Anonymous2: Isn't that other character Milo the skunk or one of those Thundercats because the brown character is twisting on the tip of my tongue but can't remember where i seen em.
Anonymous10: @Anon5 First, fix your goddamn grammar, Second, this is the worst of Palcomix, third, you are too young to be here, and finally, go back to bed, it is way past your bedtime, kid.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: That's PalComics for you. ESL... well, that generally doesn't come up to being able to make love in English with native speakers... true, you've really mastered a language when you can do that, but such fluency is the gift of but a relative few -- the genuine bilinguals.
Anonymous17: I'm really disappointed that this is the only porn of Mr. Russard. I've actually watched the show (far better than you would expect) and he seems like one of the most paheal worthy characters, along with Alfred's mom.
Nowadays MU's image quality is crap.