fishmonger: What is this trend, and why does it continue? I saw one image like this, hoped it was a one-off. Yet I see this shit pop up quite frequently now. Oh well... guess someone out there faps to this monstrosity. To each their own, I suppose.
blueblueblue: @fishmonger: It began with some hentai image from pixiv. In the drawthreads on /d/, it was dubbed a /d/orse, and requests for waifus as one of these things pop up occasionally on those threads.
Anonymous10: This has destroyed my erection. No, I take that back. It hasn't just destroyed my erection. It has obliterated it on a 4-dimensional level so that all the erections I have ever had have been retroactively stricken from time. Why? Just. Why?
Anonymous12(10): The disheartening part honestly isn't this thing's existence itself. The internet means this was bound to exist. The sad thing is, if you look at this artist's stuff on here ... you'll see a handful of things that are not only pretty cute (see the Velma Dinkley image for example) but show he's a more than capable artist. But the majority of his works are these Lovecraftian nightmares, and diaper porn. I don't JUDGE anyone who's capable of getting off to this or the aforementioned diaper porn but I can't really imagine the mindset of a talented artist who decides to make those things the majority, or even > 1% of his or her work ...
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/d/ is amazing.
/d/ is downright horrifying.
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