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TagsBarbara_Gordon, Batgirl, DC, InCase, edit
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Anonymous1: now unjew it
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jubilation_t_cornpone: Not a dupe of >>1320788

An edit.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: What you mean like give him a foreskin again?
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Anonymous2: @Mugglefucker kike
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: Kike? Me? Juden Raus, mudderficker. It's not within my power to restore foreskins.
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Anonymous3: "Huuurrrr! Nooo! Ma Imaginary Waifuuu! Imma edit it to keep her pristine in ma mind!"

It's shit like this that makes the rest of us white dudes (who don't care about cock color in porn) look like a bunch of Insecure Dickheads by Association.
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Mugglefucker: Actually, somebody else asked, and I was feeling generous. I don't even like Batgirl.
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Anonymous4(3): @Mugglefucker:

I was referring more to the insecure idiot on HF who made a (passive-aggressive) stink over the original, because (now) all but two Batgirl pics had a dick fucking her that wasn't white.
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Mugglefucker: He seems like a nice enough fella. It was a harmless request and easily accomplished. I do share his distaste for the earth-toned, though.
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Anonymous5(3): @Mugglefucker: Eh, then despite how nonchalant you try to come across, you're just as insecure as he is. And you make the rest of us look bad. A shame.
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Mugglefucker: I'm not insecure. I fap to all manner of interracial porn, my friend. I just identify with the mindset which dislikes it.
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Fight_A_Bear: @Mugglefucker: You're more accommodating than I'd've been, had I been in the position to edit this. That guy, and everyone who shares the opinion that black dicks need to be edited so as not to offend them, can go fuck a cactus in heavy traffic.
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Mugglefucker: @Fight_A_Bear: I fail to see the issue, really, it's all fiction. Who cares what it depicts? Certainly not I, who am merely protecting the interests of the downtrodden.
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Anonymous6: @Fight_A_Bear: go be a white knight somewhere else. Oh wait, black knight
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Anonymous7(3): @King-slayer:

"HUUUURRR! Anyone who's not a social retard and doesn't join in on the No-attractive and successful Africans in Muh Art Rabble Rousing is clearly black!"


Yeah, because we white dudes are totally downtrodden. That's right up there with "The War on Christmas."
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: Keep strawmanning, faggot, it won't win you any arguments.
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Anonymous8(3): @Mugglefucker: LOL! Keep your poor self image from fully surfacing faggot, by editing cartoon porn pictures.
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Mugglefucker: The only thing about this more fun than working on my photoshop skills is seeing you people go insane over something it takes four minutes to do.
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Anonymous9(3): @Mugglefucker: After your "downtrodden" comment failed, and your poor self image was accurately pointed out, you're now trying the Hail Mary Pass argument of "I TROLL UUUUUU! UUUU MAAAAD BRO!"

That didn't take too long.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: Yeah, you're sure showing this troll a thing or two, cuz you're sure not getting royally mad at something painfully inconsequential and replying again and again or anything like that.
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Anonymous11(3): @Anonymous: "Responding = Mad" these days? By this logic, everyone's mad all the time when they respond to someone they disagree with.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: He has nothing else to say. First they insist I must be insecure, despite this being done to troll attractive and successful Africans, not because I had any particular problem with the art, since I didn't bother doing this until somebody asked. When that fails to ruffle any feathers they start screaming about how upset I must be that they failed to get a rise out of me. It's really amusing. They spent longer thinking up angry replies than I did editing the pics.
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Anonymous12(3): @Mugglefucker: You responded to me idiot, pay attention to simple numbers. And how was this done to "troll attractive and successful Africans", if you admitted on another pic that attractive and successful Africans aren't the ones "mad" about the change. That's another feather in the "White Male Insecurity Cap", as every time you post, you show that you're full of it.

You're making the rest of us white bros look progressively worse and worse.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: If you're worried about what attractive and successful Africans think, just kill yourself now.
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Anonymous13(3): @Mugglefucker: If by "attractive and successful Africans" you mean "Everyone outside of low-functioning, insecure, white males" then absolutely. If you mean "just blacks" then "no" and you're retarded.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: Keep strawmanning, I'm sure it'll work eventually.
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Anonymous14(3): @Mugglefucker: It's not really a strawman, since I didn't accuse you of saying anything directly. So that's both "insecure" AND "strawman" that you don't know the definitions of. LOL!

Stick to masking your insecurities by editing penis' and saying "it's because you're bored", while you project and call everyone else insecure.
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Gravestalker: seriously, how long is this liberal guilt gonna piss all over people's freedom of speech.....crying tears of blood over EVERY racist comment is not gonna fucking bring every dead black slave back to life, plus if youre not black why the fuck do you care so much about someone elses hurt feelings....guilty white liberals cry harder about racism then any black person ever
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Gravestalker: can anyone actually clarify HOW someone who doesnt like black people is insecure? how is liberal tolerance 'secure'
knowing psychology id say liberals are the insecure ones, given how they seem to need to comfort themselves by seeking the approval of other races
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Anonymous15: lol, that's so true, we have the same problem with bunch of self-hating whites that want to fill the country with blacks, so they can feel like good 'goyims' for their masters
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Anonymous16(3): @Gravestalker: Looking at history, I'd say it's the white conservatives who are the insecure ones. As they swim against the tide, by attacking EVERYONE, like scared children. They even attack their fellow whites who aren't complete dickheads like they are. Stupidity that they then try to justify by calling it "white guilt". Which they confuse with simply "not being a complete retard".

No wonder only 3% of scientists call themselves conservative. It's a backwards ideology that puts comfortable feelings/nostalgia ahead of reality/facts.

And you're extra retarded Gravestalker. Because Freedom of Speech just means that the government can't crack down on what you say. Doesn't have anything to do with everyday citizens. Pick up a dictionary before your next post.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: It's a good thing I'm an anarchist, not a conservative, then, so I still don't fit your fucked up definition of insecurity. The only reason anyone even would feel insecure about the existence of attractive and successful Africans is that the government keeps them alive to keep white people under control and angry at something.
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Anonymous17(3): @Mugglefucker: That was a terrible attempt to troll. I guess in your rush to sound "edgy" you were too short-sighted to realize that what you said just makes us white people sound perpetually stupid. As we've (by your logic) been easily duped as a group for decades. Which goes against your short-sighted white power/superiority.

Oh, and Anarchists are in general cowardly fags who "Rage Against the Machine" at internet rallies. When it's time to put up or shut up in real life, they turn into the raging pussies and Keyboard Warriors that they've been for decades. When things get too real. Where they then go back to their current, safe, anti-Big Government, Conservative, nonsense while they jerk off to framed pictures of Ron/Rand Paul.

I mean um...You're a rebel! Fight the Power!
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Anonymous18: You fail as fuck my friend! Totally. This is fucking horrible
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Mugglefucker: We're not stupid, we just fight amongst ourselves and trust Jews far more than is reasonable, becaue they're very good at pretending to share our interests. Most people don't want to believe they're being misled, and the natural altruism bred into Europeans over millenia prevents most of us from ever acknowledging the reality of the situation. We're being manipulated by sociopaths.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: And I am not a Paulite, or a libertarian. I want the original United States Constitution back, the one we had before the civil war and the reconstruction amendments changed the organizing principle of the country from promoting the common welfare of citizens to exploiting them to enrich banks and keep attractive and successful Africans alive.
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Anonymous19(3): @Mugglefucker: You just doubled down on making us whites seem perpetually stupid, since "we trust Jews more than we should", and they (your the context of your post) eventually screw us over. Maybe you should re-read your posts before you submit them. To see if they actually make sense, and support what you want to say.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: trusting jews doesn't make us stupid it makes us naive. Stupidity is an inborn condition. Naivete is one you're led into by a purposeful miseducation.
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Anonymous20(3): @Mugglefucker: Yeah, good luck with that. You'll die long before that reality even remotely comes to pass.

I mean..."Never give up hope!"
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Anonymous21(3): @Mugglefucker: Continuously trusting them, while they "continue to screw us over" does make us stupid. As that shows a lack of common sense.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: They control the entire United States government, almost the entire national and most local media, virtually all money everywhere on earth, and destroy anyone who tries to organize any kind of resistance against them or make people aware of it.
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Anonymous22(3): @Mugglefucker: And you just went full, "Conspiracy Theory Loving", retard. No wonder you're editing the color of dicks in cartoon porn pics. You're completely deluded. But I guess that's the Zionists Fault, right?
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: all that from a pussy who wont even log in...thus proving my point liberals are preach a pity party for apes yet are too scared to let others know who's saying it
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: using the term 'conspiracy theory' just shot down your argument...those two words are only EVER used by retards who live to lie to themselves that 'everything is perfectly okay' ....reinforcing their insecuroties by simply shutting out negative things in the world and shitmouthing anyone who tries to alert your kind to them
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Anonymous23(3): @Gravestalker: And all this from a retard who is too stupid to notice the "(3)" next to my Anon label. Which is an identifier for the comments section on this pic.

@Gravestalker: Blah blah blah. Such pathetic posturing/a weak attempt at bravado.

Nice attempt at creating a distraction from the FACT that you were too stupid to know what the ACTUAL definition of "Free Speech" is. Don't worry, that personal theory of yours about using "conspiracy theory" (which you tried to state as fact) won't distract everyone from when you demonstrated that you're a low-functioning moron.
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fishmonger: @Gravestalker: That's not true. There was a movie called "Conspiracy Theory," so sometimes those two words are used by someone who simply wants to watch Mel Gibson stalk Julia Roberts while Captain Picard chases him down.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: no, i know the boundaries of free dom of speech and its true text book definition....the government shall not pass any law that limits a persons free speech, but in essence there would still be moral issues against say someone saying something in a public place to cause false someone faking a bomb scare..THAT is abusing the freedom....but say...insulting attractive and successful Africans on the internet is within the parameters of free speech.......but then liberals keep up with the "ermagerd dont say that", as if they themselves are trying to be a form of law barring people from saying things that arent illegal but just harsh
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Anonymous24: Gravestalker is 100% right on this one. I usually don't agree with his racist views against said people of African descent. (See how damn politically correct you have to be nowdays) But I do agree with i think (he has) anti-semitic views. And freedom of speech being free to say whatever you like, just watch you say comment from the so-called liberals who are really Stalinists/Nazi's in sheep's clothing. Who are also sheep!
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Anonymous25(3): @Gravestalker: But this is irrelevant because you saying that "Niggerz r dum!" is protected by "Free Speech". As there are books that are written that are racist and anti-Semitic. What you're crying about (and what the other dumb and embarrassing members of my race cry about) is the lack of "Freedom of Consequence". What you REALLY just want to say whatever stupid things pop into your head and be met with no opposition.

So you piss and moan and cry about "Phantom Liberals/other non-retards stifling you", when in reality you're just mad that people don't readily accept your stupidity. But that's not how it works. Which is what you fail to come to terms with.
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Gravestalker: well technically criticizing attractive and successful Africans on most internet locations IS protected by freedom of speech...its ONLY on websites that specifically warn against it as a term of using their sites, where if you do use it its a contractual violation, or on black people websites where being racist would actually be targeted hate speech...but on your run of the mill websites....its tolerated...

and for books that speak of racism and antisemitism, the only reason they got legally published is because of free speech, so cry

you want to talk about stupidity...the biggest case is of liberals handing their countries over to the former slaves as a racial apology for having ever enslaved them.... your people seem to see logic in preaching racial equality while handing everything to blacks on a silver platter

mind telling me how giving them special treatment counts as equal?
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Anonymous26(3): @Gravestalker: And yet again, this STILL has nothing to do with "liberals" (on this site) silencing your "Freedom of Speech". What you're crying about is not "Freedom of Speech" but "Freedom of Opposing Opinions". Which is not how it works and is also in fact you yourself stifling THEIR right to an opinion. But under the phony guise of "them attacking you".

The latter half of your post is just a pathetic attempt at a derailment, because your argument is failing.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: well thats just it, theres 2 halves of the bleeding heart liberal plan on the internet half is that for whatever reasons your lot have that you see a NEED to cry about people not being disgustingly tolerant of blacks as you are....and on the other half, youre frustrated that as much as you try to make them be quiet, that you CANT, which only makes you cry harder through your own lack of actual power to change the world the way you want it

so what do your lot do...any time you see something racist you just shitmouth the person who said what you dont like until they give up and leave on their own, and you call their withdrawal 'your victory'

you wanna talk about attacking.....lets see...hmm one person can make a racist comment about blacks, then white liberals who have absolutely nothing to do with the insult leap in as if an insult to blacks is an insult to all of them.....youre just like stray dogs when a cat walks hasnt done anything to you, youre just pissed the cat exists
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Error: You're all fucking retarded.
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Anonymous27(3): @Gravestalker: Ignoring the typical beaten dog self-projecting from a racist that doesn't like the consequences of his own stupidity, and is now giving his "Hail Mary Pass-esque Going Away Message", one can't help but notice that you're STILL deflecting. From the fact that your initial argument about "Liberals stifling your Free Speech" was completely false. Which was uncovered as being just another empty, emotion-based, conservative rallying, slogan, when you actually look at it.

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Thumper: @Anonymous: can't you see this man's been hurt, you heartless bastard!! all I see here is the systematic picking apart of a victim by cold empty parrots reciting the hate they've learned at the knee of self-hating morons. you have no idea what legitimate claims this man has IRL..
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: cry all you want, but the liberal agenda of treating apes the same as humans without any regard to 'why' just shows how brainwashed you are

on one side, for someone who most likely believe the sham of democracy works...youre also pretending a communist circle of life where everyone is equal can exist....

on another side...we dont get racial equality now and never will...blacks get more rights and privileges than any other race and they sure arent going to surrender that just because a bunch of white liberals ask them nicely to step down and be one people

and on the other side....who is actually pushing the liberal agenda...politicians pressing for the new world order where people of every race are herded together as slaves equal to each other as the labor force to keep the rich rich....and in utter stupidity, liberal average citizens are actually convinced thats a good thing

dissolving differences and blending all things together actually destroys diversity and independent thought, so all the time you preach 'tolerance' youre actually preaching 'conformity'
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: dont mind them
im not hurt,....aside from the brain cancer their shitmouthing causes....

my issue is that they have no thoughts of their put it in their heads to preach liberalism and as you said theyre just parrots repeating what they learned

somehow they see making everyone conform to one template ideal of life counts as 'love and tolerance'
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Thumper: @Gravestalker: yep; my statement was meant as sarcasm to a degree, but I know what you mean. we all have our own perspectives based on our life experiences. no amount of education can replace real-life experience; try getting a job with no experience. what would you rather have, a doctor with experience, or one fresh out of med school? yet take someone talking from experience, on this subject, and automatically they're not only wrong but somehow evil and/or crippled in the head..
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Anonymous28(3): @Gravestalker: Yes, yes, yes...the "Global Liberal Conspiracy". Let me tighten your tinfoil hat, while you give irrelevant speeches, and STILL deflect from the fact that you were flat-out incorrect.

You White Power Fags are hilarious. Because you can't own up to the fact that you're wrong (which you constantly are), you ramble about one of your go to topics and give a posturing speech to help re-build your flimsy egos.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: you assume much. there's no point in conversing with someone who is so far out on a limb that they're in the middle of a field, and don't even know it, now. HEY! stand up on your hind legs and look around; your mommy 'rocket' is calling you home to the burrow..
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: well thats just it Thumper...these little kids crying liberalism have led sheltered lives in good neighborhoods where the small number of black people actually behave, so they cry that ALL black people everywhere are good and deserve to be accepted as equals....these kids have little to no first hand experience with the majority of black peple who actually do the things people accuse them of

working law enforcement i have seen most races dark sides, whites, blacks, asians, and more....ive seen the bad ones, and ive even seen ones i considered good jump in to protect the bad ones simply over race....they dont care what the bad one did, all they see is the need to defend their own color no matter what'

and the other side, any time these sheltered kids get picked up on that they plain dont know something, they scream 'conspiracy' as if just because they dont know something then it isnt real
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Anonymous29(3): @Gravestalker: So more irrelevant speeches, deflecting, and posturing? At least you're consistent in your faggotry and dodging the issue.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: your entire argument has only ever been ad hominem....spewing shit at me as your only method to discredit me....

the issue is that white people among others have used blacks for all theyre good for, slaves, and used them to build up empires of power, then ones like you used freeing slaves as political motives for your own purposes, or simply freeing them for lack of ability to control them, then spending forever submitting racial apologies to them by giving them infinite leniency while they tear apart everything humans used hteir ancestors to build

and rather than admit your people were wrong to free them,. you simply redirect your frustration at the people who point out you were wrong to free them

and just look at how the debate here, my side is :logic and facts, while your entire side has only ever been: insults, insults, and more insults

you discredited yourself from the first reply you made and you just cant stop
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Anonymous30(3): @Gravestalker: First of all, for you to cry foul over ANYONE using ad hom attacks is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy. You've been trolling this site with racist one liners, and with the zeal of a religious fundie retard, for years.

You discredited yourself, when you failed to grasp the concept of Freedom of Speech. Which was outlined. The rest of your post is just more weak tangential filler.

And you're a little too stupid to work in law enforcement. Unless Mall Security or a Meter Maid counts as "law enforcement" these days.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: i know the exact lette of freedom of speech that the government will pass no laws to limit free speech, but then you white left wingers come on and start bleating with such ferocity as if they should, in order to stop saying racist things that dont actually affect you, but you pretend they do....

so ill ask again, HOW does racism affect you in ANY way....youre not black so why are you going borderline psychotic over it
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Anonymous31(3): @Gravestalker: But what you're too retarded to understand is that those everyday liberals AREN'T the government. So them condemning your speech and saying that you shouldn't say the things you do HAS NOTHING to do with government sanctioned that laws prohibit and punishing your speech.

You're an idiot, because you claim to "understand the law" but then you apply it to everyone who people in a position to pass the law.
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Anonymous32(3): @Anonymous: *apply it to everyone that isn't in a position to pass the law.
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Gravestalker: nice avoiding the question there Troll, you are the reason we need eugenics back, people so fundamentally stupid as yourself dont deserve to be out and about shitmouthing at random
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Thumper: I remember a science fiction story set in the future, about how the earth was so over populated you'd have to earn your right to have a kid by actually contributing something significant to society. it sounds good, over time you'd get a society full of do-gooders regardless of race, and just in time to handle the future's large concentrated populations of people without overly much crime to deal with..
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Anonymous33: @Thumper: Did the story mention how they prevented or dealt with unauthorized procreation?
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: what book was that
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Thumper: @Anonymous: mandatory subcutaneous time-delay release contraceptives; and since they had a near perfect organ transplant technology, most crimes were dealt with by rendering a criminal for transplants.
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Thumper: @Gravestalker: it's by larry niven. he has a whole series of books about 'known space', the human race has spread out to a dozen or so colonies, earth still being overpopulated and requiring such laws.
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Thumper: the short story "the jigsaw man" dealt with organ transplants, and the 'birthright lotteries' were dealt with in his 'ringworld' series, and mentioned elsewhere in the series.
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Anonymous34(3): @Gravestalker: Nice job trying your hand at ANOTHER new talking point, because your last several have failed miserably.

I wonder what random question you'll ask this time around.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: seriously kid, you failed the moment you woke up this didnt need to speak a word.

mind coming up with statements of your own instead of regurgitating the text book liberal "ogm racism, youre wrong, youre stupid, youre ignorant, waaaa"

provide me with a clear concise REASON why you are so protective of blacks and how racism hurts your white self
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Anonymous35(3): @Gravestalker: You'd be pleased to know that "not being a dickhead" isn't a byproduct of being a "kid" or a "liberal". No one is being protective of blacks, I'm just anti-"White Retard". Because people like you get so offended when their laughable views are questioned. Because they are always unprepared when they step outside of their circle jerks.

As for someone coming up with their own arguments, that's rich. You've been parroting the same empty talking points that low-functioning "Race Realists"/White Degenerates have chanted amongst themselves, for years. The same ones that they use to help their flimsy egos, which instantly crumble when they talk to someone that's smarter than a five year old.

At the moment they crumble, everyone who doesn't readily accept your low thinking becomes "a liberal". And you start crying like a pathetic conspiracy theorist.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: ahem..."not a dickhead"...proceeds to bitch about racism for a whole done goofed

and there you go with the endless ad logic just insults...seriously my friends 7 year old little sister has a larger vocabulary than you

YOU have been the biggest parrot with "racism is bad, derp" no mind of your own, just repeating the "taunt the shit out of racists" that your kind support....and youve proven youre incapable of devising your own thoughts on the matter

plus AGAIN with the term conspiracy theorist...the term only ignorant people use to label things they cant explain
you may as well dig up one of those old maps that said "here be dragons" because thats how youre painting yourself up
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Anonymous36(3): @Gravestalker: Taking up issue with racism is the actual definition of a "dickhead", now? You've already demonstrated that you don't know the definitions of/difference between "Stigma" and "Stigmata". So glass houses my low functioning friend. Glass houses.

And a 4 year old knows more than the word "Liberal". Which can't be said about you. And I've refuted you all over every recent pic we've conversed on. Everyone who reads them will see that you're just a dodging and goal-post shifting faggot who can't debate for shit. And who uses harsh language, but then cries about it like a pussy when someone does it towards him.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: taking up an issue with something that doesnt concern you DOES make you a dickhead....if you cant let other people handle their own business, but rather stick your nose it, you are literally a dickhead

every recent pic? youve been trolling over 2 not surprised 2 is a number too high for you...

and lastly, take a look back at every comment you have made, you have only EVER used shotmouthing then cry that I do youre a whiteknight-racist busybody hypocrite?
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Anonymous37(3): @Gravestalker: So an individual taking up issue with something that doesn't concern said individual makes them a dickhead? your logic, YOU'RE a dickhead because you're not the artist of this picture. Nor are you the original artist.

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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: lets try your style shall we

"i disagree with you, youre stupid, youre stalling. trololololol"

keep going troll, im laughing at how retarded you show yourself to me...quite amusing
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Thumper: @Gravestalker: heh, I've seen this kind of troll before; -very lightweight- they take it as a win to keep you engaged, little else. and as long as they get the last post, that's their big payoff. sounds like a dickhead and an asshole; typical liberal, there's no balls involved, lol.
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Anonymous38(3): @Gravestalker: So now you're adopted an "I know you are but what am I?" approach, because your tank is empty? Unfortunately, that's not mystyle, as I've refuted everything you've said. You just try to change the subject and ask me unrelated questions, in a pathetic attempt to save face.I expected better of "The Resident Retard of Rule34."

Uh-oh! Mean words! Here comes another deflection, from the fact that everything you've said has been trounced by me, and is laid out for everyone to see.
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Anonymous39(3): @Thumper: Less "faggot friendly cheerleading/projecting", and more "helping Gravestalker sound barely competent".
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Thumper: @Anonymous: o.k. sounds good. since I've come to the argument a bit late, why don't you define yourself and your position for me? lets not continue this degenerate name-calling.
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: yeah i know how these gay trolls let them have the last comment they'll just keep talking shit about how "they won, troloolol"

the fact hes retarded to the point he thinks shitmouthing harder each time somehow means he's winning, shows that 'affirmative action' for 'special' kids was a bad idea
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Thumper: @Gravestalker: lol, yep :D

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