Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Apparently, in the Disney Universe, the anthromorphic characters(Mickey and Minnie, Goofy, Peg Leg Pete, Max, P.J, etc, all either have tails, OR, once had them, but, through accident, or, design, had them removed. I'd guess many parents use this as a coming of age thing, where, when a child comes of age, or, starts walking, usually do it, marking them OUT, of their baby-years! In some more primitive, for want of a better term, when someone reaches a certain time in their lives, boys become men, through certain trials and practices, including, Circumcision. There's also something similar, for girls, including the equivalence of female circumcision!
Anonymous9(8): @Anonymous: Apparently, in the Disney Universe, the anthromorphic characters(Mickey and Minnie, Goofy, Peg Leg Pete, Max, P.J, etc, all either have tails, OR, once had them, but, through accident, or, design, had them removed. I'd guess many parents use this as a coming of age thing, where, when a child comes of age, or, starts walking, usually do it, marking them OUT, of their baby-years! In some more primitive, for want of a better term, societies, when someone reaches a certain time in their lives, boys become men, through certain trials and practices, including, Circumcision. There's also something similar, for girls, including the equivalence of female circumcision!
Anonymous10(8): @Anonymous: Apparently, in the Disney Universe, the anthromorphic characters(Mickey and Minnie, Goofy, Peg Leg Pete, Max, P.J, etc, all either have tails, OR, once had them, but, through accident, or, design, had them removed. I'd guess many parents use this as a coming of age thing, where, when a child comes of age, or, starts walking, usually do it, marking them OUT, of their baby-years! In some more primitive, for want of a better term, societies, when someone reaches a certain time in their lives, boys become men, through certain trials and practices, including, Circumcision. There's also something similar, for girls, including the equivalence of female circumcision! In the Loony Tunes Universe, usually, ALL the characters, anthromorphic or not, USUALLY, have their tails, with the few that DON'T, either NEVER having had them, or, the lack of a tail, being the result of accident, or, design, a character that had one, being divested of said appendage, intentionally!
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