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TagsFlag, Goatse, Islam, Sweden, meme, religion
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Homodicks: Accurate.
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Anonymous1: why is Islam buttfucking Sweden??
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CrotchboobAddict: the reason I've heard is that they're suffering the most from mass-immigration and plenty of its immigrants are from muslim country. I live in a country quite near and I'm updated on the situation in all of Europe.
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Anonymous2: Whaaaat the-

what the-

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Anonymous3: If our politicans do not wake up soon this is, sadly, a very accurate metaphore for our future.
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Anonymous4: That is SUCH BULLSHIT!
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Bombbaker: So tolerant and progressive!
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Rat: Don't mind me, I'm just...

*sunglasses* Driving by.

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Anonymous6: Habeeb Haboob Al-Bloooleloolee Wali-Ali Al-Qabum!
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Anonymous7: @Bombbaker: There's a point where tolerance becomes a bad thing.

Example: In Sweden it's illegal to beat your kids. If you're a muslim, it's suddenly okay. At worst you'll be asked to stop. Politely and cautiously, as to not hurt your feelings. That would be racist after all.

Sad fact is that while the kids themselves ask for help, they can't get any, because cultural tolerance is more important than protecting the kids.

There's a fair bit of that kind of stuff going on in Sweden.
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nyktamer: sad reality...
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Nuxersopus: @Anonymous: Thats utterly retarded. I can't believe they really allow that. Which is why I won't believe it.
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Anonymous8: @Nuxersopus: ^retard alert. I believe this fits the bill for that 'cognitive dissonance' label people keep throwing around these days.
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Starrgent: @Anonymous: There's a difference between neing tolerant to other's beliefs and culture and blindly allowing them to do whatever they want simply because if their beliefs or culture. respecting their beliefs doesn't mean you have to allow every aspect of their out-dated culture to persist in our modern world. If some people don't see the difference, then they need to enter the 21st century. Every culture can adapt to the modern world as long as they have no problem leaving behind the barbaric and ignorant parts of it.
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Pyroanon: @Starrgent: While that's a good theory, the problem with (some) Muslims is: the Quran teaches you intolerance and traditionalism. This means it is OK to beat your wife & kids and to kill non-Muslims. Changing from these traditions makes you an "Infidel."
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Nuxersopus: @Pyroanon: I think you can interpret this book in many different ways. I have met a lot of muslims who talk about how the book teaches tolerance. And in fact, the muslims during the holy christian crusades were far more tolerant and nice people (generally) than the christians were (though the christians were mean because of a lie outside of their book, but the important bit is that muslims aren't intolerant murderers)
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Starrgent: @Pyroanon: There's also a ton of ignorant and out-dated traditions in the Bible and other religious texts, but most reasonable people ignore those parts. Religions were created when all of our cultures were more ignorant and barbaric. Religion was used to answer questions that science does now. How many people honestly believe that the Garden of Eden was real? That the whole world suddenly appeared with al the animals that are alive today exactly as they are with one man and one woman? Since the middle-east is an under-developed region with most of it's people either receiving no education (most women) or sub-standard education and their children are taught the same ignorant veiws their parent were they remain a largely ignorant people who see any other group outside of their own as evil and must be killed. There are plenty of modern Muslims who have no problem assimilated into the modern world, because they left the cesspool that is the middle-east and received an education.
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Anonymous9: Yep, most of the "moderate" muslims you see wouldn't even be counted as real muslims anymore.

And yes, most of the things said in this section is true. But at least it's going to right way now.
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Anonymous10: The real problem is that in 1492, Europe had a literal third of the earth dropped in its lap, which allowed it to set up a completely unbalanced economic hierarchy over the entire planet. Now its former colonies, which used to be just as advanced and prosperous as anyone else on earth, are poor and pissed off. The only real solution is to try and restore the economic balance that used to exist... otherwise Europe will spend all time facing immigrants whose opportunities traveled from where they lived to Europe.
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Anonymous11: The two problems we have in Sweden is 1. We countinue to take in loads of people even though we can't even help those already here. 2. The moment someone says something like #1, everyone starts yelling "RACIST!".

Muslims have nothing to do with this.
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Anonymous12: Omg, you just expressed my thoughts, anonymous11. ^
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Anonymous13: swedetwinks deserve the British Broadcasting Corporation
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Anonymous14: Sweden is such a lost country it's insane. The men are extremely weak! I'm moving back to Israel next month! Screw Sweden!
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Anonymous15: Test: British Broadcasting Corporation attractive and successful Africans

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