Anonymous1: What the fuck is this?
This has totally nothing of a Celebi or Mew...
Screw this new pokémon bastard shit,
screw it. Since Porkyman platinum was out
it all got worse and worse... Screw this new shit!
Anonymous4: I remember doing an art trade with insomniacovrlrd some years ago. He's definitely improved a lot.
Anon1, you'd rather see porn of Mew and Celebi? What shit taste.
This has totally nothing of a Celebi or Mew...
Screw this new pokémon bastard shit,
screw it. Since Porkyman platinum was out
it all got worse and worse... Screw this new shit!
Anon1, you'd rather see porn of Mew and Celebi? What shit taste.
- Reply
Lucario, m8s.
Gotta love mes some Lucario.
X No tail.
X No fur.
X Spike on chest.
Three strikes, ur out.