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lazor3000: oh wow, this is so awesome
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Anonymous1: fu ashe
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RapeRapeRape: mf<3
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Anonymous2: True story.
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JustiniZHere: ok this is actually kind of awesome, I might have to RSS feed this guy.
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posted4you: All fucking kissed?
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CommanderShepardlol: Ashe why u no join them.
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Anonymous3: great pic. just a bummer that the colors dont match, if blitz is red and ashe green then sona must be green and mf with riven red
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Anonymous4: ashe is red team cant explain that
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ShadowFenrir: The idea was that riven is being 'attacked' so to speak :P
Glad you like!
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iMADbullDOG: That's what messed up about LoL is that people use gg as the same thing as "game over". GG=good game.
Ashe says: "My team is AFK. GG"
How is it a good game if your team is feeding and is afk?
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CommanderShepardlol: @iMADbullDOG: It's usually used sarcastically. Like "GG, my team is a bunch of fucktards".
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iMADbullDOG: @CommanderShepardlol: That's what sucks about that. The term "GG" used to be a sign of respect to the other team. Now it's as over used as swag & yolo and has lost its meaning and purpose.
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Anonymous5: can someone add this to tags? Miss_fortune

if you are confused about it being her its a depiction of her in her mafia skin.
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Anonymous6: Why would you pick two ADC? Why in the name of fuck would you pick two ADC and an AD top? This picture made me so pissed I stopped fapping.
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Anonymous7: No, it was support Riven, for some reason. MF was probably mid against Sona. Nobody said this was ranked.
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Anonymous8: as much as i believe lol has developed into a cancer it is not to blame for the misuse of "GG". That's been going on forever and is just the inevitable corruption of anything that makes its rounds in the interbutts.
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serhokyan: report riven mf sona honor for the plot
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Anonymous9: Red Ezreal: Don't feel bad, Ashe. The Sona on our team is nowhere to be found, either.

It says a lot about how horny Sona is that she's having sex with two enemies. But both enemies are female and one of them is a bunnygirl, so I don't blame her in the slightest.

And yeah, Ezreal is the first ADC I could think of. xD

Also, some of you are colorblind. Riven and the other woman (Caitlyn? Miss Fortune? I dunno) are green. Sona is red.

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