MadDogFan: I am the artist to this so please shut the fuck up, try to draw hands better, yea i bet you cant even draw stick figures. Homestuck is great but if you dont like it keep it to yourself. Some people like crossovers. Thank you and fuck you two.
MadDogFan: yo, excuse my language but #youneedtoshutup
people have different art styles. im not acting like a little bitch, you are the bitch here. if you do not like art DONT FUCKING COMMENT IT
got it?
now fuck off kid.
uhnevermind: @MadDogFan: Saying "yo"? Using hashtags? Not even bothering to use capitals or apostrophes? Whining and getting mad whenever someone criticizes you? You sound like a little bitch to me. But of course, I must be the kid here. Fucktard.
Helpful_Comment: @haters: STFU, GTFO! I have been told that I am a phenomenal artist, and I CANT DRAW HANDS WORTH A DAMN! DONT HATE ON MADDOGFAN! HE IS BETTER THAN ME!
Calling it "artstyle" though... You aren't that advanced to have an artstyle yet. Also, art is for criticism, if you can't handle the truth, then don't bother to post it online. Even Tumblr deserves better.
Anonymous4: @MadDogFan: What are you, 10? Grow the fuck up. If you can't handle criticism, then get the hell off the internet.
You need a thicker skin, bro. Throwing a tantrum and insulting users when they're critiquing your work (whether or not you consider it rude) is ridiculously immature.
Anonymous6: @Helpful_Comment: If your art is actually worse than this, then surely at some point it crossed your mind that they were obviously lying through their fucking teeth? You can hardly be called a "phenomenal artist" if you don't even care about your art enough to go and learn how to properly draw a human hand.
Anonymous7: I don't know why you all are saying he was getting mad over "criticism" when there was no criticism given the first place??? He just insulted the art.
are you fucking kidding me
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people have different art styles. im not acting like a little bitch, you are the bitch here. if you do not like art DONT FUCKING COMMENT IT
got it?
now fuck off kid.
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You don't need to be a chef to recognize a shit sandwich.
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Calling it "artstyle" though... You aren't that advanced to have an artstyle yet. Also, art is for criticism, if you can't handle the truth, then don't bother to post it online. Even Tumblr deserves better.
You need a thicker skin, bro. Throwing a tantrum and insulting users when they're critiquing your work (whether or not you consider it rude) is ridiculously immature.
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