Anonymous16: @Decanter: It was Mojang.
I'm sick and tired for hearing it's Microsoft when it was confirmed that it was Mojang for the majority of the retarded decisions i.e chat report and no sharks or fireflies because "it harms the children".
Microsoft only cares about ports and merchandises.
Time to kill your nostalgia once and for all and face reality, you fabulous and successful African.
Anonymous17: @Anonymous: Preach, brother. People have this weird obsession, where if a bad decision is made in regards to a game, they'll happily bend over backwards for the the devs, trying to excuse them, while blaming the corporate/parent company for every fuck up instead, as if THEY were the ones who actually made the damn thing.
But here's reality: devs aren't blameless! They're greedy bastards too. Specially Mojang, who has the most sold game in the world, but is too fucking lazy to add more than one update per year to it, or better yet: actually listen to their community for once and fix the awful Bedrock Version they're so desperately trying to push on everyone already.
Goodwin: @Anonymous: I get what you're saying, and I agree. But then again I'm adamant publishers and platform holders did more damage to industry than devs themselves. Like, 2-to-1 ratio more. Figuratively speaking, for one Overlook devteam fuckup that has NOTHING to do with Bobby Kotick (i.e. OG Brigitte) we have EA forcing integral Javik to be "a Day 1 DLC" and Sony fucking up Helldivers 2 success.
Not to mention 'bigger picture' cases like Nintendo DMCA policies and western publishers' unhealthy obsession with political agenda.
Decanter: @Anonymous: Mojang is a division of Microsoft. They're not separable, so the distinction is pointless. This is like whining that I said Meta instead of Facebook.
Anonymous28: Linkin Park's amazing!!! Thank You to Chester Bennington (may he Rest in Peace) and the rest of Linkin Park for not only making some of the best songs in existence, thank you guys for making our childhoods/teenhoods! :')
Anonymous30(16): @Decanter: Except Microsoft are not the ones who develop the games, they're only own Minecraft for merchandise and ports.
All of the decisions are made by Mojang.
It's like saying Popcap is owned by EA therehore EA bad despite Garden Warfare were the best thing coming out of PVZ and the shitty 2 and 3 and other mobileslop were decisions made by Popcap themselves, hell, Popcap made PVZ2 microtransactions before the buyout.
Stop believing that dev good publisher bad. It makes the industry worse than already is.
Anonymous33: Even on fucking porn sites I can't escape this shit. It feels like boring as shit stupid ass minecraft has been shoved down my throat everywhere I go for a decade.
For the love of god, can we as a society just let this "game" fucking die already? Or at least be quiet about it and enjoy it silently? Even for just a bit? This is dimensions beyond ridiculous at this point.
Anonymous45: Anonymous26: It scares me to think that that neighbor accused of women has a troop of fans burning the fucking ass of that fucking guy with the face of my fucking neighbor's balls, unhappy son of a bitch who eats fucking balls.
Anonymous46(45): Anonymous54 I'm also scared of the fanboys of this guy with fucking mental retardation son of a bitch of that bad-ass neighbor with the face of a fucking shit attractive and successful African disgusting accuser and a fucking manatic son of a bitch you're not the only one who hates those fucking garbage people, dude. :)
Anonymous47(45): Anonymous26: anda que te viole ese niño que folla su puta de sus vecina cara de puta olor a puta cagada de burro hija de put4 jajajaja
Anonymous48(45): Anonymous55: Here we have a stupid fans who likes to be raped by that bastard with the face of a mentally retarded son of a bitch neighbor.
Anonymous57: your life serves 0 purpse you should end yourself now and give someone else a piece of that oxegen you life iss as worthful as a summer ant
Anonymous58(12): @Anonymous: So you're the type of person that simply can't click away from something you don't like and move on, you have to whine about it.
Anonymous66(17): @Anonymous: Am I the only one who kinda misses him, though? Sure, he was an asshole, but at least he would singlehandedly keep the discussion under these featured posts alive with his bullshit. Just look at how boring this comment section feels in comparison to one from a year or so ago.
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I'm sick and tired for hearing it's Microsoft when it was confirmed that it was Mojang for the majority of the retarded decisions i.e chat report and no sharks or fireflies because "it harms the children".
Microsoft only cares about ports and merchandises.
Time to kill your nostalgia once and for all and face reality, you fabulous and successful African.
But here's reality: devs aren't blameless! They're greedy bastards too. Specially Mojang, who has the most sold game in the world, but is too fucking lazy to add more than one update per year to it, or better yet: actually listen to their community for once and fix the awful Bedrock Version they're so desperately trying to push on everyone already.
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Not to mention 'bigger picture' cases like Nintendo DMCA policies and western publishers' unhealthy obsession with political agenda.
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Dominated Love Slave
All by Myself
Like a Rat Does Cheese
Rock 'n Roll Girlfriend
(This message was brought to you by the online Tré Cool Admiration)
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Easier To Run
Nobody's Listening
High Voltage
My December
(This message was brought to you by the online Linkin Park community)
All of the decisions are made by Mojang.
It's like saying Popcap is owned by EA therehore EA bad despite Garden Warfare were the best thing coming out of PVZ and the shitty 2 and 3 and other mobileslop were decisions made by Popcap themselves, hell, Popcap made PVZ2 microtransactions before the buyout.
Stop believing that dev good publisher bad. It makes the industry worse than already is.
For the love of god, can we as a society just let this "game" fucking die already? Or at least be quiet about it and enjoy it silently? Even for just a bit? This is dimensions beyond ridiculous at this point.
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me: ugh, fucking faggots :/
What people uses it for: MICROSOFT IS TRASH!!!!!1!11!
I figured you clowns would make your presence felt.
But heck, this is paheal, so I'm hardly surprised
If you don't have anything nice to say, zip it.
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