quwykxz: Very nice; I think this is the first R34 N7 Fury pic. It's definitely the first one I've seen.
On a side note, I just want to say that if any artists are looking at thins and thinking that they'd like to take a shot at drawing other ME multi-player characters like the N7 Fury, Asari Valkyrie, N7 Destroyer, or my personal favorite, the N7 Shadow, I can guarantee that you'll have my thanks and support, and I believe the gratitude and support of many other ME fans, as well :) !
Anonymous2: @quwykxz I agree completely, and would like to add N7 Demolisher to that list. Also agree with @ARMF about Phantoms and Nemeses, but I'm personally not a fan of Reaper porn. "My kink is not your kink" and all that.
quwykxz: @Anon2: I actually meant to say N7 Demolisher, not N7 Destroyer, lol...but now I think that since no one can really tell if a Destroyer is male or female under all that heavy armor, a female R34 N7 Destroyer would be pretty hot too :D . And I also agree about the Phantoms and Nemesai (or Nemesis, or Nemeses, or whatever anyone wants to call them, they're smexy little evil bitches, lol!)
ARMF: @anon2 It's ok if you don't like my kink...actually, it doesn't necessarily have to be Reapers-forces banging them. I wouldn't mind if it were Geth ("Judging from the amounts of mucous liquid secreted by your vagina, there is an 85.796554% probability that you find the movements of my shotgun barrel pleasing...") or anyone else. @quwykxz don't forget dem female quarians
On a side note, I just want to say that if any artists are looking at thins and thinking that they'd like to take a shot at drawing other ME multi-player characters like the N7 Fury, Asari Valkyrie, N7 Destroyer, or my personal favorite, the N7 Shadow, I can guarantee that you'll have my thanks and support, and I believe the gratitude and support of many other ME fans, as well :) !