Anonymous1: For all the hype. Reaper laser's did little more than cause womans clothes to disintegrate on contact. Hence the reason why they were never invited to parties. And why, after a fit of indignation, they tried to conquer the galaxy.
Dick_Chappy: @dinobob: Heh, sounds bout right.
Although, being such a powerful race, I've got no idea why they would even need to rape. There are plenty of submissive ladies out there.
elflord123: There should be a series of these that tell a complete story. If you add in Miranda it would be complete. There would be the 4 hottest babes in Mass Effect battling the Reapers. Get rid of the men as they don't count, only the babes do. Let the Reapers attack and rape them.
Reapers were always invited to parties, having a clothes destroying wing man was every male aliens dream.
It was only when the Reaper started raping everyone did it cause an issue.
Note how in these pictures the only people fighting the Reapers are women(who obviously don't want to be raped) and James Vega, who is a Battle Toad.
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Although, being such a powerful race, I've got no idea why they would even need to rape. There are plenty of submissive ladies out there.
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