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Lapp: Incest is bad
Feel bad
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Darklife: @Lapp: the help you talking bout attractive and successful African?
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Darklife: *hell
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Anonymous1: Oprah is a communist.
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Seethe: @Lapp: My one question to you is, why?
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Lapp: @Darklife: It's such a guilty fetish, that whenever I bring up that I don't particularly care for it, people get up in arms. This reaction wasn't like that, but some people flip their shit, lol
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Seethe: @Lapp: The heart wants what the heart wants. Should incest result in children? Probably not, while its not likely anything bad will happen the would have a higher chance of mutation. But at the end of the day aside from that I don't really see anything wrong with it. Its an old more that was put into place to avoid "hillbilly syndrome" and should in my opinion be abolished. I'd add on the stipulation that genetic tests and such be tacked on should the couple want children and probably require some sort of permit in this special instance.
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Lapp: @Seethe: Eh, I don't really have anything against it, so long as I'm allowed to not partake, lol

However, I do think, as common law is to the legal system, that it could be a potentially dangerous precedent. It would be dumb to punish people for it, but social pressure as now keeps it from taking a wrong turn. Not to offend. Social pressure can be a bad thing, but so too is it dangerous to pay it no heed.
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Anonymous2: Incestuous births will put an unnecessary burden on the health system due to negative genetic redundancy's. Britain's teeth for example.
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Lapp: For better or worse, what Anon2 said.
Personally, I had in mind that it might encourage a decline in social interaction, which is, in its own right, a hindrance to evolution (as evolution also occurs on a social level; not strictly biological; sexuality and marriage are strong proponents of social advancement). Not to mention it could have the potential to reignite ethnic enclaves, which is a wholly bad thing.
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PinkBallons: Personally I only enjoy incestrious relationships when they're strictly for the fun and experience, and not anything permanent. People should have to look elsewhere for something meaningful.
Unfortunately, many people are dumb and lazy.
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Lapp: @PinkBallons: You said it a lot better than I could; I don't see too much harm if it's a childhood thing.
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Seethe: @Anonymous: Depends on the parents and their lineage. Britain is an island and the by product of that was/is a more isolated gene pool. If, say, Brit and someone of Asian decent have a child there is a much lower risk of genetic issues and in kind their children would also benefit. We as a species with all of our moving and marrying across cultural and ethic backgrounds should be in theory creating less of a monoculture like that of the Brits. While yes there is a greater risk of genetic redundancies as you so eloquently put it are also weeding them out. I am willing to bet many first cousins at this point would incur no more of a risk of sever genetic issues than that of the Brits living 200 years ago. I'm by no means an expert and I don't actually believe it to be a good idea for siblings to procreate I don't believe the law should keep them apart if they do in fact love one another. I'm actually with Pinks on this one but that is just a personal belief and holds no ground when it comes to what is right and fair.
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ConsciousDonkey: Discussions like this one are why I like this site so much. For example, e621 has much better content (for me), because I don't really care about the porn - I've never been able to fap to anything MLP-related. Heck, I can't even fap to real horses anymore. But when it comes to MLP stuff, the discussions here are the best of all such sites. I really hope you guys don't plan to quit any time soon!
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leonardox: Just as a note to the comments about mixing ethnically:
You can mix anything with anything else and still get one or the other, except with whites.
Whites don't /stay/ white when they mix, and that gene pool becomes so spread out and dominated that it gets phased out, and it's unfair for people to complain about inter-bloodline relationships with the world in the way that it is today. Many white people very freely choose to mix with others, and then that leaves those that want a white partner and they themselves are white very hard pressed to actually find someone. If it were possible to check for the entire range of known genetic defects in an unborn child to determine if it would be a safe healthy child, there should be no one saying "B-but muh moral values". Moral values and societal values are very perverted in this day just as much as in the past. Religion uses their gods or books to demonize anyone and everyone that does not suit their specific ideas. Media will do the same. Government tells people what they can and cannot do with their own body or with their consenting partner. Yet people still feel that they are in a position to say "My feelings about this situation matter more than yours. I don't care that it doesn't affect me in any way because it isn't my body or life, I want you to conform to me and if you don't, I will make your life incredibly hard." It's disgusting.
If it doesn't hurt anyone, it's not a crime.
No victim, no crime.
If it is for one's self, allow them.
Humans need to stop trying to force the will of the majority on the minority.
Your idea of socially acceptable isn't the same as the people around you. Deal with it like a sensible person and understand that you aren't anyone else's master.
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Lapp: @leonardox: attractive and successful African, what sort of eugenics garble are you even spouting?

In all due respect, the moment I read your "white is right" point, I dismissed anything else you said. Which pays off because the rest of that makes me think you're blazing battery acid on a joint.
Nonetheless, you go on to say it's wrong to limit people's right to pursue the life they want, so you seem to dismiss your own argument.

At least when Seeman is racist, he's ironic. :0
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CrotchboobAddict: @leonardox: what I don't like is how media and government seem to feel it's their responsibility to force people to like race mixing and other stuff
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Lapp: @CrotchboobAddict: 'Course, I don't mean at a sexual level, if that's unclear. More social.
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Anonymous3: @leonardox: I know what you mean. It's already so damn hard to find a truly white person, especially during summer. That's why I love winter and hate summer.
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Anonymous4: lol, fucking attractive and successful African lovers. it would be funny if it wasn't so sad that it's almost only white women that fall for the propaganda and fuck attractive and successful African and muslims, women are so easily affected by jewish media propaganda
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PinkBallons: What's more funny is that there was a couple sentences in a comment that mentioned ethnic mixing, and that completely derailed a discussion about incest.
No, wait, that isn't funny.
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Lapp: I know right, Anon4?
The Jews have weaponized the blacks for sexual warfare against the pure countries. Never before has overcompensation occurred on such a global scale.
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Lapp: @PinkBallons: DID YOU SAY BLACKS?
attractive and successful African STOLE MY WIFE GERDDAMNIT
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Seethe: SO much for a meaningful discussion about the ethics of incest. I don't know what I expected.
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Anonymous5: Long conversations

0/10 op is dead
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Nuxersopus: @ConsciousDonkey: You can't fap to real horses anymore, huh?
How does that feel like?
Do you think it is a loss to have the extend of things you enjoy limited?
Are you happy that you got rid of something socially unacceptable, or do you enjoy being a special snowflake too much to find joy in such?
Do you even care?
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ConsciousDonkey: @Nuxersopus: It is an issue of my age, more than anything else. Back in my teens and early 20s, I could fap pretty much to anything that moved, like most males. Since I loved equines, I fapped to them too, but it was nowhere as frequent as fapping to human porn. As I got older, I naturally became much more selective in objects of my porn. Also, I got... uh... entangled with women. In other words, I simply lost interest in equines sexually, even though I still love them otherwise (that's why I like MLP, Silver Brumby, Black Beauty and plethora of other equine flicks).

I never perceived the occassional fapping to horses as some big stigma, though of course it is not a thing I would brag about in public. If I had the chance, I would probably try to fuck a willing mare, even today. Just for the sake of sexual curiosity, I'm still a perv, after all. The thing is, I probably wouldn't even be able to get my dick up to do it. Over last few years, I have seen two mares "winking" their cunt a few meters from my face, but my dick did nothing, not even a blip. With age, my brain became more powerful than my hormones.

In any case, I can't say I feel like I lost anything important or precious. It was just a part of growing up. Sometimes I get nostalgic about it, but no more than I get nostalgic about my childhood imaginary friends. But just to be safe, I keep my collection of furry and zoo porn intact... :-D
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Nuxersopus: @ConsciousDonkey: Well that was interesting. Thank you. Here have a picture of some cookies in return.
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leonardox: @Lapp: You've completely missed my point. I never said "white's are better than other races" I said that whites are a race that is very quickly becoming endangered among humans. They have less children, and those that do are highly with a non white partner making it a mixed child thusly ending that white purity for that bloodline.
I myself have a mixed boyfriend and I love him. I am gay though and may in fact choose to have a surrogate child that would be with a white surrogate mother. I never said that people should limit anything, I said that people are being limited by the rest of society. Think about it for a moment with your stupid eugenics comment aside: White person wants other whites. White child then also wants white partner, but a percentage of other white people that are in the previous generation chose to mix. That child now has a harder time, and the "good" partners (I.E. not fucking batshit insane or generally retarded) are few and far between. Maybe they settle for mixing because non-mixed are harder to find. That again makes the gene pool smaller. I wasn't saying that people should keep to their own race, but that they should consider that on this path, white people will become a literal minority to the point that they need to be considered an endangered race. But will they? When all these other races look at whites, they will see only the bad, and they will ignore the glaringly obvious problem at hand, and they will let the white race disapear. People will look back at the point that white people stop existing, and they will say "why did no one think about what these people were saying?" and if anyone even looks at history, of the progress made by people, so many white people have gone on to do great things, whatever gene it is that creates this creativity will just... stop.
Imagine a world without computers. Without your medications you may take. Without the mines for salt or marble and the like. Just look at the progress made. My point I'm trying to make is: mixing is fine, just think about the implications you would otherwise ignore, and think about what could be if we observed things carefully.
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Nuxersopus: @leonardox: I don't think the white "race" going extinct would be a bad thing. Maybe if you like the way whites look, but otherwise there wouldn't be much of value lost.
Then the world is full of mixed people. So what?

>so many white people have gone on to do great things, whatever gene it is that creates this creativity will just... stop.

The colour does not have anything to do with how creative a human being is. I also highly doubt that there is a specific "creativity gen". Europe was merely lucky to find valuable recourses first, which increased the development greatly. And with enough recourses, people can worry about other things than just their own survival. Like art. Or building great monuments for their God(s).

Even though Europe was the fastest country of all, other cultures were just as artistic. Think about Egypt, or the Inca.
The Orient was a serious threat to Europe.
And if you don't consider Asians "white", then you can take a look at their amazing culture too.

A creative gen only for whites, huh?
Even if it was so, how are you so certain they don't pass on this gen to their mixed children? If you can believe evolution (and if it still somewhat applies to how our society works), then the oh so superior creativity gen will survive anyways.

>When all these other races look at whites, they will see only the bad, etc.

Well, maybe extremists.

Didn't proof-read. If you find a grammar or spelling mistake: You can keep it.
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Anonymous6: I hate people who are mixed race, also backs, mexicans, and asians
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Anonymous7: @Nuxersopus: with that logic, wouldn't it be 'ok' to exterminate any race? ..I mean, so what?
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Seethe: Race is a construct~
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Nuxersopus: @Anonymous: What do you understand under "exterminate any race"?
To kill all members of a race, because it is okay to exterminate a race? Surely you see why killing itself is already a crime beyond measure.

To prohibit members of a race to breed with their own? Not only is the idea for obvious reasons stupid, but it also removes freedom. Everyone should be free to choose his/her partner(s).

To just let it happen because people don't care about "races" and mix as much as they want?
Sure, why not? If you think that is exterminating a race, then I don't see what is the big problem here.

Also @Seethe: This.
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Anonymous8: @Nuxersopus: You'll have to take into account mass-immigration and multicultural that's forced upon, and only, white nations. Without it, race mixing and such issues would not exist.
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Nuxersopus: @Anonymous: Mass-immigration is a problem because a lot immigrants aren't able to adapt to new cultures, not only for their own refusal but also because most countries don't try hard enough to integrate them in society.

>and multicultural that's forced upon
Even though people bring their culture in our countries, we constantly force our culture on them. If they refuse to accept our culture, then they live in an isolated neighbourhood with people who think the same. Apart from that, I don't see how having multiple cultures in one nation is a bad thing.

>and only, white nations.
Europe has made profit from slavery for hundreds of years. There are no other first world countries than those who robbed people in other countries of their humanity and freedom. How do you think we keep prizes for clothing and food so low?
Why would some poor family want to move to another poor country if they just want a better life?

> Without it, race mixing and such issues would not exist.

Race mixing is not an issue. You really do believe that having white skin makes people genetically superior, don't you?
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Anonymous9: @Nuxersopus: mass-immigration is a huge problem and not just because they are not able to adapt to the 'new cultures' (but they fucking should), and just why aren't they able to adapt? Well, we bring in too many of them to handle and because they are so different, both genetically and culturally. Many of these immigrants are also uneducated and have to get social welfare, which put a strain on western societies, they are also more often involved in serious crime. I wont go to deep into the economic and demographic catastrophe that is mass-immigration.

Oh, and there's never existed a problem with multiple cultures in one nation? attractive and successful African, you dense? it has always created disturbance and often ended up in brutal conflicts between people. It's only natural that people look after their own.

And that crap about 'white guilt' is just stupid, whites where not particularly bad when it came to slavery, every culture done it, but only the white man abolished it.
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Nuxersopus: @Anonymous: Mass-immigration wouldn't be such a big problem (but still a major one mind you) if the state, atleast my state, would put more money into integrating them in society. The systems we have now are just plain retarded. They threw people out of our country who had a well-paid job, children who are born in this country, and even a own house.
Even if we don't allow them to be here legally, they will find illegal ways to cross the border. Mass-immigration won't stop. It is too much to handle, yes, but we could handle it better than we do now.

>Oh, and there's never existed a problem with multiple cultures in one nation?
I have never said or implied that. There will always be people who can't deal with minorities or different ideas of how to live your life. Still, multiple cultures aren't a bad thing. One should be able to live the way s/he wants to, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody.

>And that crap about 'white guilt' is just stupid, whites where not particularly bad when it came to slavery, every culture done it, but only the white man abolished it.

I also have never implied such a thing as white guilt. The whole white guilt thing is like trying to say every woman is a sinner because Eve ate a forbidden apple.
Most cultures had slaves, yes. But the "white man" practized slavery to its greatest extent.
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Anonymous10(3): @Seethe: A concept based on discernible differences.
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Anonymous11: @Nuxersopus: Well, my standpoint is Europe, even if I know that the situation for white people is bad in the states too.. You maybe fool yourself with the culturalmarxist talk, but there's some ways to stop mass-immigrations and forced, heh, 'multicultural' (which in reality is a code word for anti-white activities) society. And we must control the media and other social media, this is vital too nationalists and social nationalist. But really, any kind of way to get rid of the internationalist and the others are justified. Even violence.
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Anonymous12(11): @Anonymous: * I of course mean: 'national socialist' and not social nationalist. You'll have to forgive me, because english isn't what I usually speak or type.
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Nuxersopus: @Anonymous: Violence is only justified in self-defense, and even then you should try to avoid using. These people have just as much right to live here as you do. You can't just kick them out of a country because they think differently than you do. Take a look at history. Anyone who ever attempted doing that is now a tyrant and those hardly ever ruled a very long time before someone put them down in some kind of revolution.
There is not such a thing as "anti-white activities". It merely means that different cultures are in one nation. If people are open minded, then they will accept these cultures and benefit from their ways to see the world.

The people should control the media and other social media. If someone controls them, then s/he can send content what s/he sees fit and therefore manipulate people.

Anyways, I don't want to discuss anymore. It was nice to see your view of the world.
Have a good life.
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Anonymous13: Fuck y'all.

I'm a train.
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Anonymous14: That was a really intense discussion. To a picture of Twilight Sparkle clopping.
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Anonymous15: will you guys quiet down twilight sparkle is trying to masturbate

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