Seethe: I can picture it now, Cadence is about to give Armor his first blowjob and she starts playing with it when she asks "What shall we call you." Shining answers back in the heat of them moment "Oh its already got a name" then quickly in horror clamps his hooves over his mouth knowing this could only end badly.
And this kids is why you never let your sister play with your cock.
Faptacular: I can't help the mental image that's he's actually glaring at Cadence who's holding a camcorder and corpsing so bad she about to fall over.
A drunken man returns to his hotel room, but mistakenly enters wrong room. He removes all his clothes, lies on a bed and falls into heavy sleep. When he wakes up in the morning, he is shocked to find himself in a wrong room and that there there a little girl with him. What is even worse, he realizes that his dick is all twisted, blue and hurts like hell. He carefully asks the girl if she knows anything about it. The girl replies "I saw your doll move when you slept, so I was interested and tried to play with it. I was dressing it up and down, up and down, but then suddenly it spat on me. So I twisted its neck."
posted4you: @Faptacular: For us non-Brits or those of us who don't have University degrees, "Corpsing" is breaking character by laughing. Check it out. :D
Faptacular: @Sobana: Actually I'm American, (not that I think that means anything) I just picked up the term from Claudia Black while listening to commentaries of Farscape.
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And this kids is why you never let your sister play with your cock.
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A drunken man returns to his hotel room, but mistakenly enters wrong room. He removes all his clothes, lies on a bed and falls into heavy sleep. When he wakes up in the morning, he is shocked to find himself in a wrong room and that there there a little girl with him. What is even worse, he realizes that his dick is all twisted, blue and hurts like hell. He carefully asks the girl if she knows anything about it. The girl replies "I saw your doll move when you slept, so I was interested and tried to play with it. I was dressing it up and down, up and down, but then suddenly it spat on me. So I twisted its neck."
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@posted4you: Oh thanks, for a second I thought he was just making up words, but come to find out he is just British. Makes sense now...
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@posted4you: Thanks for the vid, I learned!
BTW fun pic Shining's expression is pure gold.
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