Comixfan: Fuck-Me-Sideways, that is glorious! Holy shit sir, Fug upping his A-Game. Perfect rendering of the model, great fluidity, nice facial motion, and some really fantastic details from the slight push out of her cheek from the inside and even the dude's ball-sack swing. Feel slightly gay for noticing the later, but whatever. Would love to see a version of this with Elizabeth. #please?
Comixfan: Getting annoyed. Someone (or a group of someones) keeps Troll-Downvoting this. Earlier it got up to 5 up votes, then dropped to 2. Went up to 3, now it's down again.
There's literally *no* reason anyone should downvote this animation. It's nearly perfect and the depiction is hot as fuck.
Really hoping this Troll attack isn't being done on behalf of a certain other Artist. That shit is just low class -_-
Comixfan: Up to 9 now. Now that's starting to look right. If not for the bewildering downvotes, this would have been in the teens by now votes wise. Hope to see it continue to get the props it deserves. Too many really outstanding animators and their work just don't get the attention/praise on Paheal that they deserve sometimes :/
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There's literally *no* reason anyone should downvote this animation. It's nearly perfect and the depiction is hot as fuck.
Really hoping this Troll attack isn't being done on behalf of a certain other Artist. That shit is just low class -_-
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Unless someone create a Katana model, it's impossible.
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