Comixfan: As always, Hat's off to Marm for both the animation skill and uploading an alternate strap version so everyone can enjoy the sheer boner inducing genius.
Spoonman: I gotta say... I don't get why some people are against Futa, yet they'll be fine with strap-ons. Seems like it'd more or less be the same thing.
Comixfan: @Spoonman: When one is a plastic and or silicon flesh sex toy and the other is a flesh and blood penis on the body of what's *supposed* to be a woman, isn't hard to imagine how someone who's straight might not find that appealing when compared to the option of two gorgeous *complete* women using sex toys to get each other off.
Comixfan: @Anonymous: That claim in a tad insipid. I've been around Web pr0n a long time kiddo. I've yet to see the appeal in a women with a cock. I do respect others enjoy that, but when I have the option of seeing to complete females engaged in lesbian goodness, I'll go with that every time.
Anonymous4: @Comixfan: Straight men are the largest fanbase futanari has actually. Not that all straight men are into it, but acting like it's a fetish for people who aren't is simply not understanding it or bothering to listen to people who explain why they're into it.
@Spoonman: To be honest, the single most glaring difference I've noticed between straight guys into futa and straight guys not into it is illustrated succinctly in Anon3's post. Some people can't disconnect the cock as a male thing and bring real world baggage into the fetish. It doesn't matter how or why the woman has a cock, or that she IS a woman and has always had that form to her, the cock screams no in their minds.
Note, I'm not saying this is a bad thing, it's the same concept that keeps most people away from Guro and Loli, because they just can't disconnect enough to enjoy the fetish for what it is rather than what the realworld analogue is and the two become blurred and inseparable.
Futa fans see futanari as women with dicks, people who don't like it generally don't seem able to make the disconnect with cock=male, which is a much much less strict rule with erotic art than it is with reality.
Anonymous5(4): @Spoonman: Also forgot to mention...
They are the same thing in that they allow a woman to fuck another woman in the classical male role of penetrative sex. The only difference comes from the point I illustrated above, that people not into futanari aren't going to accept the cock as a break from reality to accomplish that penetrative sex in a seamless, "flesh" way and revert to the realworld's method of achieving that; strap-ons.
Anonymous6: I'm okay with futa, just so long as the girl dick is being put to good use. ie: pounding a second girl. Futa by itself is a dick unfulfilled
Anonymous7: @Spoonman: As a lesbian i'll tell you the difference: Strap ons are fake, plastic toys. Futa cocks are real cocks and it gives us the immersion that it's actually a male, who looks like a woman and fucks another woman and this is a turn off. We simply don't like cocks.
With the strap on you get to know that this is fake and you can get it off after sex and we wear it because it sometimes gives pleasure, as well as fingers (some are not into strapons either).
I personally am not into straight porn of course because i fancy women and only women. Straight men who like straight porn but hate futa porn are hilarious imo, because straight porn has cock as well as futa, the only difference is the gender.
And some people here need to know that NOT ONLY STRAIGHT MEN (or women) visit this damn site. There are gay people (women, men) who enjoy the gay stuff. I say that because some of you straight men think that you're the only ones who lurk here. If you only knew...
Anonymous10(2): People seriously don't understand that futa is easily explained in FICTION? Do they really think every Asari futa is a former never seen before male Asari who went and got fake implants?
Anonymous11(4): @Anonymous: I'm not exactly sure why you find straight men who aren't into futa hilarious.
The reasons for their dislike of it is actually incredibly similar to yours. They simply don't like cock and they like the assurance that a strap-on will come off, that the user of the toy is a conventional woman. The gendered difference between straight porn and futanari is every bit as much a reasonable point of contention as your dislike of futanari. Neither of you want or like a woman with a cock, it's simple.
I totally agree with you though that the silly comments sapphic content tends to get from futanari fans is frustrating as someone who enjoys it.
It's equally frustrating to have people who don't like futanari constantly make the same kind of comments on that content as well. Though I do recognize the latter has a lot more content floating about than the former which I guess excuses it in some circumstances.
As a (mostly) straight guy who likes both futanari and conventional lesbianism I hope we get more and more stuff to the tune of what you like. I just don't think that means we need to have less of the stuff I like in exchange. Zero sum games aren't fun for anyone.
We really do need more diversity around here and I'm happy you spoke up!
Anonymous12(7): @Anonymous: Ah I wish we had people like you so we can get a nice discussion without insulting each other. :D
From what I gathered around here, straight men who are into straight porn but not futa porn are kinda hypocrites because the reason why they hate futa is the cock, as you have said. And straight porn has cock.
And I agree about you with people constantly complaining about futa and non futa, I mean, I don't enjoy futa but I don't whine about it and I seriously wish trolls would stop the "would be better with futa". It drives me up the walls.
I'm not saying there should be less futa and more g/g loving but the problem (for me) here is how much attention gay sex in general gets. Half the pics of this site has futa in it and it annoys me because I can't enjoy my favorite asari with my favorite Shepard or another lady. I come here to see and eventually get turned on but I can't.
It would've been amazing if more artists like Marm (who does both versions) existed here so people can enjoy both versions so that everyone wins.
Spoonman: @Anonymous: I'm sorry, but... I don't get this. The function is essentially the same, sans its reproductive qualities- both the strap-on and the cock provide a means for penetrative sex, using the same shape and sometimes (depending on the strap-on) functioning the exact same way. It sounds like the aversion is based on realism, which is ironic given the situation, characters and medium make it clear it's -not- real.
On some level, it also sounds like penis-jealousy- the idea that "I'M the only one allowed to have dong!", particularly when one considers that the futa-chick is packing more than just a chode, but also tits and a slit.
Anonymous13(7): @Spoonman: Well. i can't explain it further since you're not a gay woman, therefore you can't think like one. ;) All that matters to us is that strap ons are not real and they're more appealing - and i'm not talking about those strap ons who look exactly like cocks. Lesbians, in my experience, are more willing to get strap ons that are far from looking like real cocks, bisexual women are those who get these things.
Anonymous15: I think there's a disproportionate amount of futa going on - especially with the Asara stuff... and spoon - psuedo intel. idiot. Cocks, i.e. Penis'
ARE MALE... Real-world or not... the COCK, as our gay friend pointed out, is a MALE thing. Period. Your comment is ridiculous. It's like saying folks are too attached to the vagina as a female thing, or voluptuous, perfect breasts as a female thing. They're all inherently related to gender. And -- I'm not gay but have plenty of close gay friends, both sexes - I am totally turned off by cocks... hell, I have to be careful or the one that's attached will turn me off. It's just a pleasure point (and, hopefully, a pleasure-source at times).. other than that.. the most beautiful women (and the artists here draw some truly astounding female forms, esp. the Asari) is transformed in to an ugly beast as soon as you put a fantasy cock on her. It's a GUY trying to be something he's not, not matter how beautiful. That's not a judgement - it's just how it feels (pretty much no different than anon7 - hope that's obvious -- cock is a necessary evil in hetero porn -- it's just a miracle (to some of us at least) that she likes it, and that has gotten the species where it is (no disrespect to any other preferences intended). So -- again - the stats on cock/no-cock in the Asari/Mass-Effect areas here are such that you're as likely to see a pretty "dude" as you are a hot girl, and - whatever - I just click away, like most probably do when they're not "in to" it. Just don't pretend that FICTION magically makes the Penis a non-gender appendage. If you like FUTA cocks, well -- you like guys -- just PRETTY guys.
IMFAO anyway
Anonymous16(4): @Anonymous: People can be attracted to something without wanting the gender that entails it.
People can find the idea of a tail alluring, that doesn't mean they want to fuck animals.
People can find the idea of a tentacle alluring, that doesn't mean they want to fuck an octopus.
The cock is a body part. There are lesbians who enjoy cock without wanting anything to do with men and no one is under any confusion as to whether or not they're lesbians.
Human sexuality is not A & B, Black and White. Don't pretend that not knowing anything about the intricacies of how it works will excuse you trying to turn a fetish you don't like into something it's not.
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@Spoonman: To be honest, the single most glaring difference I've noticed between straight guys into futa and straight guys not into it is illustrated succinctly in Anon3's post. Some people can't disconnect the cock as a male thing and bring real world baggage into the fetish. It doesn't matter how or why the woman has a cock, or that she IS a woman and has always had that form to her, the cock screams no in their minds.
Note, I'm not saying this is a bad thing, it's the same concept that keeps most people away from Guro and Loli, because they just can't disconnect enough to enjoy the fetish for what it is rather than what the realworld analogue is and the two become blurred and inseparable.
Futa fans see futanari as women with dicks, people who don't like it generally don't seem able to make the disconnect with cock=male, which is a much much less strict rule with erotic art than it is with reality.
They are the same thing in that they allow a woman to fuck another woman in the classical male role of penetrative sex. The only difference comes from the point I illustrated above, that people not into futanari aren't going to accept the cock as a break from reality to accomplish that penetrative sex in a seamless, "flesh" way and revert to the realworld's method of achieving that; strap-ons.
With the strap on you get to know that this is fake and you can get it off after sex and we wear it because it sometimes gives pleasure, as well as fingers (some are not into strapons either).
I personally am not into straight porn of course because i fancy women and only women. Straight men who like straight porn but hate futa porn are hilarious imo, because straight porn has cock as well as futa, the only difference is the gender.
And some people here need to know that NOT ONLY STRAIGHT MEN (or women) visit this damn site. There are gay people (women, men) who enjoy the gay stuff. I say that because some of you straight men think that you're the only ones who lurk here. If you only knew...
Fucking internet sometimes...
The reasons for their dislike of it is actually incredibly similar to yours. They simply don't like cock and they like the assurance that a strap-on will come off, that the user of the toy is a conventional woman. The gendered difference between straight porn and futanari is every bit as much a reasonable point of contention as your dislike of futanari. Neither of you want or like a woman with a cock, it's simple.
I totally agree with you though that the silly comments sapphic content tends to get from futanari fans is frustrating as someone who enjoys it.
It's equally frustrating to have people who don't like futanari constantly make the same kind of comments on that content as well. Though I do recognize the latter has a lot more content floating about than the former which I guess excuses it in some circumstances.
As a (mostly) straight guy who likes both futanari and conventional lesbianism I hope we get more and more stuff to the tune of what you like. I just don't think that means we need to have less of the stuff I like in exchange. Zero sum games aren't fun for anyone.
We really do need more diversity around here and I'm happy you spoke up!
From what I gathered around here, straight men who are into straight porn but not futa porn are kinda hypocrites because the reason why they hate futa is the cock, as you have said. And straight porn has cock.
And I agree about you with people constantly complaining about futa and non futa, I mean, I don't enjoy futa but I don't whine about it and I seriously wish trolls would stop the "would be better with futa". It drives me up the walls.
I'm not saying there should be less futa and more g/g loving but the problem (for me) here is how much attention gay sex in general gets. Half the pics of this site has futa in it and it annoys me because I can't enjoy my favorite asari with my favorite Shepard or another lady. I come here to see and eventually get turned on but I can't.
It would've been amazing if more artists like Marm (who does both versions) existed here so people can enjoy both versions so that everyone wins.
On some level, it also sounds like penis-jealousy- the idea that "I'M the only one allowed to have dong!", particularly when one considers that the futa-chick is packing more than just a chode, but also tits and a slit.
ARE MALE... Real-world or not... the COCK, as our gay friend pointed out, is a MALE thing. Period. Your comment is ridiculous. It's like saying folks are too attached to the vagina as a female thing, or voluptuous, perfect breasts as a female thing. They're all inherently related to gender. And -- I'm not gay but have plenty of close gay friends, both sexes - I am totally turned off by cocks... hell, I have to be careful or the one that's attached will turn me off. It's just a pleasure point (and, hopefully, a pleasure-source at times).. other than that.. the most beautiful women (and the artists here draw some truly astounding female forms, esp. the Asari) is transformed in to an ugly beast as soon as you put a fantasy cock on her. It's a GUY trying to be something he's not, not matter how beautiful. That's not a judgement - it's just how it feels (pretty much no different than anon7 - hope that's obvious -- cock is a necessary evil in hetero porn -- it's just a miracle (to some of us at least) that she likes it, and that has gotten the species where it is (no disrespect to any other preferences intended). So -- again - the stats on cock/no-cock in the Asari/Mass-Effect areas here are such that you're as likely to see a pretty "dude" as you are a hot girl, and - whatever - I just click away, like most probably do when they're not "in to" it. Just don't pretend that FICTION magically makes the Penis a non-gender appendage. If you like FUTA cocks, well -- you like guys -- just PRETTY guys.
IMFAO anyway
People can find the idea of a tail alluring, that doesn't mean they want to fuck animals.
People can find the idea of a tentacle alluring, that doesn't mean they want to fuck an octopus.
The cock is a body part. There are lesbians who enjoy cock without wanting anything to do with men and no one is under any confusion as to whether or not they're lesbians.
Human sexuality is not A & B, Black and White. Don't pretend that not knowing anything about the intricacies of how it works will excuse you trying to turn a fetish you don't like into something it's not.
Walls of text aren't exactly fun to read FYI.
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