Anonymous1: No, I think it was just Juniper. Athena didn't really show romantic interest in Apollo, and Jinxie was just smiling because Apollo and Athena got her father off the hook.
Now Juniper, on the other hand, kept comparing Apollo to a bright, warm sun shining on flowers.
I can see Juniper seeking Apollo's "pollination" this way, if you know what I mean.
Pootispencerhere: @Anonymous2: Athena let Apollo tie her up, knowing he would find it "enjoyable", in her words. Apollo responds with "O-Of course not!"
And then there's her constant concern and care for him in Cases 4 and 5. in their entirety.
And Apollo really doesn't return Juniper's feelings, IMO.
Anonymous5: I think Apollo wasn't exactly displeased with Juniper's obvious affection, I mean he was distressed in the Cosmic Turnabout after coming of as weird to her in process of a rather obvious display of affection towards her, if he was just trying to be courteous he wouldn't be so agitated with that mistake, I just think that the subsequent events took his mind of romance.
I mean, there's Athena and Junie, but I think Jinxie liked him towards the end of Case 2...
Now Juniper, on the other hand, kept comparing Apollo to a bright, warm sun shining on flowers.
I can see Juniper seeking Apollo's "pollination" this way, if you know what I mean.
**grumble** Lucky Apollo, Juniper's so CUTE...
Now Juniper, on the other hand, would love to have Apollo "pollinate" her this way.
**grumble** Lucky Apollo, Juniper's so CUTE...
And then there's her constant concern and care for him in Cases 4 and 5. in their entirety.
And Apollo really doesn't return Juniper's feelings, IMO.