fishmonger: @The_Bashar: She just had a plump pussy. Now, if she had a raging, mega-huge boner, I could understand removing it, but some girls just have plump vaginas.
The_Bashar: At that point I would say "plump" doesn't describe it. It was more "go see a doctor immediately, you're having a severe allergic reaction to something to cause that much swelling".
Mole: @Norasuko: T_B is just as entitled like chicks with pussy as you are to like chicks with dicks. Just sayin'. On the other hand if you're upset about his unapproved edit of your work the mods will remove it for you.
Anonymous3: @fishmonger: Plump pussy? Hell no. You need to look at some more anatomy my friend. Not even the plumpest pussy would look that plump. Not from any angle.
Anonymous4(3): @Norasuko: You heard it here first folks...anyone who doesn't want to jack it to dickgirls is sexually insecure. I like your art but shut the fuck up.
Norasuko: @Anonymous: LOL, anyone who's so afraid of the idea of being attracted to girls with dicks that would edit a pic of a pussy bulge that 'kinda' look like balls so he'd be able to peacefully fap to it is pretty sexually insecure in my book.
Anonymous5: @Norasuko: I would say that' especially secure. Not afraid, some people just don't like them. And they can be very secure about disliking them. Maybe he just wanted to be the hero for all of em and make an edit so all can peacefully fap to pictures they most like.
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