Lapp: If you can't see the image, change the image server to 004 or another working server. 000 is down.
That's the "000" at the start of the "Image Only" URL.
Roflcakes: @Nuxersopus: You can either go back to the tag you were browsing and click "Image only", or you can right click where it says "Main image" on this page, copy the url and paste it into your address bar. Alternatively, you can also just left click "Main Image" and drag it into your address bar.
This was all tested in Firefox, not sure if it'll work the same in other browsers.
Lapp: @Roflcakes: Yeah, I can at least this confirms on Safari mobile. Use Linux on my comp and run windows through Linux, but only visit paheal on my phone. >.>
Roflcakes: @Lapp: I don't know how you manage it... Mobile browsing (and not to mention commenting) is ass. I can only stomach it when I'm bored, lying in bed and want something to do until I fall asleep.
Nuxersopus: @Roflcakes: >Image only
This was like a huge revelation. I didn't even know it existed, but it was always there, right infront of my nose. Thanks.
Okay_with_this: @Roflcakes: I'm with Lapp here. It's very rare for me to not be on my phone if I'm here. Saves the awkward situation of family/friends asking "What's that?" when R34 ponies show up in my address bar on autofill
Plus my laptop is broken and the only one with a laptop in the house is my mother's. Only one time I used P.B to look up some Transformers and LittleBigPlanet porn.
But no one else uses my phone but me so I'm good. Plus earase history and delete notifications ;)
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You never failed to surprise me.
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That's the "000" at the start of the "Image Only" URL.
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This was all tested in Firefox, not sure if it'll work the same in other browsers.
also like phone, many typography errors
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This was like a huge revelation. I didn't even know it existed, but it was always there, right infront of my nose. Thanks.
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@Okay_with_this: You can't just use private browsing?
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Plus my laptop is broken and the only one with a laptop in the house is my mother's. Only one time I used P.B to look up some Transformers and LittleBigPlanet porn.
But no one else uses my phone but me so I'm good. Plus earase history and delete notifications ;)
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