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TagsBiosquare, Ellie_Williams, Joel_Miller, The_Last_of_Us
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Info797x1200 // 942KB // jpg
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Norton: Okay, the game's already out now. When are we gonna see Ellie via source filmmaker?
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Comixfan: @Norton: I've asked around, and I know some models are in the works for both Ellie and Joel. My guess is maybe another month, at most. Now, will they be quality? That's the real question...
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Norton: And will the mods delete them? That is another.
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Anonymous1: For fuck sake, she's 14. I thought rule34 doesn't allow child pornography.
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ArthurPhilipDent: Not a real person = not CP.
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ThePenetrator3000: @Anonymous: She's not real you moralist fuck. IF you actually gave a shit, you wouldn't be here the first place.
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fishmonger: @Anonymous: She clearly has the body of an adult. Let me ask you something... if I took the body of Christina Hendricks and Photoshopped a child's face over hers, would that be child porn? The correct answer is "no." And that's using a real woman with a real child's face, and here we are, looking at a completely fake person. This is in no way child pornography.
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Anonymous2: @fishmonger: Are you actually retarded or do you just put your bare ass on your keyboard and hope that no one notices you're typing complete shit? Of course that's illegal and considered child pornography, you fucking moron. The precedent was set nearly 3 years ago and even were it not, you'd need to be as mentally deficient as your mother was for not aborting you, if you think that juxtaposing an image of a real child onto an image that is sexually explicit is a punishable offense.
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Anonymous3: I like how people come on here/internet and try act all high and mighty to an object. SAVE THE CHILDREN!

Here is your cookie.. now get back to looking at that porn!
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Anonymous4: Yeah blow it deep inside this tight cunt of hers, fill her up!!
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Lonely_ASS: @Norton: Actually there won't be any Source Filmmaker stuff of The Last of Us. The reason is that PS3 games are nigh impossible to rip from. So as great as Source Filmmaker The Last of Us stuff would be, there's no chance of getting any, ever, unless Naughty Dogs suddenly decides to release it on Xbox or PC (which are rippable).
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Anonymous5: ^ You're wrong, there's plenty of PS3 game models floating about. You're wrong.
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Anonymous6: It's immoral to masturbate to a 14 year old girl, cartoon or not. It's not illegal to if it's a cartoon, but don't try and deny that it isn't immoral you edgy neckbeards
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Anonymous7: ^I wasn't going to fap, but now I have to, thanks to you, moralfag.
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Anonymous8: @anonymous6 im 14 i masurbate to this happily
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xana94: someone ip ban anon8
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Anonymous9: Implying IP bans aren't hard to get around.
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Anonymous10(9): Although that ass makes muh dick hard to get around.
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Anonymous11: As far as nature is concerned if shes has her period she's ready to make babies witch involves sex. She 14 and more than likely has already had her period. Its only society that makes you wait until shes 18 or whatever the legal age is where your from.
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Anonymous12(11): yeah stop trolling...wait...if you find this so morally wrong why the fuck are you even here. couldn't have found this unless you where looking.
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Anonymous13: I pictured Joel being much hairier, as for Ellie... STOP STEALING MY MAN >;o I love you both but Joel... PLEASE PUT DAT DICK IN MY BOOTY HOLE PLSSSSS
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Anonymous14: Who knows, Joel might've done this with his daughter.
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DrRule34: @Anonymous: Da fuck is wrong with you?
@Anonymous: Don't be a fuckin idiot. She I not real so it doesn't count.@Anonymous: Your a fucking idiot. This doesn't count cause it's not real. He's not real. She's not real. And if your o moral, why da fuck are you her? The other guys are right.
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Anonymous15: hey anonymous six, what if I am fourteen? :)
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Anonymous16: If you're not attracted to Ellie you're a fucking fairy. Any red-blooded male will get the instinct to fuck the shit outta that - and GET THIS!: we're fapping to an IDEA, not ACTUALLY FUCKING A 14 y/o girl you FUCKING DIPSHITS. FUCK OFF with your THOUGHT-POLICE bullshit.
Same kind of retardation as those biblebashing morons who try to "fix" homosexuals - just cos you don't want to imagine it's real ain't gonna suddenly make it so, just for your PC ass.
Just as a homosexual cannot deny his sexuality, neither can someone who finds 14 y/o's attractive.
THE RESPONSIBLE THING TO DO, is to INDEED fap to the IDEA of it, rather than turn it into reality, because the instinct ain't gonna go away either way.
Speak reality FFS, or GTFO Bitches ¬_¬
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Anonymous17: ^ nobody gives a fuck what anybody says or thinks on a fucking porn site. seriously, get the fuck off your soapbox and get your ipod stolen. be more like mitch. nobody cares.
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Lapp: Anon16 = trying desperately to rationalize thoughts he's uncomfortable having.

Anon16, no one's judging you, you fucking pedo babyrapist huge gay buttfaggot. <3
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Anonymous18(16): @Anon17: why the fuck you bothering to comment then? Fool. Another know-it-all trying to tell someone how to behave and think in their own privacy.
@Lapp: LOL yeah, that "makes sense" ¬_¬
I don't have a single problem with my own thoughts, dipshit. Re-read what I posted and you'll know that it's other people trying to tell others how and what to think that I have a problem with.
It's really VERY fucking simple: you don't like that others think a certain way = don't go to their territory and whine like little bitches, cos just like your nature is not gonna change for someone else's convenience, neither is their's. I see it on every other picture. Stick to your own thoughts. You must have a real hole in your life if you feel the need to search out material you don't agree with and then anonymously try and stir shit. Seriously, stop projecting, it's pathetic, or at least TRY and troll in a remotely coherent and intelligent manner <3
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Lapp: Says the one fapping to tiny babies. Where are your morals, man? Our lord and savior, sweet baby Jesus, doesn't take lightly to such behavior.
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Anonymous19: So all the murder in the game is fine, just don't imagine anybody naked? You Americans and your sexphobia
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Anonymous20: lol, that was your best? Is this the point where I take your comment literally and "fall for" the persona you're presenting as genuine?
As I said, if you wanna attempt to troll, do it intelligently, you sad fuck :3
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Anonymous21: vvhy the fuck are you all arguing about a fucking fictional char.? It's not fucking real people! Unless it's a 4 year old kid, i don't give a shit hovv young he/she is. you really are something, so stabbing people, braking their necks, shooting their brains out, tearing their limbs off, torturing them, thats all cool. But vvhen someone shovvs up naked: OH FUCK NO! CHILD PORN! QUICKLY CaLL THE COPS!!! Piss off pls...
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Hornedpariah: @Anonymous: your looking at porn leave your morals at the door.
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Anonymous22: Its porn people. If it is illegal, it would be taken down. This genre of artnisnt for the morally correct. We are porn watchers, we like seeing girls get humiliated for our sexual satisfaction. If you don't like it gtfo.
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Anonymous23: ^you are single, aren't you.
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Anonymous24: The super great prophet Mo'hammed fucked a 12yo, and he's a celebrated religious figure, JUST THINK what fapping to a fictional 14yo can do for you!
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Anonymous25: Yall need to shut the fuck up with your morals shit our looking up porn witch is immoral all on its on and i am 14 and its not child pornography
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Anonymous26: no shit... im american and i agree with you i seen my first dead body at 5 i been training to kill since 6 so i could kill my father i handled my first gun at 7 my mother tryed to kill me at 9 half my friends got killed when i was 14 and at 16 i found out my dad tryed to kill me before i was even born he tryed to gun down my mother when she was 6 months pregnant 18 is when my last friend in the gangs died cut ties after that nothing left to protect tryed to talk em into leaving the gang and they didnt listen meanwhile while everyone is basically raising me to be a killer i get caught 1 time with porn when i was 11 and thats suddenly the big issue here long story short america is fucked because everyone is so sensitive that small issues get jumped on all the time and because of that the media has no room in there timeslot to tell ppl whats really going on ppl have there priorities twisted here death and shootings are being seen as COMPLETLY NORMAL yet porn and sex is some huge morality issue? so yea these fucks that are so desperately aftar of a nude cartoon character are most likely borderline retarded or ignorant most likely both having said that does anyone here know that in several countrys allow ppl to marry at age 15? so much for your 18 + rule @Anonymous:
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Anonymous27(26): @Anonymous: your argument is irrelevant to them its most likely a christian who bashing this and the ppl viewing this so naturally they already hate him and you just gave them another reason to hate
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Anonymous28(26): @Lapp: 14= teen porn then there is lolicon which from what i know im assuming is between ages 9 to 12 and below 9 is toddlercon so by that logic your "tiny babys" insult attempt just backfired on you by making you look like a complete idiot so congratulations dumbass shes 14 !!! not even close to being a "tiny baby"
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Anonymous29: pedophilia will eventually be legal so stop whining people
we have transgendered kids (where its not child abuse to cut off a little boys willie off) poofters can get married, there are transgendered gays, gay incest etc
all legal so whats wrong with fucking a hot 14yr old?
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Anonymous30: I agree with Anon4. I just wish I was the one doing it.

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