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TagsBarbara_Gordon, Batgirl, Batman_(series), DC, InCase, Mugglefucker
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Mugglefucker: Now without AIDS
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wuat83: Someone is insecure, jeez

> I'm not insecure. I fap to all manner of interracial porn, my friend. I just identify with the mindset which dislikes it.

>Now without AIDS

I enjoy the edit but you're really insecure about black dicks, which is really weird.
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Mugglefucker: Strawman harder, buddy.
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Anonymous1: It is about identifying with the characters.

I'm white.I can't fap to black dicks. It ruins the fantasy. Nothing to do with insecurity (blacks don't have big dicks - best stereotype ever though).
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appealus: @Anonymous: Some of us do and so do some white guys.
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wuat83: @Mugglefucker: You just explained that you weren't insecure about black dicks, yet you added the comment about AIDS, people on the other pic were saying the same thing about you being really insecure and they were right.

Like I said before, as a white guy, I enjoy this since I can fantasize with it better but adding the insecure comments means you have some issues, you were called out before and now it's happening again, which confirms that you actually insecure.
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Mugglefucker: The AIDS comments were on the original version of this. Why don't you grow a sense of humor? Or stop strawmanning. Either way, I don't care.
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Anonymous2: Finally a non bestiality version
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Gravestalker: sad seeing how white liberals cry so hard in defense of attractive and successful Africans like each and every offended ape is a member of their personal families
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Mugglefucker: @Gravestalker: Thing is, none of the fags attacking this stuff are even black, or at least don't make it clear they are; they're just sick fetishists who can't get off unless there's an attractive and successful African dick in a white woman.
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FuriousD: Sometimes, as a black man, I have to shake my head and wonder what in the holy fuck is wrong with some of you people.

"Now without AIDS"? "Non-bestiality version"? "... every offended ape"? Are you telling me that I'm not a human being because my skin is different from yours? REALLY?
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FuriousD: "Thing is, none of the fags attacking this stuff are even black, or at least don't make it clear they are ..."

This is a self-defeating cycle. Identify ourselves, and racists like you and your friends will see fit to attack. Stay quiet, and this barrage of nonsense continues unabated.

Of course, it's also rather pointless. I speak/type far too articulately for someone as close-minded as yourself to believe that I am indeed black, given the cartoonish stereotype that you believe all black men to exemplify. Much like it is in everyday life for us, we have to simply accept it and hope that someday, humanity will progress beyond this.
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Mugglefucker: @FuriousD: No, because of natural selection which has brought different changes to the biology of your species than that of the other major group of anthropoids on Earth. Color is just an indicator.
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Anonymous3: Ultimately it's all a matter of preference. Most white people prefer porn involving white people. Most black people prefer porn involving black people. Some white people prefer porn involving black people, and some black people prefer involving white people.

That's really all there is to it. Saying you like one more than the other is completely fine and healthy, and there's really no need to hate on others' preferences either.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: Exactly; now if only fetishists were so tolerant.
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Anonymous4(3): @Mugglefucker: Please consult an intro physical anthropology textbook before you post nonsense like this.
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Anonymous5(3): Ok, the order of comments makes my last one look a little out of place; I was referring to you assertion that black and white people are different biological species, a claim for which there is zero scientific evidence.
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Anonymous6(3): Also (last comment from me, I promise): I do appreciate your edits, Mugglefucker, because I personally prefer white men in porn. That is just my own personal preference, and I have no problem with people who have different tastes.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: Cool beans. You stay loose.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: Anthropology is a pseudoscience, like psychology. It means very little because it's all interpretative rather than concrete and based on testable data.
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FuriousD: @Mugglefucker: ... wow. Yeah, you are unquestionably a racist, and any hope you had of convincing people otherwise went flying out the window with this comment. I think you should take some time to work out your obvious issues of inadequacy and insecurity and stop accusing people of being AIDS-infected, subhuman monsters to make yourself feel better.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: No, as a matter of proven fact, Africans are genetically distinct from the other hominids of Earth; they never interbred with the Neanderthals. Every people outside Africa did, to the point that both groups previously existing disappeared completely and only a new species remained. Africans stayed African, for 2 million years.

Are you going to try to tell me 2 million years of natural selection under different conditions had absolutely no effect on anything?

Are you a fucking comedian or just stupid?
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Mugglefucker: @FuriousD: I still fap to interracial porn. I don't think I ever said I wasn't aware that humans are not identical as groups.
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FuriousD: By the way? This isn't even touching on the issue of changing an artist's work without his permission. As an artist myself (you can check the tag here ... same as my username), I would be outraged if somebody did this to my work.
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Mugglefucker: @FuriousD: Oh, and you're the one who's insecure for being threatened by what's been done here. One attractive and successful African dick disappears and it's the end of the world for you.

For me it was Saturday. I could not care less what someone draws. It has no effect on anything.

I do love to see you monkeys fight though.
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FuriousD: @Mugglefucker: You jerk it to interracial porn? Oh good, I guess that absolves you of all the abhorrent racism you've been spilling all over the site for the past day or two. Right.
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Ricky_Roma: This is like one of the only non futa images this artist has done right? Racist or not I'd hope he wouldn't begrudge ppl their specific kink.
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FuriousD: @Mugglefucker: I genuinely wonder if you talk like this publicly (especially when there are non-whites around ... assuming you would even come within a hundred yards of a minority), or if you only become a racist tough guy when you can hide behind the shield of anonymity.
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Anonymous7(3): @Mugglefucker: Homo sapiens as a species did not emerge until ~200kya, so there was no "2 million years of natural selection under different conditions".

Also, have you ever heard of mitochondrial Eve? If not, look it up, and you'll see that all modern humans today descend from the earliest Africans (If you're going to bring up the multiregional model at this point, see my next paragraph).

Lastly, while you are correct in asserting that early modern humans outside of Africa have interbred with other human taxa, the genetical contribution of these now-extinct groups to the gene pool of modern European and Asian populations was miniscule. All of which is rendered meaningless by the fact that all modern humans anywhere can interbreed and bear viable, fertile offspring. Last time I checked, that is the definition of a biological species.

But what do I know, I'm just an anthropologist, which according to you is a "pseudoscience" anyway.
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Mugglefucker: @Anonymous: That's correct.
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BrickShitHouse: @Mugglefucker:
For someone who claims to not care about race, you sure are incredibly passive aggressive about it.
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Gravestalker: its simple, any intelligent human being would take a look at human evolution and see the historical error

homo sapiens began in the middle east / eurasia, and a part of them migrated into africa and bred in with the less evolved native homo ergaster, and the resulting hybrid was called homo sapiens idaltu marking them out as part human but not full enough to be plain sapiens

so its not about hating black forthe sake of black, its about hating black for the sake of them being half less evolved primitive fucking actual humans above their station
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Anonymous8: @Gravestalker: Are you the same retarded Gravestalker who didn't even know the actual definition of "Freedom of Speech" in the other Incase recolor picture? I think historical evolution is a little beyond YOUR station.

Stick to parroting attractive and successful African Jokes on 4chan with the rest of the "edgy 15 year olds."
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: w/e anonfag, one of us at least has the balls to log and and let people know who's saying something worth hearing and ones a pussy throwing bulshit from his coward safety
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Anonymous9(8): @Gravestalker: And none of this has to do with THE FACT that you're a simple minded Google Scholar. And one who can't even understand a basic concept like Freedom of Speech. This is why you're flat out THE DUMBEST person on this site. Every "Try Hard Edgy" post you make, demonstrates this.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: thats it kid, keep fighting the anon coward fight....when you log in THEN your opinion has some credability
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Anonymous10(8): @Gravestalker: So no rebuttal for the facts that lay before you? Just more dodging?
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Thumper: @Anonymous: facts are like legos; yoiu can stack them in different configurations, even leave out half the box, or mix match stuff to shape what image you like. deal with stats, news/stories/anecdotes from IRL. then there'll be a discussion worth having.
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Gravestalker: do you kids even read the shit you post,,...its pretty much "im not black but people insulting attractive and successful Africans TOTALLY affects my life"

seriously kids...where does it hurt?
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Farfegnugen: The butt?
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Anonymous11(8): @Gravestalker: It's more...

"The fantasy black dick in this fantasy white woman effects my life and my flimsy ego. So I'm gonna edit it, and save face saying it was something along the lines of FOR TEH LULZ."
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: its not about the picture so much as its the message of pretending inter-species sex is okay....the human race is already on the decline without having porn of its downfall to rub it in

so ill ask you little does it hurt you if humans want their people to live a bit longer
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Anonymous12(8): @Gravestalker: And you just went "Full Retard", as you clearly don't know what constitutes as being a different species. If you were trolling and really not this stupid, this would be amusing. But you're actually this dumb.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: right, because anyone who doesnt follow your limited understanding is 'stupid' sometime kid....homo sapiens came from the middle east in what was mesopotamia....some spread into africa and came across the less evolved homo ergaster and bred in with them to create the hybris man-ape later called homo sapeins idaltu...sapiens in regards to that common ancestor but idaltu as in not actual sapiens proper......the humans of the middle east, eurasia and europe evolved to modern humans....the idaltu in africa stayed a backwards apelike breed they still are

Race defines members of the same species with different attributes like white, asian, hispanic, arab, and natives of siberia and the americas....the things in africa are a different species

no matter how hard you cry, your tears wont wash the black off the africans
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Anonymous13(8): @Gravestalker: No, those who are stupid are the ones who ignore that the modern ancestor out of southern and eastern Africa migrated, AND REPLACED the ones with inferior genes in the places you listed. To say that humans of the ME, Eurasia, and Europe evolved on their own into modern humans is beyond stupid. Not to mention patently false.

No matter how much white superiority posturing and chest thumping you engage in, you'll still be an inconsequential white male. Especially since you continuously cry that white "liberals" are making things harder for "real" white people like yourself on a daily basis.
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Anonymous14(8): @Gravestalker: Then again, why am I explaining this to someone who doesn't know the defintion of "Free Speech", nor the difference between STIGMA and STIGMATA.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: you know, its amusing and sad at th same time seeing guilty white liberals beat their chests like the apes they love so much over matters that have nothing to do with them

seriously kid, youre not black, tell me how racism hurts you....

the earliest tools ever made were found in georgia much older than those found in africa, and the earliest signs of civilization are in the middle east, and about 7-8 thousand years older than any ruins in africa.....

so get real kid, history was rewritten to give some to blacks who have no records....
hell tens of thousands of years and they stayed tribal while the world around them moved forwards

take a look at mother nature kid....humans grow, build, create and evolve....animals keep building the same things over and over again....and isnt that what africans have been doing,,,just building stick huts for millenia....then again not very well...your average beaver can build a set alot more structurally solid than an african hut
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Anonymous15(8): @Gravestalker: So more of the same pathetic deflecting, flimsy posturing, and calling everyone who disagrees with you a "liberal" in a pejorative fashion? But NOW with a side of "Credit Pimping" and "Racial Coat-tail Riding". Two of the biggest calling cards of a White Societal Failure. You keep using kid, like it means something, but a "kid" has consistently proven that you're borderline retarded. Let's go down the "Gravestalker List of Fail" so far...

- The actual concept of Free Speech
- "Stigma" vs. "Stigmata"
- Human evolution

What's going to be next?
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: well thanks to kids like you there is no white society...its all being forcibly shared with the feral monkeys roaming free, because your lot preach out that basically black countries are free to be that but any country with white people MUST be multicultural

people like you rather white people go extinct than EVER put limits on blacks migrating and hurting their feelings by telling them they cant do something

youre STILL pretending youre not here to silence free speech in the only way you as a basic member can, troll people till they get sick of you and go away....well i wont give you that victory so get over yourself, i wont let you passively blockade my free speech

youre still going speechnazi over one word, adding you your beating the dead horse of ad hominem which you love so much

AND youre still playing the ignorance of may as well preach that religions garbage that we were created as we are 6000 years ago, of the scientologist idea that aliens made us....

the moment you FINALLY come forwards with logical rational debate THEN you may earn credibility
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Anonymous16(8): @Gravestalker: Aaaaaaaaand more of the same.

Pointless "White Power Faggot Rallying" tangents and Chicken Little-esque Doomsaying that are completely irrelevant to the main discussion. jsut because you can't debate the argument at hand and are prone to dodging it by giving pointless speeches, that doesn't mean I haven't put forth any sort of logical point.

You've just been dodging it like a typical posturing retard and throwing out strawmen arguments. In hopes that it'll divert the conversation in a way that favors you and ignores your utter failings.
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CrotchboobAddict: blacks have generally lower IQ and are more violent - So race mixing isn't exactly good, look what happened to Detroit. You'd have to ask yourself, who owns the media and promotes this stuff?
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Anonymous17(8): @CrotchboobAddict: And yet it's still higher than the IQ of inconsequential whites, who parrot theories that haven't been substantiated by a single accredited evolutionray biologist. The same inconsequential whites that make the sane rest of look stupid by association.
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Anonymous18(8): @Anonymous: "And yet it's still probably higher, etc...etc..."
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: Gravestalker is a fucking retard, but you should watch all the "white this, white that," stuff lest you fall into the same racial diatribe spewing.
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Anonymous20(19): @Gravestalker: Apparently the evolutionary advantage of a Shift key skipped you.
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Anonymous21(8): @Anonymous: I'm white too. Hence why he's been calling me a white liberal and not an attractive and successful African. I've also made sure to constantly reaffirm this by separating the pathetic social retards like him from the rest of us.
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deathstriker: You know, I care not what color the cock is on the pic, after all if the pic is hot there is not problem.

But it is sad and hillarious to see those liberal social justice warriors trying loosing their marbles IN A SITE THAT WAS MEANT TO BE OFFENSIVE TO EVERYONE.
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Anonymous22: @deathstriker: I think it's not so much the site that they take offense to as it is its user base. Everyone probably assumes that the racist art here is so over the top that it's not meant to be taken seriously. The people though... not so much.

Which is even more hilarious because you can't change people who are unwilling to change. This thread is just two sides stoking a fire.
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CrotchboobAddict: @anon16 - lol, I just have to use my own fucking eyes to see what failure and chaos multiculturalism and race-mixing bring
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: there we go, more ad hominem and no actual debate....not surprising, you havent provided on logical answer though the whole issue, just more and more of your 'herpaderp youre stupid, youre posturing'

provide me ONE logical rational answer why racism affects you the way it does,
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Anonymous23(8): @Gravestalker: That's not the discussion, and is just you trying to shift goal posts YET AGAIN. Because every other topic you've tried to argue has failed miserably. So don't use my harsh language as a handy cop-out as a means of escaping your continued failures.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: ive put forwards logical statements and your replies have only ever been 'nuuh nuuuh youre stupid"

perhaps you should actually read the definition of freedom of speech, it says the government shall not create restrictions on it...but here and now, its because there is nothing to legally prevent me from speaking things you call racist, youre trying to be a law unto yourself to blockade my free speech

and since you have thus been unable to prevent me from speaking my mind, you throw childish insults around and pretend youre 'winning' the debate, you failed before this even became a debate because you have nothing constructive logical or even coherent to say

have a good life troll
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Anonymous24(8): @Gravestalker:

I feel honored. Gravestalker has called ME a troll.

You have put forth many statements, "indeed". Unfortunately, that occurs whenever you're in a corner and can't back up your previous points. Your logical statements amount to nothing more than calling people "liberals". There is no debate, just you continuously flailing whenever someone responds to your posts, with common sense. It's no different than if I were talking to a low-functioning religious fundamentalist.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: there never was any debate, your only argument was "racism is bad mmmmkay, youre stupid"
im still waiting for one logical statement from you to prove you know anything about the race, politics and law stated above...instead of your rampant trolling

now try something REAL instead of "i dont like what you say so its false"
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Anonymous25(8): @Gravestalker: There hasn't been any debate, because you keep running away from your own talking points. All the while you act as though the person on the other side hasn't made an argument, because that's easier than actually addressing their points. Since that previous tactic of yours has backfired on you every time.

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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: you have not even put asingle point forwards for there to be a debate over anything, youre just trolling like a kid in grade school and calling that good enough

on the simple basis that my points go well past your education level, because you cant grasp what i say you ignore it and act like ive said nothing, and proceeed to troll harder thinking youre winning

all your 'political correctness' is in fact a huge INSULT to black people, you trying to fight their battles for them in fact shows you think they cant do it themselves, way to go RACIST
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Anonymous26(8): @Gravestalker: More tangents, stalling, and irrelevant speeches. I've addressed your points continuously. You just don't like the answers/rebuttals, so you're denying that I've said anything. On top of crying about someone using "mean language". Despite the fact that 99% of your posts on this site are usually about "dumb attractive and successful Africans".

You've been made to look like an idiot so thoroughly that YOU OF ALL PEOPLE are now trying your hand at a "concern trolling" tactic about me "disrespecting black people". Talk about desperation. LOL! You have nothing left in the tank. What a useless faggot.
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Anonymous27(19): @deathstriker: Funny how you seem to forget that the instant you run into futanari.
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Thumper: @Gravestalker: they're not used to being opposed, so not only do they have little to no skill for a debate, they have little to no skill at ending one either. they've never had to prove what they say is right, or even prove that the other side is wrong, heh. they're ivory tower idiots..
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Anonymous28(8): @Thumper: Talk about a personality projection.
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: yeah its sad this retarded left-winger has only ever been preaching "youre wrong, youre stupid, youre stalling"

typical liberal broken record activity...lacks anything in depth so just repeats itself acting like thats an official debate
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Anonymous29(8): @Gravestalker:

It's more than that. Preaching "you're wrong, you're stupid, you're stalling" is a broken record, isn't inappropriate. Because you keep saying things things that are refuted, things that demonstrate how you don't know the simple definitions of words, and things that that you can't defend.

So now that you've been refuted into the ground, you're talking to your fellow faggot cheerleader, in order to salvage what's left of your pathetic ego.
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Anonymous30(8): *isn't a broken record, etc...etc...
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: right, and being a cheerleader for failed left-wing views makes you better right...okay kid show me one piece of evidence that you have actually ever researched anything that we've talked about

you cant, thus why you troll, and the broken record approach is the theme of an uneducated person.....

seriously, that you keep going around and around repeating yourself its like your brain is on a nascar track,

its been proven scientifically that blacks arent human, rather a primitive species, both in genetics and in culture, perhaps you should take a look at how blacks back in africa who live without white technology are STILL in the same style of grass huts they built 50,000 years ago...humans can invent things, please name one thing blacks have invented of their own power without white science helping them

its been proven that freeing them from slavery was a bad idea since all that did was open pandoras box and start them on the path of lawlessness building a culture of 'taking what they think the world owes them"

now please, tell me how regarding blacks badly based on their proven failings, is bad
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Anonymous31(8): @Gravestalker: It's been proven that blacks aren't human? You just cemented how retarded you are. First you failed to grasp how human evolution worked, and now you're saying this.

Show me a peer reviewed link which LITERALLY states and proves that blacks aren't humans. Drop an name of someone who was peer reviewed. Something. Until then, you've just confirmed to everyone that you're a full-blown idiot.

But don't fail to do so and cry about a "liberal conspiracy keeping them down".
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Anonymous32: Think anonymous 30(7) has got you there Gravestalker.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: youre one of those retards who think evolution is a straight line and cant grasp that divergence actually occurs

read a book kid, each species have offshoots split away and evolve differently, same deal with blacks....they split off and grew up different, the only reason they can still breed with humans is through interbreeding here and there along the way but just because they have human dna in the bloodline doesnt make them enough to be called human

how about the book 'Erectus Among Us' by Richard Fuerle
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Anonymous33(8): @Gravestalker: You were the idiot who implied that humans in ME, Asia, and Europe evolved without a common African ancestor. And now you doubled down on the dumb by saying that blacks are not human even though they have human DNA.

And Richard Fuerle of all people not only used debunked data in that non-peer reviewed (remember I asked for that) book, but he quotes the biggest laughing stock of the scientific community, Phillip Rushton. The same now deceased joke who was not only utterly refuted and embarrassed by freshman biology college students, but also didn't even work in the field of evolutionary biology. Because he was just a psychologist. He was as credible as a person who sells mattresses for a living is on the subject.

You couldn't have proven that you're a complete and utter idiot any harder, by being up that example. LOL!
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: just because blacks have a common ancestor doesnt make them human....cats and lions have a common ancestor but they arent the same animal today

blacks are not human as we are, they have a common ancestor but they arent fully dont just round things UP to count them in and ignore their primitive side, yeah with slutty girls fucking attractive and successful Africans and having mulatto babies like obama, they are slowly breeding in to be more human, but the problems are it takes time to clean the contamination out of the bloodline and all the while attractive and successful Africans get multiple sluts pregnant and slow down the overall assimilation process

and most of the 'scientific community is a joke, theyre the same people who when they came out with homosexuality being genetic, and gays protested, government put pressure on the scientists to 'review' their data, and the scientists came back stating homosexuality is just a choice

same deal with blacks, their 'facts' are rewritten according to political motivations, science once published facts concerning how they are primitive and unevolved, but then politicians demanded those studies be rewritten to be more 'racially tolerant' to keep blacks pacified and labelled all the previous work as 'fake because its racist'

keep fighting a lost cause kid, youre like a guy already knocked down but still waving his arms and legs trying to fight
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Biggus__Dickus: @Gravestalker: You invalidated your own argument - the fact that blacks and whites CAN breed together is an indication that they are the same species, by definition. The difference between them is less about different species, and more comparable to different breeds of dogs.

That said, the concept of evolution itself is a gray area. You could follow the whole of the line between Homo sapiens back to Homo erectus, or further, and not find any creature that did not resemble both its parents and its children.
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Gravestalker: @Biggus Dickus: i define human as in 'homo sapiens' of which blacks arent....if you wanted to play science and say 'all things under the genus homo' are 'human' in the broad aspect, then yeah,

Chimpanzees are 96% to 98% similar to humans, Cats have 90% of homologous genes with humans, 99% of mouse genes turn out to have analogues in humans, just because blacks being in the genus homo makes them capable of breeding with humans doesnt make them sapiens
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Anonymous34(8): @Gravestalker: You continue to show how retarded you are. ALL CURRENT DAY HUMANS genetically fall under the subgroup of "Homo Sapiens SAPIENS". It doesn't matter what YOU define to be human, because you're an idiot who likes to demonstrate that he doesn't even understand the basics of very subjects that he talks about.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: if you really know the subject it should be easy to slap 'the retard/idiot/etc.' around with your facts. you refute the claims made, yet all you come back with is name-calling/gain-saying. I see no intellect, just an contrarian attitude. on an amusing note the fate of neanderthals may shed some light on the increased brain size of europeans
With an average cranial capacity of 1600 cc, Neanderthal's cranial capacity is notably larger than the 1400 cc average for modern humans, indicating that their brain size was larger. ~ The study indicated that Neanderthal and modern human brains were the same size at birth, but by adulthood, the Neanderthal brain was larger than the modern human brain. They were much stronger than modern humans, having particularly strong arms and hands. Genetic evidence published in 2010 suggests that Neanderthals contributed to the DNA of anatomically modern humans, probably through interbreeding between 80,000 and 30,000 years ago with a population of anatomically modern humans. According to the study, by the time that population began dispersing across Eurasia, Neanderthal genes constituted as much as 1–4% of its genome (roughly equivalent to having one Neanderthal great-great-great-grandparent). (Ötzi the iceman, Europe's oldest preserved mummy, was found to possess an even higher percentage of Neanderthal ancestry). Recent findings suggest there may be even more Neanderthal genes in non-African humans than previously expected, at about 20% of the human genome instead.
so non-african humans have larger brains, apparently.
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Thumper: this also fits in with my theory of 'the double growing season'. in equatorial regions the annual sunlight is such that there amounts to two growing seasons per year. with many food plants growing wild and plentiful game, it's much easier to live off the land. in northern regions the seasons are more harsh, two temperate seasons, a single growing season, and a season of ice. to live in the north takes greater pre-planning/abstract thought to grow food in the single growing season, and to store and protect it for the less hospitable seasons. those that were incapable mentally or physically to weather these adverse conditions died; they didn't pass on their genes. at the equator, all that was required is to weather rains, (not ice), and food is relatively plentiful, no need to develop much abstract thought to store or protect food for months, or to survive a killing environment. the most defining quality of the two environments genetically though, is the 'asshole quotient'. say a tribe up north finds fault with a member, (it would happen more often with the cramped conditions during the winter months), they would either kill them outright, or cast them out into the snow to die, the asshole member not passing on their genes. the equatorial tribes would have no such luxury, apart from catching/killing the asshole outright, casting them out would do little since they could live off the land at all times of the year. they would live, and have a chance yet to further their asshole genes in the general population. take this into account, and realize thousands of years of generations with these conditions weeding out some and furthering others..
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Anonymous35(8): @Thumper: Yeah....that refuted NOTHING that I said. Good job on saying absolutely zip, while finger waving, and posting an utterly irrelevant post as though it was a "slam dunk". And brain size means very little, when you factor in things like its size to the proportion of body size and even the degree of wrinkles.

Kudos on displaying that you're a Brainless Google Scholar, like Gravestalker. Uh-oh! Mean words! Here comes the cop-out on your part again!
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Thumper: @Anonymous: strange, I never feel satisfied with your answers; maybe you need a bigger brain..
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: looking at the various types of neanderthal supported by science, i see a mix of arab and european features.....
given arabs were the first ones to develop tools and civilisation, it fits perfectly

all in all, taking a look at human history, the native siberians who spread east over what was the land bridge from japan to alaksa then spread though the american continent were the most advanced,

HUMANS have evolved genetically and culturally, in the last 50,000 years, anontroll can scream as much as he likes, if blacks were human, doesnt one think they might move even a tiny bit forwards past the grass hut and pointy stick tribal stage
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Anonymous36(8): @Thumper: And your quote comes from the Neanderthal Wiki page. Which you blatantly misquoted and chopped up, in terms of brain capacity. They had a large brain but they were less encephalized. Which means that their brain size didn't match their body mass.

Way to be a dishonest faggot.
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Anonymous37(8): @Gravestalker: Sorry, but your personal definition of "human" doesn't match up with the hard science's definition. So you can scream that blacks aren't human, to feed that pathetic Black Hole that is your flimsy ego, until you're blue in the face.

Hard facts trump your emotion based stupidity, everytime.
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Thumper: true. though, I didn't think that was important as I was talking about their hybridization with modern humans; think volume and substance for the hybrids brain. and, I furthered your learning, you actually looked something up. ;)
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Thumper: (above^ is in reference to this:) @Anonymous:
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Anonymous38(8): @Thumper: You just gave yourself some unwarranted credit. What you posted was common knowledge. It just sounded heavily edited.

Your post "being about hybridization" is just a poor attempt at backpedaling and covering your ass over being caught in a deliberate lie. You posted that and chopped up a few sections of the article to make it sound like Neanderthals were on the same level as modern day humans. Which was false and exposed with a simple Google search.

So the dishonest faggotry continues.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: heh no, that's why I put the '~' symbol. it indicated an abridgment in the quote. and, it is a quote, hence the use of a 'quote box' there. and my double growing season theory, I came up with that on my own. it may exist elsewhere in a greater or lesser degree, or in a different form or style, but I've never seen it anywhere else.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: which one are you BTW? it sounds like the retard went and had someone else sign in to the account when the going got rough..
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perlita9: i prefer white dicks and i am not at all racist
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Anonymous39(8): @Thumper: Yes, it's just a coincidence that you left out what didn't help your POV, while you tried to piece together a post that denotes some close mental similarity between Neanderthals and Modern Humans. And "whether or not it was a quote due to your use of a quote box" wasn't even being debated. So that was 100% irrelevant to this discussion.

And it's the same person that's been posting the entire time. No sock puppet nonsense or some such dishonesty. That's a white failure/nationalist's tactic.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: you bore me; all you do is refute the methodology, gainsay, contradict and name-call. you offer no facts, add no substance to your views, to the conversation etc. heh, I'm tired of helping you limp across the steppingstones of this 'argument'; you merely continue to prove, by your actions, the statements you here oppose.
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Anonymous40(8): @Thumper: I love when racists give worthless speeches and play the victim card, after their dishonest BS is continually exposed and slapped down by common sense and simple observations.

You're not "bored" you're just "out of ammo", because every dumb tactic you've tried thus far has failed miserably. But give us another self-victimizing and pathetic speech about how "I'm a meanie" for refuting your nonsense with little to no effort. And without using anything that can give you a segue.
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: exactly, all he does is spew the same stale shit over and over again, providing NOTHING to validate his opinion

its been proven with hard facts that scientists occasionally edit each others work based on the political climate, as i tried to mention to him, homosexuality was once listed as genetic, then when gays protested that, the government demanded science 'review' that evidence and the scientists came back claiming its 'not genetic, just a choice"....and then again in recent years as gays have calmed down about the issue, scientists have once again proven it IS genetic

same deal with many scientists produced evidence blacks are less evolved, then politicians demanded that reviewed to keep blacks quiet....given how they never calm down i dont see science being able to open the proof they are less evolved.....

all the while, AnonTroll maintains his "you being racist makes you a dick so ill be an anti-racist dick to you"
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Anonymous41(8): @Gravestalker: It doesn't matter how many times you repeat this false line, when all anyone has to do is scroll up and see that you're a lying moron.

Like a typical White Failure/Supremacist you stupidly confuse "Something in science being proven to be factually wrong." with "Something in science being changed becuz politikz." With every poor attempt to sound smart, you were refuted. So now you're desperately trying to act as though I'm just slinging mud. Pathetic.
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Anonymous42(22): How the fuck is this still going on?

- Sincerely yours, concerned anon
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: its still going on because that AnonTroll who keeps talking shit has permanent verbal diarrhea.....he just wont admit he never had a case all the while he keeps awarding himself gold stars for 'being special'
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Anonymous43(8): @Gravestalker: It's still going on because Gravestalker and his Cheerleading White Power Faggot keep trying to salvage what's left of their flimsy egos, by putting on a brave face and pretending that their nonsense hasn't been refuted consistently. When all someone has to do it scroll up for the truth.

Since White Supremacists are used to brainless echo chambers, it's always a sight to behold when they start grasping and flailing, when their stupidity and talking points are so easily dismantled.
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Gravestalker: see, we pick at attractive and successful Africans and sad little AnonTroll just automatically assumes we're against everything not white

i for one have no problems with arabs, asians, hispanics, and natives of the americas because they all stemmed from the homo sapiens origins...just blacks are primitive non sapiens..but will Troll just sits up on a high horse and acts like hes abraham lincoln 'fighting the good fight' for blacks

and he claims 'the truth' is his neverending message of 'racism is bad mmmmkay'

plus obviously Anontroll has never read a book in his life...."white supremacists are used to brainless echo chambers"...right....please tell us about all the doctors. lawyers, politicians, and other higher academic people who hate blacks....failed troll has failed again
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Anonymous44(8): @Gravestalker: And like a dumbass, you continue to demonstrate just how stupid you are, when it comes to evolution.

"Blacks are non-sapiens", despite the fact that the African ancestor is Homo SAPIEN Idaltu? You keep proving that you're a complete know-nothing. Stick to your dumb circle jerks with the rest of the inconsequential white failures. At least THERE you'll sound like a genius.
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Anonymous45(8): @Gravestalker: ROFL! Uh-oh! I can feel it! Here it comes again!

"I didn't refute anything."
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: here we go...more AnonTroll "ermagerd youre stupid hurr hurr"

idaltu is not homo sapien, its a chronospecies living alongside us, just because it has stayed close enough to breed doesnt make it human

now tell me again how much of a life you have spending 2 weeks trolling people youre too ignorant to comprehend
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Anonymous46(8): @Gravestalker: Here we go, more Gravestalker trying to re-write the established definitions of words because he was factually wrong.

Actually, that's EXACTLY what makes it human. But we've already been through this. By your new and timely definition, Homo Sapiens Sapiens (modern humans) aren't human, because they're a sub-species of Homo Sapiens. Like Idaltu. Which is complete nonsense.

And constantly showing that you don't know what you're talking about isn't me "trolling". That's just you failing to cope with the realization that you're an idiot.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: look kid, is your whole strategy trying to make me feel bad for picking on clinically retarded you?

youre just not getting this, are you, homo sapiens sapiens aka arabs, whites, asians, hispanics, and native of the americas are human, the divergent species that started as homo ergaster and through inbreeding with sapiens became idaltu, is not human, hence why blacks are idaltu while everyone else is sapiens

now go get yourself a cookie and play some jewelquest little tard, you cant bury yourself any deeper in this debate
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Anonymous47(8): @Gravestalker: Look idiot, your whole strategy is assuming that everyone is as big a stupid fuck as you. Because you keep confirming that you're a complete idiot with every post you make.

What YOU'RE not getting is that EVERY AND ALL modern day human beings are by definition homo sapiens sapiens. Which makes them human. End of story.

You can't just be an idiot and re-write facts because they don't mesh with the stupidity that has helped you cope with being utterly inconsequential in our white societies. It's through Idaltu breeding out/mixing with the inferior genes of neanderthals (who were outside the species of sapiens, a.k.a. they were non-human) that they were brought into the human fold.

Do some basic research and stop aiming to be a retard all your life.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: america rewrites facts whenever it wants, where have you been?

the only reason the scientific proof stating blacks are lesser evolved was changed was part of pacifying black people with giving them what they wanted to hear during the period of 'equal rights' protests....fudge the facts to 'prove' blacks are equal and they'll calm down because they got what they wanted....doesnt mean its true

read up on homo erectus, they left africa 1.9 to 2 million years ago, and later evolved into Cro-Magnon (early Human)

they began in the middle east and spread out centrally from there, the only 'africa' involved in any way was egypt, which are another arabic people,

and ill restate it, the blacks in africa have had interbreeding with humans but arent human enough to be sapiens sapiens,....

its like if someone pissed in a cup then slowly added water into it, it would take time before it would be pure water in there...its the same with blacks, the primitive pollution in their bloodline is slowly being watered down the more they interbreed with humans but till theyre cleaned up they arent human proper....
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Anonymous48(8): @Gravestalker: America "corrects" errors and adds to existing theories when the learn new details. Much like how evolutionary biologists do, when they uncover new things. To act like America constantly tosses its facts into a blender on a whim is just typical Gravestalker dishonesty.

What factual evidence do you have of this reasoning for the change? No vague "look around you" posts. No personal theories. No empty Skinhead Bluster. Something concrete. Go! Otherwise you're just a tin-foil hatting retard, who confuses his own feel good nonsense with empirical evidence. Much like you're been doing when you continued to fail in understanding the basics of the Sapiens species.

And I'll restate it that your personal definitions of "human enough" doesn't match up to the hard science. You're just an idiot who (ONCE AGAIN) disregards inconvenient facts. Until you provide something that back up your claims then you're just a flailing faggot.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: heh, still no substance, man. (and, I don't think I could be a white supremacist, I'm bi-racial, i.e. part cherokee). when I reflect on the substance of your posts, all I'm getting is this vacant 'attack mode' feel. opposing something until the other side quits would only be a win to a marginally rational intellect, one easily prone to violence IRL; something on the order of "hulk smash!" you really want to win, yet you do nothing skilled, impressive or admirable.
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fishmonger: Wow... you people are still on about this shit? It's been two weeks, just let it go. Gravestalker hates blacks, other people don't. There's the past two weeks of comments summed up in one unbiased sentence. You people should move on to other things, like the porn that's all over this site. It would be a better use of your time.
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Thumper: lol; Michael Corleone: "Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in." :D
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Anonymous49(8): @Thumper: "No substance" despite the fact that I've provided facts and links numerous times. Way to continue your trend of being a dishonest dickhead. When all someone has to do is scroll up and see that you're a lying moron. It's apparent that you just don't like contradictory evidence that refutes your BS, and the BS of the faggot you keep cheerleading for.

And this is the internet, you suddenly claiming to be "bi-racial" holds about as much weight as someone who claims to be a "MMA Fighting Alpha Male that's also a slayer of vaginas".
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: that is the most concise way of putting AnonTrolls argument....'hulk smash, raaaagh'

he claims to have posted links 'numerous' times...aka TWO links to WIKIPEDIA
if he considers TWO to be a high number, it raises questions about his intellect, and his 'facts' have only ever been his opinion of the aforementioned "blacks are human because racism is bad, mmmkay"

plus he fires ad hominem as a primary method of his hulk smash attack....its a proven fact that people of lower IQ's are prone to using verbal (and in real life, physical) threats and violence to compensate for their lack of intellectual capacities
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Anonymous50(8): @Gravestalker: Until you learn what a Sapiens is, you have no room to talk. Or until you learn...

- That Neanderthal's didn't evolve by themselves
- What Free Speech is
- The difference between Stigma and Stigmata
- What a "species" is

And your very first post in this thread involved name calling. So you're just a hypocritical dickhead to cry about "Mean ol' Insults", now. Like a typical white failure, you can dish it out, but you can't take it.
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Thumper: @Gravestalker: lol, yeah that's what I'm seeing here their attempt to compensate.. @Anonymous: 2/12/13 >>880915 -12th from the bottom; 2 months ago, >>1079950 25th from the bottom. I've stated this on a number of occasions here. question: why don't you sign-in and talk, if your position is indeed so heroic; you should be proud.. are you afraid?
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Anonymous51(8): @Thumper: The only people who are compensating are the white societal failures here who try to double down on and rationalize the stupidity that has helped maintain their flimsy self image.

As for your Native American ancestry, you just demonstrated again that you're a lying faggot. You said in one pic that you're Native American through your father, but in the other, you said that it was through your mother. So which is it? Let me know when you get your story straight.

And I don't see the importance of signing in. As it's not like you'll see my face or learn my real name. So that's just more desperation on your part and you trying to act as though what I've said is suddenly invalid. Because every attempt by you to debate against what I've said has failed. And so have your tactics of mud-slinging and deliberately mis-characterizing me.
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: its cute yet sad hes STILL playacting the hulk,...its like how in the comic/cartoon, the angrier hulk gets the stronger he AnonTroll thinks the angrier he gets the stronger his failed argument gets

2 weeks and:
* he STILL doesnt get what chronospecies are,...several species living in the same time period....which sometimes interbreed
* hes STILL trying to be a law unto himself, trying to crush our opinions with his trolling
* STILL picking over a word i misspelled when tired, as if spelling spetsnaz / grammar nazi'ing isnt total failure on his part
* STILL playing the ad hominem shitmouth game, since thats the only game hes got

plus now hes adding "herp derp you say youre native american on the internet, i say thats a lie...but when i say im a nice guy on the internet...THATS true, durr"
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Anonymous52(8): @Gravestalker: And it's been 2 weeks, and you...

- Still tried to re-write what a human is, despite the fact that science disagrees with you
- Blamed your lack of knowledge when it coems to two simple words on fatigue
- Solidified this lack of knowledge by getting the simple concept of "Freedom of Speech" wrong
- Claimed that groups evolved without breeding with an outside group
- Dodge any and all facts that refute his arguments
- Put on a brave face after being refuted constantly by pretending that no one has addressed your points over and over
- Played the "i suck yo dick BRO!" card, like a flailing faggot to distract from the fact that you've been constantly wrong
- Are so stupid that you take everything said on the internet at face value, if the person is your cheerleader
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Anonymous53(8): I guess when you type the short version of "You appear to be upset comrade", it changes it automatically to "I suck your dick."

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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: well thats how angry leftwing troll is, he puts everything else in a long winded way to bleat but when it comes to childish insults THEN he gets right to the point
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Anonymous54(8): @Gravestalker: LOL! Why'd you respond to ME like it was someone different?

Either you're desperate for allies, or you're barely literate. Perhaps both.
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Gravestalker: ahem, thats that buried your dead argument a long time ago, yet youre still trying to fight like a zombie scratching at dirt

you lack the very fundamental ability to understand anything that has been discussed, yet you act like you hold a bachelors degree in world history

id wager you never even checked out the link to the cro magnon information....because youre afraid to see information contradict yours, ak like a good murica, you dont read to understand you just read far enough to form replies

please tell me how you explain early humans evolving in the middle east as 'africa', and why if blacks are evoled why they still possess the same apelike traits found in less evolved species

why, that if blacks are human, why they have never moved forwards while all others under the genus homo have

and also please tell me what age you are that 90% of your argument has always been insults, as if immature namecalling amounts to anything
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Anonymous55(8): @Gravestalker: Yes, I lack the ability to understand, but yet you've been wrong TIME AFTER TIME AGAIN. To the point that you do stupid crap, like try to pass off your own comfortable stupidity as fact. Which is on full display right now, with your own personal definition of "human". One that isn't re-enforced by the ACTUAL scientific one, but is spouted by you, because it helps your poor ego.

90% of my arguments have been calling "water wet", as you start dancing around and trying your hand at NEW arguments every single time your previous points have been stomped into the dust.

As for your Cro-Magnon link (who were the ancestors of modern humans, since they were Sapiens...unlike Neanderthals), they moved there from Africa and bred out the inferior Neanderthals. Try reading your own links, and stop hiding behind them like a pathetic moron.

The rest of your post is just irrelevant bluster and White Failure/Supremacist Friendly nonsense, that has nothing to do with the scientific classifications we're talking about. You keep trying to derail like a typical dumb faggot when the discussion isn't going your way.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: here we go AGAIN,...AnonHulk Smash

how far do i have to dumb this down for you to get it...
homo erectus left africa, then later evolved into the cro-magnon in the middle east.. aka first early humans were arabs
as their number grew they expanded back into africa

the tribes of unevolved species in africa, did have a tiny amount of evolution on their part BUT given that every change was just mixed right back into the swamp of primitive genes, change in africa was so slow it pretty much didnt matter, and its only through the homo erectus and cro-magnons venturing back into africa that added their genes into the pool and artificially helped the backwards africans to move forwards, but once again, the advancements were stirred back into the stew of primitive

plus is ad gominem all you have?...i have already mentioned several times that the arabs, asians, hispanics and natives of the americas are humans, yet all you are capable of thinking about is crying 'DUUUR WHITE SUPREMACY HUURR', as i said earlier, you dont read to understand you just glance over the debate to form more shitmnouthing as replies

if trolling was a sport you'd be the olympic triathelete gold medal winner
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Thumper: @Anonymous: yeah, that's real complicated; I was talking about my whole family. my father's grandmother was full blood cherokee; in the other thread, I was also talking about my mother's side, where, basically, mom and grandma had kids in their early forties. amazingly difficult to grasp, heh. @Anonymous: way to play the 'not a regular' card.. to be here this often and consistently, you have to be either a daily regular or staff. 'prejudice' is pointless; unless you're a tyrannical dictator and can set up death camps, there's nothing you can do with hating whole races of people. the best any of us can do personally is to, from our own personal experience, take note of the various racial traits we experience, and be cautious around new people only to the extent that they may wind up being the worst kind of assholes. 'content of their character' and all that. -give people a chance, but make sure you 'cover the ass' of you and yours.
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: is there really any point trying to point out logic to him, hes sat himself up on a high horse so far up that that he can touch passing satellites in orbit
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Thumper: @Gravestalker: oh hell no, lol! nothing will be solved here; it's not boring though :D
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Gravestalker: @Gravestalker: yeah sad as it is its also funny seeing a little kid kick and scream "im right because i think im right"
though the fact hes shut up for an whole day kinda makes me hope hes given up
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Flashlight237: @Franky_Whiskey: Oh, man. I'm gonna have to back off! Don't want to get infected by the anti-lulz epidemic!
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: yeah sad as it is its also funny seeing a little kid kick and scream "im right because i think im right"
though the fact hes shut up for an whole day kinda makes me hope hes given up
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Gravestalker: @Franky_Whiskey: so how do you propse to contain the spill, ive spoken to an admin and he said the general policy is they dont like blocking anonfags speech
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Anonymous56(8): @Gravestalker: Sorry, had to go out of town. I'm glad that you were concerned about being made to look stupid again. So here we go AGAIN...with GraveIdiot ignoring inconvenient facts and crying about someone insulting him. Despite the FACT that his first post was insulting. You Graveidiot also demonstrated that you don't even know what you're talking about and are just winging this entire discussion.

Because at the start, you said that Arabs, Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans started out as Sapiens in the Middle East. Now you're saying something completely different. You're an unmitigated idiot. And the earliest humans were the Sapiens from Africa, who by your admission, are humans. One moved out and one stayed in. The one that moved out, turned the inferior Neanderthals into humans. Bringing them up to speed. To deny this is to be an illiterate faggot.

And I already mentioned that blacks by definition are humans like those other groups you listed. All you're capable of is demonstrating that you either have selective reading, or you're just full-blown retarded.

If being a Dumb White Failure was a sport, you'd be in the Hall of Fame. You're an embarrassment to the rest of us.
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Anonymous57(8): @Gravestalker: Oh and LOOOOOOOOOL! Running to the mods like a little girl! What a pathetic panzy!

"WAAAAH! I can't debate against him! MAKE HIM GO AWAY!"
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: ahem, insulting who, not you but you still decided to stick your big nose into it and cry a hundred times worse than the targets of the insult.....edgy little kid

and dont try to rewrite my comments, i said humans started in the middle east as arabs and spread out to be the hispanics, whites, asians and natives of usa....once AGAIN, ill say you just read to form replies, not to understand whats being said

and no, AGAIN....fucking again, to educate an ignorant child, the first ones out of africa were not sapiens they were erectus, which later out of africa evolved to cro magnon then sapiens.....and some of the early humans moved back in and bred in with the primitives....

youre just a troll who failed at life months before you even popped out of your mom, good day kid,
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Korvus_Varn: After having a look at this conversation, i have to seriously question, How the FUCK are Thumper and Gravestalker still alive?

seriously, the anonymous' stupid is so tangible, that by his third post i had a nosebleed and here at the end im pretty sure i have a brain aneurysm....and i feel sorry for poor Frank having to walk into this and suffer for it too
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Anonymous58(8): @Gravestalker: And yet, with your latest attempt to re-write yourself Graveidiot, YOU'RE STILL WRONG! How do you manage to do this so many times? Idaltu that were in Africa were Sapiens, a.k.a. "humans", too. So how can humans have "started" in the ME, when they already existed elsewhere, prior to migration? No one can be this stupid.

You're a dumb fuck who keeps demonstrating that he's winging this, and learning about evolution as the conversation goes on. Good day!

@Korvus_Varn: They're alive, because they're feeding off of each others faggotry. Seems like they have another source. Now they'll grow even stronger.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: youre a walking brain cancer arent you....

its a scientific fact that the species most capable of adaption and evolution left africa, i have provided you the link to the cro magnons and how the facts state they were the first early humans, and its fact homo sapiens evolved from there,

the ONLY point of debate raised by science is speculation that other breeds of erectus migrated out first some going east to asia and others north to europe, then later the cro magnon/sapiens evolution from the middle east migrated outwards to breed in with those in the the east and north, but still the first humans are arabs, arabs are the master race, and if youre america which with your head-up-ass attitude id say is very likely, then your country is murdering the master race and calling it freedom
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Korvus_Varn: @Anonymous:
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Anonymous59(8): @Gravestalker: Hey dummy....

"Early MODERN Humans" isn't the same thing as "The Only Group Classified as Human". You stupidly confuse the two. Every group that falls under the classification of the species "Homo Sapiens" IS human. End of story. You lack even the most basic level of reading comprehension, and you show it with little prodding.

And just to demonstrate that you're borderline retarded, and didn't even understand this topic...

See the red arrow that points to the green? That shows that Cro-Mags didn't all leave Africa, evolve outside of it, and then come back to mix with the Africans. It was two Sapiens (human) groups mixing from the beginning. Unlike Cro-Mags bringing the backwards Neanderthals up the evolutionary ladder. YOU DON'T EVEN READ THE VERY SOURCES YOU PROVIDE!

LOOOOOOOL! What a dumbass!

Oh! AND Arabs are the Master Race all of a sudden? LOL! Hardly. IN WHAT WORLD? Even the most moronic of Lefty White Liberals would laugh at this.
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Thumper: heh, 'korvus_varn' and anon (7)= samefag..
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Anonymous60(8): @Thumper: Since he's cheerleading for you and Gravestalker, it's safe to assume that he's one of you two.
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Thumper: @Anonymous: (why am I bothering to respond to this?) -have fun with your life; even though I'll never know it, never hear of your pain and various sources of anguish, you'll suffer life's agonies as do we all, as any other human does, the death of loved ones, your own ongoing personal failures and shortcomings, various illnesses, your eventual aging and death; it's too much to ask you to think of me at those times, to hear my distant applause, but hear me now, I take great pleasure in knowing they'll befall you. no one has 'won' anything here, this has been an empty, worthless experience..
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Gravestalker: @Thumper: I think its because of his ongoing personal failures and shortcomings as to why he's made trolling online his life ambition,

lets just let him sit in the pile of sloppy shit he calls his life while we get on with real ones
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Urbane_Guerrilla: GS is also not up on genetic diversity -- which is greatest among H. sapiens in Africa. Hence has dwelt in Africa significantly longer, to have more diversity occurring, than anywhere else, and science knows this and GS does not. So... the one spermatozoan to outrun all the others to the egg produced a GS, eh? He should go slay himself to raise his state's average IQ by .34%. If he first murders a few of his likeminded friends, he will accomplish twice that. But if he only stops at that, he may get to be cellmates with Bubba and/or Brutus.
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Gravestalker: @Urbane_Guerrilla: well if africa is the home of diversity why is eveything there apelike and genetically stagnant while everything outside africa is diverse, unless i point back at a previous comment of mine stating any changes occurring in africa just got bred back into the swamp of primitive genes while those outside africa moved forwards

thats like africa is the primordial ooze and only the things that crawled out of it evolved
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Anonymous61(8): @Gravestalker:
- Can't debate against counter points as usual.

- Continues to post irrelevant posturing nonsense.

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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: AnonTroll
- obviously a child of a politically correct family that failed to raise him with discipine
- lives to shitmouth
- blames victims as cause of hostility

thanks america
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Anonymous62: of all the messed up things on this site a black cock is what gets people disgusted?

I swear this site is filled with nutters.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: you must be new here

welcome to the internet,...we're all fucked up..
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Mugglefucker: attractive and successful African attractive and successful African, black baboon. Brutal, worthless, thieving goon.
Often high, thrives in Jail, his welfare cheque is in the mail.
Some 40 offspring have been had/not one will ever call him Dad.
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AKuRacy11: @Mugglefucker: Wow.
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Hierolocc: Holy Christ.
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Anonymous63(8): @Mugglefucker: I almost cut myself from the sheer edgyness of this post.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Mugglefucker: Quoting that azn dude A.Wyatt Man.

Great job, wasn't it bad enough they ripped off his 'toons but ALSO mongoloids are stealing his literary genius.
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Anonymous64: PEOPLE!! PEOPLE!! Please STOP this arguing! It's the Jews!!! Let us all focus our hatred on the Jews and then blacks and whites can live together in peace, that was my 2 cents.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: jews are human, blacks arent, the only way we can live in peace is with blacks dead or back in the chimp cages at the zoo
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Anonymous65(64): See, Gravestalker, I don't know that the Jews are human at all. I mean have you ever read the Talmud or Torah. In there it clearly indicates that all Jews see non-Jews, gentiles, Goyim!, if you will as cattle. So no, Jews are not human they are devils and pure evil!
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Anonymous66: @Anonymous: Congratulations on feeding the trolls son!
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: youre confusing jews with the neo-nazi zionists.....normal jews just want to live in peace...some want to give land back to palestine...its the zionists who have their own nazi agenda
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Anonymous67: No, no they don't dude. All Jews and I mean ALL Jews are evil. Are you Jewish yourself? And that's why you're racist? Because all Jews are racist towards people blacks unless their Mother was White and Jewish! Then they accept them!!! Why do you think there is apartheid in Israel? They want it pure like a racist Western country wants it pure! Get your facts straight, man!!!@Gravestalker:
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Anonymous68(67): Also let's face it Jews control the world and it has more credibilty than Zionists, who just want to claim Plaestine, America and other would be countries (In the past that they manipultated to control people, Russia, China for example) as their own!@Anonymous:
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Anonymous69(67): I meant that last comment to be at you Gravetsalker. I pressed the wrong button, sorry. :). I still like you but unless you realise that all Jews are evil we will always have conflicting views!@Gravestalker:
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Compro61: @FuriousD: I know! Assholes, right?
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Compro61: @Anonymous: Get YOUR facts straight, you fucking asshole. Literally everything you said is false. You are a sorry excuse for a human being, which is what everyone is: human. Even ignorant racists like you. As a Jew, let me speak for all Jews when I say FUCK. YOU. Unless you treat me as an equal, don't bother replying back. It'll just cement your image as a racist douchebag. Fuck you, Gravestalker, Franky_Whiskey, and every other racist who commented in this long-ass comment section! Whew.
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Compro61: @Anonymous: You sir, are my new favorite person. I tip my virtual hat to you.
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Compro61: @FuriousD: After reading more non-racist comments, you can join Anon8 among my favorite people I've never met, but would shake hands with if I could.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Compro61: Now, kids, now you see what happens if you stay in an irradiated zone for too much?

This man used to be a comedy genius; he now degraded to reply incessantly to dead people, agreeing and attacking figments of a by-gone era.


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Anonymous70: Improved version
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Anonymous71(70): also, fuck attractive and successful Africans, jews and sjw. Hope trump sends a taskforce after all of them
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Compro61: @Franky_Whiskey: Boy, you love to run your mouth when your foot isn't in it. I have tolerance. If you hate my kind so much, stop replying to me!!! (As I said previously, by replying, you've successfully cemented your image as a racist douchebag.)
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Anonymous72: You attractive and successful Africans need to calm your tits 😎👌
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Anonymous73: Can everybody just shut the fuck up and masturbate?
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Compro61: @Anonymous: That'd be nice.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Compro61: Oy vey, time to play the victim while launching a passive-aggressive reply! Shalom you fucking sjw cunt
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Compro61: @Franky_Whiskey: Dude, I'm just trying to have a good time here. Why do you need to constantly run your mouth? How is agreeing with Anonymous73 playing the victim? By the way, SJW? Social JUSTICE Warrior. You're basically saying what you're doing is unjust.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Compro61: Yeah, you were having a good time while you were shit talking about me, shame I came back to throw your matzo balls of shit back at you. Quit playing the victim, you sought me out and now you've found me, schlomo.
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Compro61: No, I was having a good time BEFORE I replied to your comment. My shit-talking came after your shit-talking.
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Compro61: No more arguments. I want this to end. Please let's just end it here.
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Anonymous74: Who let this /pol/tard out?
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Anonymous75(74): @Anonymous: By /pol/tard I mean this thread.
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Anonymous76: I love how you fucking idiots are complaining over race on a porn site. Jesus...
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Shota3D: Sigh... It's only matter of time R34 become another political website...
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Anonymous77: Complaining about races on a porn site, that is fucking stupid, just enjoy the image and stop the drama already.

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