fishmonger: @TT: 16 bucks for one porn game? You realize it's silly to charge for one porn game when there are thousands of other games/pictures/movies available for free, right? Or, if someone wants porn games badly enough, they will buy a subscription to a site that allows unlimited downloads for a flat fee. 16 bucks for one game is too high... I wouldn't be surprised if sales have been less than stellar.
fishmonger: @Anonymous: Nope, honestly I have no desire for this game or any other porn game, for free or otherwise. I find them tedious and boring, for the most part. I don't want to sort through dialogue options and manage inventory just to see some tits... I can just open up a video and see tits right away.
jbck: @Anonymous: We all want some stuff for free but who wants to spend 16 bucks on a 10-30 minute video of porn that is censored?
You can easily get free porn, rent porn movies for a buck, get an unlimited sites pass (as described above) for a buck or even buy full porno's 1-2 hours long for cheaper and uncensored.
He has a valid point. I do not understand the logic behind the pricing. How many times can you watch the same porn over and over anyways?
With that logic then we should all pay everything we have to support the artist. Instead of buying blockbuster movies for $10-20 we should say "we will give you $200+ OR Hey why not whatever is in the bank account at the time?" because that’s logical.
When you go to a restaurant instead of paying the listed price we should give them more to help better support them. Like $8 bucks for a hamburger...lets just give them a $40.. why not?
Yea I see this working. Less work but get more money and competition is irrelevant. Lets support everyone as if we are the baby sitters/care takers.
Sorry but having an abundance of something limits its value. This has nothing to do with being cheap. Use your head.
Amateurhour: No offense but its not the same. You can't compare a movie director, who is handed millions to make a movie, to someone who does it with no labor charge. Secondly you are paying for someone else to make food for you, and they get 3 dollars an hour( the majority of their money comes from tips), otherwise you can take your happy ass home and make the burger from scratch yourself. " I have no problem making it myself" I won't bs, I love to make food ( my own happy ass) but after working all day am I gonna spend 30 min making a meal or 5 min at the drive thru? It's not right but this is society now. Lastly, you are paying for someone's effort and time, a poor man trying to make a living. You think that's alot, but you spend way more than that on the Internet access alone, fattening up a millionaires pocket but not someone who could use it. And before anyone says " I'm not doing that", did you plug up the Ethernet cable to your ass to get up here? No.
Anonymous4: @jbck: Actually, no, you're just a cheap asshole who jumps to conclusions. He said "support the artist," not "sacrifice all you have for their gain."
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and yes I know that.
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You can easily get free porn, rent porn movies for a buck, get an unlimited sites pass (as described above) for a buck or even buy full porno's 1-2 hours long for cheaper and uncensored.
He has a valid point. I do not understand the logic behind the pricing. How many times can you watch the same porn over and over anyways?
It's not about paying for the porn it's about supporting the artist.
With that logic then we should all pay everything we have to support the artist. Instead of buying blockbuster movies for $10-20 we should say "we will give you $200+ OR Hey why not whatever is in the bank account at the time?" because that’s logical.
When you go to a restaurant instead of paying the listed price we should give them more to help better support them. Like $8 bucks for a hamburger...lets just give them a $40.. why not?
Yea I see this working. Less work but get more money and competition is irrelevant. Lets support everyone as if we are the baby sitters/care takers.
Sorry but having an abundance of something limits its value. This has nothing to do with being cheap. Use your head.
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