fisk7k: not the best quality, but a amazing idea, but why is lb raping kat? :D kat have not the easiest game against lb but its possible to handle this :)
Anonymous2: @fisk7k: "just build a lot of mr and dfg". You're Diamond 4? Yeah right. You know than even a Negatron Cloak and a DFG will cost you 3820g. Where are you going to get that kind of change, rooting around in the crack in the sofa? By the time you've earned that much, LeBlanc will have killed you 6 times in lane.
LikeOrpheus: Leblanc just facestomps katarina full stop. A Leblanc will probably still facestomp a kat even if she gets a Negatron cloak because her burst is so high. The only way katarina would even get gold is if she threw only q's, otherwise Leblanc will just q-w and roll all over her. A bronze leblanc could stomp a challenger in lane.
rapistbuttfucker: @LikeOrpheus: why are you even discussing lane matchups on r34 telling eachother what your elo is and trying to tell eachother youre bad and youre pro. e-penis op
-im challenger
LikeOrpheus: @rapistbuttfucker: How could you be challenger with eyesight like that? I clearly stated why leblanc rapes kat and did not mention my personal rank in any way.
Villainous_Muse: You guys are taking this way too seriously, I wanted to draw LeBlanc fucking someone and that someone just happens to be Kat.
Incidentally I hadn't actually played LeBlanc until after I drew this, she looked like the kind of champion that got around by floating rather than walking.
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every champ, can kill every champ not instant but if you can play so its easy
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-im challenger
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Incidentally I hadn't actually played LeBlanc until after I drew this, she looked like the kind of champion that got around by floating rather than walking.