(unfortunately it's going to be a few weeks before I'll be able to complete it, my tablet and PC is currently far, far away:( BUT it will eventually be done :D
Anonymous2: @QWERTYas1: *Enderboy* btw the reason im called Enderboy is because that's my name I run THEENDERLEGION my minecraft name is DevlinEnderboy and yes we are still recruitin if you have questions you can email me at Endr.b@live.com
if your interested though i have to reskin the armor becuase i had to restore my PC so let me know you can also find the group on facebook @ THEENDERLEGION for examples we are currently advertising the new nightmare armor for GAMMA class need to be a {GAMMA 38}
QWERTYas1: @Anonymous:
Haha well, Enderboy, to be honest, rule 34's all that keeps me interested in Minecraft at all. I played for ages in early beta, but now...
...well, let's just say that minecraft r34 is great for when you have art block. Forgotten how to draw properly? Just don't give the characters hands, feet or heads! XD
...On another note, I realise that it's been forever since I last uploaded. If I can't get access to my tablet in the next week or so, I might just draw that r63 Steve/Enderdragon on my phone... <.<
...and I'm tempted to upload some of my pencil sketches, they're far better than my digital art :D
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no one must know
it's a secret |D
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(unfortunately it's going to be a few weeks before I'll be able to complete it, my tablet and PC is currently far, far away:( BUT it will eventually be done :D
if your interested though i have to reskin the armor becuase i had to restore my PC so let me know you can also find the group on facebook @ THEENDERLEGION for examples we are currently advertising the new nightmare armor for GAMMA class need to be a {GAMMA 38}
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Haha well, Enderboy, to be honest, rule 34's all that keeps me interested in Minecraft at all. I played for ages in early beta, but now...
...well, let's just say that minecraft r34 is great for when you have art block. Forgotten how to draw properly? Just don't give the characters hands, feet or heads! XD
...On another note, I realise that it's been forever since I last uploaded. If I can't get access to my tablet in the next week or so, I might just draw that r63 Steve/Enderdragon on my phone... <.<
...and I'm tempted to upload some of my pencil sketches, they're far better than my digital art :D
Anyways. See you 'round the pond!
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hooray for really late responses, sorry about that D; hopefully I can make it up to everyone with a crap ton of drawings
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It'll probably take a little while though, first I'll need to figure out how that'd even work XD :P
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