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Anonymous1: sexy
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beast-man: You don't see that much dragon age stuff no more
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Anonymous2: Well, Dragon Age 2 sucked horribly gameplay and story wise.
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Anonymous3: Holy god gorgeous....

p.s. anon 2 stfu. Get over it.
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Anonymous4: He was responding to beast-man anon3, so it's an accurate explanation. The more shit a game is, the less pron there is of it.
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Anonymous5: Origins was a masterpiece, DA2 was crappy.. So how much DA porn should there be?
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Iluvpr0n: @Anonymous: What? Dragon Age 2 had some of the most entertaining combat in any thirdperson RPG. I hated that game with a passion, don't get me wrong. They limited companion interaction and fucked up story progression as whole. But don't say the gameplay sucked. The problem is found solely in the story. DA:O on the other hand, had shitty combat but was wholeheartedly redeemed by the compelling story. I just hope they can take the best of both worlds for Inquisition.
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Anonymous6: At least DAO had some strategy and tactics were useful on harder modes, in DAII enemies kept coming after the fight had begun and they popped out of nowhere, it was garbage, more dynamic, yet garbage.

Now from what I've seen of DAI, it might redeem Bioware big time.

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