Anonymous7: I saw this guy in a Shakespeare play in Stratford how sophisticated am I :P The Tempest he looked awesome in the bone helm thing woot woot woot
Seethe: Skimmed over the tags for whatever reason and read part of it as "Patrick_Star" which made perfect sense for a few minutes. Had to come back to double check.
Farfegnugen: Feature Image Time. The Captain is back, yo! It's been a rough week with the passing of Terry Jones, Jim Lehrer, and Mr. Peanut, but another Star Trek show started up and it's off with a bang.
Anonymous25: Patrick Steward is a TDS leftist cuck faggot. He's the one who accepted a role in that feminazi flop of Charlie's Angels 2019 only to be humilliated. And he demanded leftist horseshit in Star Trek Picard to accept the role!
Anonymous30: Anon25: Thank God you're not talking about a magnificent actor who can do Shakespeare and science fiction equally well, but why do you hate this Patrick Steward so much?
ColdFusion: "You just don't get it, do you, Jean-Luc? The fap never ends. We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your girth beyond its limits. And for one brief moment, you did."
"When I achieved priapism..."
Chupacabra555: "Lets capture Data's daughter by beaming in Black Ops teams to kidnap her".... instead of, you know, JUST BEAMING HER UP TO YOUR GODDAMN SHIP!!!! 9_9
Anonymous50: hahahah that is funny. Buuuuuttttttt......I know that you brats want to suck it, put you mouth on it. i know you brats want to sit on it. put that in your spank bank, you lost bratfags!
Anonymous60(45): @Anonymous: Star Trek is the first show that showed an interacial,you dumb fucking retarded channers cunt.You litteral cocksucker brainwashed by memes,you litteraly ley shitposters from 4chan dictate how you think. Star Trek was always progressive,dumb fucking retarded garbage channers trash
Anonymous65: Hey hey, feature a Kobe meme now. Who cares a 13 yo nobody died with him anyway? People died all the time, but not everyday we have an opportunity to meme someone's death :)
Anonymous74(72): @Anonymous: Funny you should mention brainwashing, since that’s all you “progressive” leftists are. Deluded into thinking your fucked-up, anti-America way of thinking is the correct way. You wanna know why Trump won 2016 and is going to win 2020? Because people like you are taking over the Democratic Party, a party I once was proud to be a member of, and the majority of America hates your guts. You people have zero good ideas or policies, so you would rather smear your opponent a billion times over, expecting negative voter turnout to triumph. The Democrats will NEVER win presidency EVER again until the far-leftist parasite is purged from the Democratic Party, and more sane, principled folks like Tulsi Gabbard become the norm, not the exception.
Anonymous79(45): @Anonymous: Shut the fuck up,chantards.Your lot is the one shooting people in mosque and calling for mass murders.You are brainwashed by memes,you bitch about Tumblr and Reddit and chimeric ess jay double u constantly yet it's your side that turn terrorists constantly,like an ISIL for fat neckbeards.You oughta remember how the nazis ended.I dont even need to be an American to realize you are the parasite and the plague,nazi cunt.You dont want to start war you always loosed.1865 then 1945.The alt-right is next,,we need to shave off the head of Auernheimer and Jim Watkins for sleeping with the ennemy ,better get your cyanide pill and gun ready when your bunkers will get fired up.There is a reason we are on the right side of history
Anonymous93(83): @Anonymous: Yeah, no 88. I don't. I was just suggesting a feat for Chinese New Year like how last year featured Miss Piggy for Year of the Pig. Very well then, let this feature stay up longer.
Anonymous97: The fact that a full-blown argument has started from a single picture of an edited meme really goes to show how far of a low the human race has come to. I am ashamed of this.
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R.I.P. Mars.
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Okay, go back to asking who died now.
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(Just because I hate this meme does not meat I hate Patrick Stewart.)
also seeing this while looking at some really weird shit while going through this site is comforting
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this got featured!
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"When I achieved priapism..."
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Make it so!
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... Shit, I owe you 5 Euros.
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meant to say comb-over).
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