Anonymous3(2): Roflcakes, you're kidding yourself if you think Bronies have average sized penises. They're most likely underused and smelling like peanut butter because the only action they'll ever get is from pony plushies and dogs.
CrotchboobAddict: @Roflcakes: True, i'm quite disturbed by this, even more than if it'd be a true fucktoy. and it's not helping that the pussy look disease ridden, heh. maybe it's tetra's private toy
CrotchboobAddict: @berrybertunz: 'I'm honestly not surprised someone with the name 'crotchboobaddict' would have that opinion on women' - Remember this little line?
CrotchboobAddict: @DiamondPickaxe: true, it's weekend. people should just drink or do drugs and chill. i only drink weekends, and not because i really want too, but i'm still addicted somewhat.
Nightweaver20xx: I find it fucking hi-larious that we're insulting each other way more than any actual trolls would. That is why I strongly believe we are an invincible race of super-beings that cannot ever be defeated.
Because we defeated ourselves a LONG time ago, and yet we persist, like a virus that has developed an immunity to all cures.
Tetragrammaton: @Nightweaver20xx: There really aren't any trolls here, I think the barony community fan base is just some horrible government experiment involving Chris chan's DNA.
ThatOneClopper: I seriously questioned what I saw in the thumbnail, but the comments... Oh my lord, I don't think I prepared myself properly for what I just walked in to.
MERKLEY: ...the only thing that really bothers me on that plushie it that it has wether mane nor tail! I wouldn't have so much problems fucking a tiny plushy with a pen, but it would be way more fun if I could lift a tail for that IMO...
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Is there a market for anatomically correct plushies that aren't penetrable that I don't know about?
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how am I a feminazi
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but you can keep telling yourself that
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Gets on floor
Sees thread
Remains laying on floor
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Because we defeated ourselves a LONG time ago, and yet we persist, like a virus that has developed an immunity to all cures.
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