Harley_Quinn_hyenaholic: My question remains as to how this ever became awkward; like, did Mario convince her he was Sonic or something and now she's realising? Urgh...
Anonymous4: @shad322: wait mario never shown to have hair on his body because Nintendo showed his body once and it doesn't have hair
And wtf....sonic....HOT!!??? are you a furry?
And tbh I would rather have mario who is the bill gates of video gaming
And the man who literally grows when eating mushrooms to fuck me than an annoying teenager who tries to be cool and acts like an asshole
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When Mario bangs someone... well he's short, hair and oily. In his day to day sex life I'd assume Larry Laffer gets more Tail then Mario does. XD
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Mario: Its ah me, Maarioh, just stopping by to say hello(also to power ah mhy dicku)
And wtf....sonic....HOT!!??? are you a furry?
And tbh I would rather have mario who is the bill gates of video gaming
And the man who literally grows when eating mushrooms to fuck me than an annoying teenager who tries to be cool and acts like an asshole