MellowMelon: THANKYOU FOR THE NOTE ON THE SIDE! Yes, I hate the change in the new Looney Tunes show...among many other characters' new personalities. (Such as yosemite sam being an overly friendly neighbor)
Tetragrammaton: @YotsubaGroup: The new lola is 10000 times better than the old one, I wish she was real so I could spend all day talking to her and getting her to say random things.
Nefretitties: Yeah...nope. The old version of Lola is just there to be hot. There's nothing more about her than being a generic sexy counterpart to the protagonist. The new Lola has a distinct character of her own and that makes her better on every account.
deathstriker: Both have shitty characters, the old Lola at least got the looks, the new Lola got a silly attidute to an even sillier Looney Tunes show.
Nefretitties: ^ Buddy, I don't think you're on the right site if you don't enjoy fictional characters. Trying to prove your maturity on a fricking pornsite by calling others "kids" is pretty pathetic, lol
Also, what kind of unimaginative prick you'd have to be to jump out with such an old and worn out sentence? Just get the fuck out before you embarass your measly self further.
Anonymous4(3): @Nefretitties: yes fictional, hence not real. I don't need to prove shit, your own attempt to rationalize and create a personality for a cartoon makes your own maturity self-evident. I'm not saying you have to be a kid to enjoy cartoons, but most of its viewers are. Viewers of cartoon porn however usually aren't, considering its illegal for kids to log in here anyway.
Nefretitties: My oh my, somone needs a diaper change :D You, sir, are a very boring individual that does not grasp the meaning of the word "fictional". I always wondered how it feels talking to someone completely lacking in the field of creativity. Now I know, and it's not an experience I'd like to repeat, therefore shut your muzzle, I'm not interested in talking to you anymore.
FapMasterFlex: Ugh, one of these guys...sorry, but no. Old Lola was a joke. Tell you what, in TAN18's place, I'll post a huge ass rant I found on the subject. This is from a dude who responded to some other guy on a forum with a fucking essay about why new Lola is better. It's a little out of context I guess, but it was the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture:
"I don't think you read the definition I put. See, now I gotta rant and you're probably not gonna read it, but whatever. Here I go.
Look, I remember being a kid, sitting in that theater, and seeing her drag her furry butt on screen; and I cringed. Oh, Lord, did I cringe. Even back then I thought she was completely unnecessary. Sexy, independent, and bugs' girlfriend? Those are the EXACT reasons why she was a terrible Looney Tunes character. The only thing "sexy" about the series should be Pepe Le Pew since his attempts at sexual conquest make up his entire shtick. In certain contexts, almost every character of the old series was independent. Each was made to carry an entire episode to some degree. If you put old Lola in an episode, by herself, it'd be incredibly boring. As for being Bugs Bunny's girlfriend, the previous example applies. Bugs is only funny because he is incredibly random. You take that away from him by parading him around in a normal relationship with a normal girl because every episode would devolve into, 'He does something stupid, girl gets aggravated'. It's the most archaic of 90's sitcom tropes.
The original Lola arrived in a universe ruled by slapstick comedy and brought with her NO personality or originality whatsoever. It's a text book example of writers not knowing their audiences. The target audience for Space Jam was either too young or too stupid to disregard her as a viable component to the Looney Tunes cast. All any male remembers of her is "cartoon boobies", I assure you. Females got it worse, since I bet there were viewers who related to her character and probably saw her as some strong in the face of adversity tag line. It's all well and good to have that kind of role model, but YOU DO NOT go to Looney Tunes and seriously come back with a new outlook on life; You watch it to see Elmer Fudd get hit over the head with a piano.
A better idea for her initial appearance would have, ironically enough, been something closer to what she is now. Heck, if she was, like, some crazy stalker of Bugs' who claimed to be his biggest fan and managed to trick her way onto the basketball team, it would have made for a humorous subplot throughout the movie; her constantly trying to impress him by creepily showing off her encyclopedic knowledge of his cartoon adventures and bounding around like a hyperactive child trying to get his attention (Something similar to an actual cartoon character). Lola only sold for the same despicable reason any other woman sells in TV and movies; sex appeal. Just look around the internet for what "fans" really think of her. I guarantee you will not find enlightenment at the end of that search, just a headache, assuming you have tact and dignity.
The new version of her actually gave her a personality on par with what a cartoon character should have. Compare the two. What do past and present versions bring to the table that relates to the over all theme of Looney Tunes? The past version is too easily related to an actual living person, while the present one has traces of regularity in her, but they're so up played to extremes for the sake of comedic satire (JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CHARACTER IN THE SERIES) that you can't really find anything in common with her. The plight of a young woman in love is one thing, but the fact that she pretty much is her own worst enemy makes it hard to feel sorry for her. Some days, you really want to root for her because of how hard she tries, but you suddenly start to retract those thoughts when you realize the psychotic methods she sometimes employs.
Hell, the girl once fell in love with Daffy Duck because he read aloud a love poem the SHE WROTE for him to read to another woman. You'd have to be inhuman to not find that hilarious and charming. I WISH I had that level of comedic writing talent. It shows that Lola is not simply in love with just Bugs Bunny, rather she is in love with the concept of love itself and will do nearly anything for it. Bugs Bunny just happens to be the person she targets all of this towards.
What I find to be truly baffling though is that you label the present incarnation of her as being a 'crazy, ignorant stalker' like it's supposed to detract from her as a person. Thing is, she's not a person, but a cartoon rather, and those traits make for a really funny cartoon. I mean, did you even look at the picture I posted? [He has a screen cap from an episode where Lola is standing out in the rain and watching Bugs through a window with a large creepy smile] It perfectly defines everything they did right with her. When I heard she was in the new show, I actually cringed just like I did years ago, but when I actually saw what they had done to her, my jaw dropped. They gave her purpose, made her as zany as the rest of the cast, and, overall, gave her the means to become a memorable character. I would choose that ONE THOUSAND times over then be subjected to another minute of Lola Bunny being portrayed as just another boring, uninspired sex symbol."
A bit theatrical, but he makes his point I think. Hope he doesn't get pissed over me putting this shit up on a porn site, haha. Figured copy and pasting would be better than making a link and accidentally sending a goon squad after him.
urielmanx7: I agree, the reason they changed the Lola from space Jam, is because she wasn't a looney, got it? the show's name is LOONEY TUNES, not INDEPENDENT/BRAVE/SELF CONFIDENT-BLA-BLA TUNES
Looney tunes are there to make you laugh and have a good time, not to be badass, the last time they tried to make them badass, Loonatics came to exists, and no one wants to remember that *shudders*
Anonymous6: you do remeber that even in loony toons bombshells exited right? lola was sucha charcater. now she is a stalker and basicly has rather stockholm relatioship with bugs rather then based on actualmutual love.
As much as I don't like the Nostalgia Critic, his argument for why the new Lola was much better than the old one is spot on. Go watch it.
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how can people be this deluded? Calling the old Lola a strong female character is an insult to all females
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Boy what a disaster that show turned out to be.
Also, what kind of unimaginative prick you'd have to be to jump out with such an old and worn out sentence? Just get the fuck out before you embarass your measly self further.
"I don't think you read the definition I put. See, now I gotta rant and you're probably not gonna read it, but whatever. Here I go.
Look, I remember being a kid, sitting in that theater, and seeing her drag her furry butt on screen; and I cringed. Oh, Lord, did I cringe. Even back then I thought she was completely unnecessary. Sexy, independent, and bugs' girlfriend? Those are the EXACT reasons why she was a terrible Looney Tunes character. The only thing "sexy" about the series should be Pepe Le Pew since his attempts at sexual conquest make up his entire shtick. In certain contexts, almost every character of the old series was independent. Each was made to carry an entire episode to some degree. If you put old Lola in an episode, by herself, it'd be incredibly boring. As for being Bugs Bunny's girlfriend, the previous example applies. Bugs is only funny because he is incredibly random. You take that away from him by parading him around in a normal relationship with a normal girl because every episode would devolve into, 'He does something stupid, girl gets aggravated'. It's the most archaic of 90's sitcom tropes.
The original Lola arrived in a universe ruled by slapstick comedy and brought with her NO personality or originality whatsoever. It's a text book example of writers not knowing their audiences. The target audience for Space Jam was either too young or too stupid to disregard her as a viable component to the Looney Tunes cast. All any male remembers of her is "cartoon boobies", I assure you. Females got it worse, since I bet there were viewers who related to her character and probably saw her as some strong in the face of adversity tag line. It's all well and good to have that kind of role model, but YOU DO NOT go to Looney Tunes and seriously come back with a new outlook on life; You watch it to see Elmer Fudd get hit over the head with a piano.
A better idea for her initial appearance would have, ironically enough, been something closer to what she is now. Heck, if she was, like, some crazy stalker of Bugs' who claimed to be his biggest fan and managed to trick her way onto the basketball team, it would have made for a humorous subplot throughout the movie; her constantly trying to impress him by creepily showing off her encyclopedic knowledge of his cartoon adventures and bounding around like a hyperactive child trying to get his attention (Something similar to an actual cartoon character). Lola only sold for the same despicable reason any other woman sells in TV and movies; sex appeal. Just look around the internet for what "fans" really think of her. I guarantee you will not find enlightenment at the end of that search, just a headache, assuming you have tact and dignity.
The new version of her actually gave her a personality on par with what a cartoon character should have. Compare the two. What do past and present versions bring to the table that relates to the over all theme of Looney Tunes? The past version is too easily related to an actual living person, while the present one has traces of regularity in her, but they're so up played to extremes for the sake of comedic satire (JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CHARACTER IN THE SERIES) that you can't really find anything in common with her. The plight of a young woman in love is one thing, but the fact that she pretty much is her own worst enemy makes it hard to feel sorry for her. Some days, you really want to root for her because of how hard she tries, but you suddenly start to retract those thoughts when you realize the psychotic methods she sometimes employs.
Hell, the girl once fell in love with Daffy Duck because he read aloud a love poem the SHE WROTE for him to read to another woman. You'd have to be inhuman to not find that hilarious and charming. I WISH I had that level of comedic writing talent. It shows that Lola is not simply in love with just Bugs Bunny, rather she is in love with the concept of love itself and will do nearly anything for it. Bugs Bunny just happens to be the person she targets all of this towards.
What I find to be truly baffling though is that you label the present incarnation of her as being a 'crazy, ignorant stalker' like it's supposed to detract from her as a person. Thing is, she's not a person, but a cartoon rather, and those traits make for a really funny cartoon. I mean, did you even look at the picture I posted? [He has a screen cap from an episode where Lola is standing out in the rain and watching Bugs through a window with a large creepy smile] It perfectly defines everything they did right with her. When I heard she was in the new show, I actually cringed just like I did years ago, but when I actually saw what they had done to her, my jaw dropped. They gave her purpose, made her as zany as the rest of the cast, and, overall, gave her the means to become a memorable character. I would choose that ONE THOUSAND times over then be subjected to another minute of Lola Bunny being portrayed as just another boring, uninspired sex symbol."
A bit theatrical, but he makes his point I think. Hope he doesn't get pissed over me putting this shit up on a porn site, haha. Figured copy and pasting would be better than making a link and accidentally sending a goon squad after him.
Looney tunes are there to make you laugh and have a good time, not to be badass, the last time they tried to make them badass, Loonatics came to exists, and no one wants to remember that *shudders*
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