Anonymous4: I take it, before Eva's body became EDI's, The Illusive Man left her with a parting gift, his child. And now after the transition, Joker has to help EDI raise TIM's child... :/ Well that's how I see it...
LuvDaArt: @Anonymous: I hope to hell you are wrong!
@ganonking: Agreed, this makes sense after choosing the synthesis ending, but I only did that once as well as the control ending and then always picked the destroy ending...I just love to blow shit up in video games.
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On a related note: HOW IN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN!?
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@ganonking: Agreed, this makes sense after choosing the synthesis ending, but I only did that once as well as the control ending and then always picked the destroy ending...I just love to blow shit up in video games.