Anonymous3: @TheKiller: why is everyone so asshole by commenting this artist????????? I think there are much more shit artist all around and someone they are licking in ass!!?
Anonymous5: Cavpal thinks everyone who complains about a naruto pic must be stopme. Without a doubt, the polls on WHentai are absurdly slanted towards naruto and naruto clone gangbangs, it's rather annoying. On the rare occasion that a naruto pic doesn't win, it's either fairy tail or one piece or a crossover of them instead.
Anonymous10(5): @Anonymous: I do suggest and vote. It's sad how many quality suggestions (and I'm not just talking about my own suggestions) are passed up for "naruto clone gangbang of 5 " insert random crossover characters here. I've talked to people there who complain about naruto winning all the time and consider bleach, dbz, Porkyman, and final fantasy characters to be "rare". That should tell you how lopsided the voting there is.
Anonymous11(5): @Mageta: Certainly, and I have no problem with them winning sometimes, I enjoy them that's why I'm viewing pics in this section. Winning all the time is a different matter, and the naruto ones seem to even eclipse the one piece and fairy tail ones.
Anonymous14(5): @Anonymous: Yes I know, the mods do try to keep it fair but that doesn't change the fact that most of the users there keep voting for the same things over and over again.
Inusen know his audience.
Would buy.
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check his other pics dude
Mei gives a fuck, but doesn't really give a shit about it -.- that totally bland face man. Even Yoruichi has a blush!