha, no you weren't, and now you get to have the life force sucked right out of you.
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posted4you: Anytime Crissy. X_X
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Lapp: @Voslar: *Stares down*
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Darklife: And this is the reason Crissy is my waifu.
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Lapp: @Darklife: *Salutes*
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posted4you: @Voslar: Fortunately, Chrysalis has learned that it is better to "sip" from the cup of love, rather than gulp it dry. That is what I believe, and you can't change my mind. So there! Nyah! :p
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Seethe: @Voslar: 90% of the time I see someone use the word sapient, sentient would be a much better fit. They mean nearly the same thing but its really the square rectangle argument. A square is a rectangle but a rectangle may not be a square. Sentient is the catch all and thusly better for common use.
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Chef_Retardee: @Seethe: Now, how do we speak about 'conscious'?
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MikeOShay: So wait, this is supposed to be Chrysalis, right? Someone should probably add the tag, I think she's usually tagged as well as the character if it's her in disguise, if I'm not mistaken.
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PinkBallons: Chrysalis can break those cuffs.
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Voslar: @PinkBallons: But Discord can't.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
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Anonymous1: You're welcome. Now shut up and change into Octavia. I ain't having the life sucked right out of me for nothing, you know.
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Vicarious_Reality: Did she just cut a finger thick chain with her magic? God damn
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CannonBall1850: It's a Trap!!
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Anonymous2: @Chef Retardee: what separates humans from monkeys in intelligence is as far as i know 1. the amount and 2. our theory of mind. i think it is the ponies having these that makes their thoughts seem human-like, since there is no good way to measure their level of intelligence it would be best to call them instead "ponies with a theory of mind" instead of "sentient ponies" but lacking such a long definition, "conscious ponies" is the closest equivalent i can find
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Anonymous3: I wow like did not know it was you

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