Anonymous12: "liara?"
"yes, shepard"
"that is exactly the same position me and garrus put your mother's body in when you were staring at the that bug thing"
CodeX: They change their bodies to mate with whatever race they wish to reproduce with. Which makes me wonder if when they aren't having sex are they just like blank slates down there? Like they never have to use the bathroom cuz they really have nothing down there.
- Reply
- Lick her Pussy
- Stick it in her pooper
- All of the above
Anon 3: All of the above.
"yes, shepard"
"that is exactly the same position me and garrus put your mother's body in when you were staring at the that bug thing"
and wtf is that icon down in the corner?
you missed that option
looking at the person and the looks, especially considering ashely is batshit crazy. seems to be general consensus.
- Reply
no, really. play the game, it basically says that.
but ever since playing i cant stop fantasizing about liara, but tali has that mysterious part of it all. hell given the chance i fuck both of 'em!!