Thrakerzod: I don't know, maybe we could do something with this... Perhaps this Dragon Ball Z proportioned man-horse is the dictator of some sort of CWCville meets City 17 type scenario. This bloke could come through a portal and attempt to exact his conquest only to be stopped short by Twilight requesting all or to create tension a few of her friends before escaping. Then Twilight and her rag-tag team of fiends could go on a path of discovery to train their fighting skill or learn some ancient technique necessary for dealing with this punk. All the while, this guy slowly chokes the land due to both his ineptitude and mulch-angled frustration due to his conquest being slightly marred by Twilight's escape while he focuses his every thought on her capture. Then you could have Twilight bust in with her crack team of gorilla rebels, where they fight their way to this man. Somehow Twilight and this guy will square off mono y mono and duke it out ending in this guy giving some speech like "No, I had it all planned! I can't lose!", and Twilight delivering some bad-ass (in context) one-liner like, "You should have bought me dinner first!", or,"Never get out of the car",or, "You should have gotten it on a list", or something, ending in Twily delivering the final blow.
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This... Now this stands out. This is a diamond. This is comedy gold. This is rare and beautiful.