Senator_Palpatine: THAT....IS....FUCKING....SUPERB
Everything about it. That said, I'd prefer Hayley taking a VERY weepy and submissive role to Snot (as she was well on the way to in a recent episode)
Let's see this superb artists do a bit Hayley and/or Francine in bondage ?
Anonymous4: I love this image! And, I believe, though I can't be sure, that Snot's also fapping like mad, as He works feverishly, to get a positive reponse from Hayley! She for Her part, is possibly enjoying it, but, would never let on, other than the possible "Eh, Not TOO BAD!", while Jeff looks on, masturbating from the closet! Living Rooms have closets!
Anonymous5(4): I love this image! And, I believe, though I can't be sure, that Snot's also fapping like mad, as He works feverishly, to get a positive response from Hayley! She for Her part, is possibly enjoying it, but, would never let on, other than the possible "Eh, Not TOO BAD!", while Jeff looks on, masturbating from the closet! Living Rooms have closets!
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Cause it's not getting any! The life of a stuffed pillow, always in the room, but, never able to join in when anything GOOD gets going!
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Everything about it. That said, I'd prefer Hayley taking a VERY weepy and submissive role to Snot (as she was well on the way to in a recent episode)
Let's see this superb artists do a bit Hayley and/or Francine in bondage ?
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Just let him do his thing, probably some blackmailing backstory
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