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UploaderTRNO, avatar
TagsLegend_of_Zelda, Link, Super_Smash_Bros., TRNO, Wii_Fit, Wii_Fit_Trainer
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Info1500x1500 // 416KB // png
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TRNO: This is a WIP.
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FlamingAnon: Can't wait for the finished version
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Fadez: lol
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Anonymous1: No. This is awesome.
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Anony-Miss: Amazing so far! :)
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hfc2x: And this is the reason these are the 2 characters I'm using once the game comes out.
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Anonymous2: A few weeks before E3, a man sat at his computer, looking for porn, and suddenly thought "I wish there was more porn of the Wii Fit girl."

Then his phone rang and his assistant said "Have you thought of any characters for the new Smash Bros, Mr. Sakurai?"
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junkblade: To quote Sterling Archer's ringtone "black & white butts!"
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appealus: Mulatto Butts!
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Anonymous3: think twice before bending and stretching while wearing skin tight pants in front of a man who is constantly risking his life for a bunch of teasing sluts and getting nothing for his efforts... then maybe this won't happen.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: 1. Are you really trying to blame the fucking victim for being raped? The Wii Fit Trainer had it coming because Link didn't have any self control? I think no.
2. Zelda is not a teasing slut. Link can save the entire universe twice and not a single person is obligated to sleep with him. If some paramedic dude saved your life after a car crash, only to take you to his house and fuck you, you wouldn't be okay with that, now would you?
I know this isn't the website to discuss rape culture, but this is what the media is saying, and it needs to stop.
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: You came to the wrong site for your imaginary rape crimes, go back to your tumblr with the rest of the mentally challenged "otherkins", where you are free to bitch and moan about your fantasy rape culture.
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Thank you. The brainless dudebro fuckwits on this site are honestly depressing and I would not want to be anywhere near one of those festering pustules of humanity in real life, since they clearly have no concept of 'consent'.
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champofgalacticretards: We need more female users and LESS trolling male anons and newbies
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Knockers: Now now, Wii Fit Trainer, don't you know that a good sex romp exercises your entire body and burns a lot of energy? Plus it's a wonderful way to relieve stress and tension, and the endorphins leave you happy and satisfied for a while afterward.

And you get the most out of sex if the partners switch positions during it, letting the lady get on top and vigorously ride and the hunk be on top and vigorously thrust :3~
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: yes it is clearly obvious she got rapped because link didn't have any self control, if not nothing would have happened.

the paramedic is getting paid...

link ends working as a farmer most of the time... he should try to go and conker the world every now and then...

rape culture is horrible, but link is a dangerous and sexually starved man, he is a latent criminal, thus as the serial soon to transform into a serial rapist man that we all know he will one of this days for all that tease bye even the goddamn fairies, she should have known what was coming, i mean look at him it screams danger! i can't say she deserves it, but she must have wanted like trowing food at starved animal they are gonna eat it, and link there is a starved animal sexually speaking. there is even one game when the reward is for saving the world is a live hiding in a forest as the keeper of a sword...
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Error: Where do you people come from?
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Anonymous8: If she is being raped, then she is stupid. I would consent to Link.
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Anonymous9(5): @Cculber007: you shut your mouth, cat fucker.

@Anonymous: I didn't see any of you trolls bitching about her raping the poor villager. Once again the proletariat has to suffer, while white, privileged, American girls complain about porn not catering to their fantasy world.
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champofgalacticretards: @anon5: and additional information - anyone who is a female for replacing the position of "Anonymous5"
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Anonymous10(6): @Anonymous: I didn't SEE her raping the villager, I spend my time in the Zelda tag. But thanks for playing!
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Knockers: Would you trolling morons shut up about the fictional characters made of binary digital code having sex and just enjoy them having sex?
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Here here! Finally some sense from somebody on the internet.I'm pig sick of these internet airheads complaining about how hard they have it when they've never had to take two jobs just to feed their kids, and I bet they get nice expensive things for christmas too while my kids have to make do with cheap clothes.
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Anonymous12: @Anon 4
This is really the wrong site to get butthurt over. Not to mention theres plenty of gannondorf raping link porn and nobody seems to give a fuck about that. :P Just enjoy WFT and Link being hot.
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Anonymous13: I think that we can all agree that rape is bad and that rapists are bad people.

Now stop bitching.
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Anonymous14: meh. link should be the one getting raped
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Anonymous15: This is fetish porn, don't like it, get the fuck out.
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Anonymous16: link is a faggot
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Anonymous17: rape is awesome
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Anonymous18: the weak have no rights moral are a construct of society
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Anonymous19: It's probably a bit much to expect reasonable people who support womens' rights on a cartoon porn site. I mean there are some, but yeah
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Anonymous20(12): This don't even look like rape to me, she just looks suprised but is rolling with it.
Remember, WFT is strong as fuck so if she really didn't like it, she would run away/beat up link.
the artist was just trying to make a shitty joke to contextualize the picture.
Not to mention that it's a fictional image.
I can't believe I've written this on a porn site but hopefully it will divert the wrath of the social justice brigade.
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TRNO: Guys, c'mon. It's not a rape picture. It's much like what Anon 20 is saying.
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Anonymous21: I wish her breasts were a little smaller...
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Anonymous22(17): Shut the fuck up TRNO, you dumb fuck, it's rape! I don't care if you drew it, it's rape, rape that useless white bleached american privleged whore! Down with the women, dicks rule!!!
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Anonymous23: Anonymous22 never had a girlfriend:/
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Let's make you weak by cutting your throat with a busted bottle. Or a hamster on crack inside a glass tumbler pressed to any part of you that offends most.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Anybody who uses "proletariat" in serious conversation -- well, I wouldn't hire the man. Watch him through a scope with a reticle, more the thing. The invention of socialism killed 167,500,000 before their time, you know... they've got a lot to atone for, and they haven't started yet.
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Anonymous24: eyo ese dey just fucking meng
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Anonymous25: Rape that stupid fucking whore!
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Anonymous26: I hope you finish this one soon! It's fantastic.
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Tetragrammaton: @Urbane_Guerrilla: People kill people, I wouldn't hire a man that's been conditioned to believe a label kills another person, while instead not believing people aren't responsible for their actions individually.
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Anonymous27: I would loved to be raped by Link Mmmm.. Yes baby please~
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Anonymous28: Fuck I wish I could be raped. Especially by Link! That'd be hot
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Anonymous29(28): Fuck that stupid teasing bitch! Damn I wish I could be raped like that

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