scotax: @DarkLordZeta: Hinata's whining is due to her low self esteem which is caused by her being burdened by her family and her having the byakugan, because of how much her father pushed her and berated her for not being strong at a young age, the feeling of not being good enough made her incredibly self concious of herself and she continued to feel worthless. her "whiny-ness" is the result of childhood trauma and is evidence of good character development. as for being weak, not even close, after her fight with Negi and seeing Naruto beat him Hinata began to grow as a ninja, improving her hand to hand fighting and later developing her own techniques, and though she couldn't beat him she even fought against pain, saving Naruto's life and assisting in his escape, though she didn't defeat him I have to say it took strength for a character with her traits to do so.
DarkLordZeta: @King-slayer: @scotax:
Okay then tell me do you think she could handle any of the Akasutki members by herself or even Zabuza or Haku? If she can't she's weak and about being whiny Naruto was never whiney a sausage yes but he tried to prove himself Hinata was weak cause she chose to be she could've been training like her little sister instead of stalking Naruto all the time
scotax: @DarkLordZeta: she wasn't weak because she chose to be, the reason she didn't train as hard was due to the stress and her lack of self confidence, not everyone is the stereotypical "fight through the pain" character that Naruto is, Hinata through her childhood had the expectations of an overbearing father to deal with, she's the member of the main family so a lot is expected of her, as a result Hiashi pushed her hard as a child and when she didn't meet his expectations he quickly expressed his disappointment in her, her reaction which was to become introverted as she did is the realistic one. As for whether or not she could fight an Akatsuki member by herself? I Think you're forgetting that apart from Shikamaru Naruto and Guy (Kind of) no one has beaten an Akatuski member alone, Shikamaru was only able to do so because he planned thoroughly, Guy is a Jonin and much stronger than most characters, and Naruto is the main character so naturally had to kick ass alone. Haku she probably could beat alone since her Byakugan would allow her to track him far easier making the Kekkei Genkai less effective, and you're treating Zabuza as if he's some weakling, are you forgetting he was one of the 7 swordsman of the mist? he gave Kakashi a hard time so I wouldn't consider that a fair comparison of strength
scotax: @DarkLordZeta: oh and if you're going to say something like "She should have trained harder to be approved of" picture this, you're about 6, you're doing brutal training all day trying your hardest to make your dad happy, it's tough but you keep going. you're dad turns and tells you you're a disappointment to him and your family. any realistic child is going to be emotionally scarred by being told that repeatedly, Hinata just may be one of the best written characters in the series
Anonymous8: @DarkLordZeta: yeah and Lucy only became a mage not long before when she met Natsu and joined fairy tail its not she had trained for years like some of the other guild members like Erza and thats another thing you haters go on about it is how "OP" Erza is its like you can't be satisfied either way, Lucy keeps the group and their friendship together without her the group wouldn't be more distant like it was in the past she has strength of a different kind not all strength has to be physical if you haters still think she is useless go back read the manga this time with feeling.
Anonymous9(8): @DarkLordZeta: also if you wonder why she is whiny as you put it her father used to be a cold-hearted man. He neglected his daughter and put all his time and effort into his company, which resulted in Lucy running away from home. According to Lucy, her dad never cared for her. imagine being raised by a person who gives two shits about you it would give you the right to whine and complain all you liked, but just like Erza becomes less cold and more open as the story goes on Lucy becomes less "whiny" and just accepts the weirdness of her friends.
DarkLordZeta: @Anonymous:
Boohooo she had a cold father yeah tell that to characters who had no father or a father who tried to kill them did that turn them into whiny ass bitches no they toughened up and became stronger
scotax: @DarkLordZeta: Well you see that's called an unrealistic scenario -_- Her Mother died when she was like 6-8, her father completely ignored her, her entire childhood and openly treated her like a hindrance. Plus she's just the average female, her entire purpose as a forecharacter for people to associate with her. But seriously, if you're 8 and you're dad tries to murder you, no realistic child is going to go on a life time vendetta to get strengthen themselves and get revenge, you're going to end up traumatized for life
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Okay then tell me do you think she could handle any of the Akasutki members by herself or even Zabuza or Haku? If she can't she's weak and about being whiny Naruto was never whiney a sausage yes but he tried to prove himself Hinata was weak cause she chose to be she could've been training like her little sister instead of stalking Naruto all the time
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Something fucked up my comment hahaha it says something about intestinal gasses whatever
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Boohooo she had a cold father yeah tell that to characters who had no father or a father who tried to kill them did that turn them into whiny ass bitches no they toughened up and became stronger
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