Glad we have the astute insights and critical analysis of some butt-hurt, racist, POS-cracker giving his opinion on history, that no one gives two shits about, on a R34. Lol Who searches out porn just to bitch about it? I'll just use your White tears to continue fapping. As a side note, they taste delicious.
Anonymous4: @a3: keep dreaming attractive and successful Africans, every girls want big black cocks and other bullshit right? Truth us, the women in this pic have married and only fucked white men. sad truth for pathetic attractive and successful Africans, but hey, keep dreaming!one day all the girls will want to fuck with chimps
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Lol, white people's lips look like chimps the most. Even East Asians generally have bigger nose and lips than white people eventhough their noses and lips are still smaller
you people's
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: Bruh this literally implies racial stereotypes which are racist always in porn. Bitch you racist as well. Not just these white dudes rooting for hitle.
- Reply
Glad we have the astute insights and critical analysis of some butt-hurt, racist, POS-cracker giving his opinion on history, that no one gives two shits about, on a R34. Lol Who searches out porn just to bitch about it? I'll just use your White tears to continue fapping. As a side note, they taste delicious.
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you people's