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sigh: Watching a female have relations with an inferior male specimen is oh so tragic.
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Anonymous1: @sigh: funny thing is all white supremacist I've met are complete idiots, and they call themselves superior. This is like a skunk saying it smells better then everyone else...0 logic

ALSO AS EVERYONE KNOWS THE FIRST HUMANS WHERE BACK... lol if it weren't for blacks, white wouldn't exist...

(i'm white btw)
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quwykxz: @Anonymous: BACK WHERE?
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sigh: @Anonymous:
Now I'm not arguing race, I'm arguing logic.
How does "if it weren't for blacks, white wouldn't exist" deduce that white people are not superior?
The statement concerns succession, not superiority.
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Fight_A_Bear: @sigh: Something tells me the only way I could get into a racist mindset is with a crowbar and a brick.
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Anonymous2(1): @sigh:

fair enough but my point was you could at least show respect and keep your racism to yourself.
Since you owe your apparently "superior" race's existence to them. and also stop being mad and calling people who make black version of white pics racists, its not racist to prefer some nationality for sexual atraction I my self prefer Asian girls (sexually). doesn't make me racist against another race. if anyone is racist here its you. So even if they where racist against whites your in no position to call them racists when you yourself are one. again its like a skunk telling someone they smell bad. Anyway your entitled to your stupid beliefs but is it really necessary to share your hate? like srsly just STFU and don't click it if you don't like it.

P.S its only a matter of time until whites become a minority. Superior my ass. race has nothing to do with how athletic or smart one can be.
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sigh: @Fight_A_Bear: A clear perception of reality works well too. Eventually you'll grow out of those hippie fairy tales about equality between races and "not all black people are like that".

@Anonymous: People being racist put me in a position to call them racist, my racism doesn't make them any less racist.
Whites are, and have always been a minority in the world. And yet, as probably the smallest of the major races, we whites accomplished more, and built societies way more advanced and free than the other races combined. The level of slavery perpetrated by the white race doesn't even compare to the other races. We were able to teach some of the Asian people, and so allowed them to prosper, but many of them still stick to their habits of totalitarian states.
Despite the Africans having the same situation as the Asians, they simply refused to learn. They would not adapt a more advanced society, and now the world is left with the limping leg that is Africa and its people.
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Fight_A_Bear: @sigh: If we're so much better, then why is it so incredibly difficult to act like it even once in a fucking while?
The answer is that we're not better. Never have been, never will be. Ever. We're just as bad as everyone else, we just have more opportunities and ways to show it.
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Anonymous3: InCase's tongues are so horrendous, jesus.
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sigh: @Anonymous: "The answer is that we're not better. Never have been, never will be. Ever."
Wow, they got you brain washed hard.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing your achievements as a race and to feel proud of it, even if you're white. (all the other races do it)
And clearly, CLEARLY, white people have accomplished so much more to improve the world than anybody else.
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Suzuka: @sigh: through making slaves out of blacks. If a black slave invented something new, the white owner would claim that they were the ones who made it, and the historical world would believe it.

I'm not black, I'm Half-German/Japanese. So I'm far from being black. But I understand the nature on how the white people accomplished the things they came across. And you say you are proud of how they did it, then to each his own. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But don't preach about it like it happened through positive deeds. Because, let me tell you, all the white people preached their Holy Bible to every fucking race and they still killed and made slaves out of most different races to get what they wanted. They were contradicting what they were preaching.

And clearly? CLEARLY MY FUCKING ASS! I bet that you own something that was made by the country of China. It was the Asians who have accomplished more than anyone. So don't use the term "CLEARLY" ever in your God damn life again.
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sigh: @Suzuka:
Yes, white people enslaved black people, and that is terrible.
However, if you look up a time line of when slavery was abolished and where, white countries permanently started to abolish slavery almost 1000 years ago. India and China has went back and forwards, but India at least needed help from the British to abolish slavery. Don't know about China, but if slavery isn't practiced illegally in those countries even today, I'd be surprised.
The last African countries to criminalize slavery was LESS THAN 10 YEARS AGO.
The whole world dealt in slavery, so don't give whites any more shit about it. In fact, thank whites for ending slavery for themselves and helping the rest of the world to end their slavery.
And honestly, if it were blacks that enslaved whites, and they just now criminalized slavery, how well do you think whites would have been treated as slaves?

Oh yeah, white people somehow managed to enslave the much more smarter and advanced Africans that just didn't defend themselves form an inferior enemy. And then whites stole the inventions of the much smarter African slaves for themselves to advance their society.
Wow, that is some extreme mental gymnastics there. I don't doubt for a second that black slaves invented things or made scientific discoveries, but believing that whites have blacks to thank for their success... ridiculous.

Yes, I bet I own something from China too. That doesn't really prove they're more advanced. I find it funny that you complain about whites for stealing inventions from black slaves, but the Chinese that slaughtered 50,000,000 of their own people? Not a problem? That's fine? As long as they don't steal inventions from each other like the evil whites? Or that other Chinese / Asian tradition of having totalitarian states that oppress the people. Very advanced?

Yes. Whites are clearly the most predominant force for good in the world.
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Fight_A_Bear: @sigh: You baffle me. That someone like you, intelligent yet so completely fucking stupid, can exist is just... beyond all reason or reality. Just reading the shit you type is giving me whiplash from how fast it switches back and forth in any sort of value. And that you present it as truth is nauseating.
Okay, enough hyperbole.
I can't form any cohesive counterpoint to anything you've said because I simply can't figure where to start.
I suppose the biggest sticking point I have with you now isn't the racism so much as it's the apparent removal of acknowledgement for any individual accomplishment. So, good job on making me have to pick which aspect of you I find more irritating, I guess.
I simply can't believe in racial achievements, because it's never been a race thing. It's been individuals or small groups assigned to those tasks or brought together in common purpose that achieved those things.
And then there's a few different issues with specifics. Which whites are we talking about? Planet's got a small selection of those. What metric are we using for 'good'? It's easy to talk about 'good', but without qualifying it it's just pissing in the wind.
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Ratraccoon: It's the series dupe of the Ritchard Simmons mono boob pic.
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sigh: "intelligent yet so completely fucking stupid"
Yeah... think about it.

But of course it's individuals that achieve. What I argue is that the tendencies for innovation and compassion are higher in some races, a notion I think is supported by the way the world looks today, higher living standards (which is the measurement I use for "good", but I guess if higher living standards is what I mean, then that's what I should say) in white nations, and lower standards in Asia, and lower still in Africa, etc.
But like Suzuka and many others say, whites built their society on the African slaves. But what about Scandinavia? They have virtually no history of slavery, yet probably the highest living standards in the world.
And I don't see the African nations that just now have abolished slavery doing very good despite the apparent "advantage" of practicing slavery and stealing innovations.
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Fight_A_Bear: So then Scandinavians are the greatest force for good in the world. Good, the Norse rocked.
Again, my problem is with blanket statements. If one culture's done the best, why should that disseminate to all other cultures who happen to share that general skin tone?
And, just a bit of semantics: Does that mean Dubai is 'good' as well?
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Fight_A_Bear: @sigh: And of course I forget to hit 'reply' first.
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O_Rly: This is completely unrelated, but German and Japanese? That's a badass combo, Suzuka.
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Suzuka: @O Rly: Thanks, I guess...

Anyways, believe it or not, I've met people who would ask me "Are you sure you're not Asian?" or "Wow, you look completely white/Caucasian" or "You're pretty tall for Asian!" or "Your white but your intelligence is on par with an Asians!" And I would say I'm neither Asian or Caucasian. I'm a whole new race entirely.

Sure my eyes aren't as "almond shaped" as most Japanese people (mine are a bit rounder), and my hair color is kinda "blonde-silver" (more on the blonde side though), and because I can speak/read perfect Japanese with the perfect accent doesn't mean a thing. What currently matters is which country were you born? And I've come to realize that the world's population is becoming increasingly multiracial, especially in America.

And in the far end future, it would become less important whether which race accomplished more. Things would most likely be centered upon, "which country will accomplish more?" And it would also be very likely that countries depicting one particular race would be of less importance.

In my opinion, countries of different race will be the ones to benefit the most when it comes to accomplishments. It is because those are the countries that will be exposed and adapt to more circumstances, cultures, and ideas that would require solutions of better causality.
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sigh: @Suzuka:
It's like you think race mixing have no biological ramifications what so ever.

Say, the human species have been around for a pretty long time now. Why is it that we see specific races of people arising rather than populations melting together, since mathematically they'd be diluted over time, and (apparently) being of mixed race is an advantage in adaptability?

That's because different genes doesn't mix as good as genes that are alike. Areas with a high rate of race mixed people are also suffer from noticeably higher rate of sterility. Biology/evolution has made sure that race mixed people don't stick around.

On another note, I can't really think of any example where different cultures have peacefully coexisted. If that ever happened it must have been some very unique cases. Mixing them is certainly no good idea.
On the contrary even. Germany was so strong that they were nearly able to defeat the French, British and American empires when they less than a decade earlier had been the poorest country in Europe. And they were able to because they believed in the strength of Germany and the German race.
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Anonymous4: @sigh: Yeah, you're mixing up (probably intentionally to sound halfway intelligent) your facts. "Noticeably higher" (a dishonestly subjective phrase, btw) levels of sterility is a factor with mixed breeds of ANIMALS. Not humans, dummy.

There hasn't been one single peer reviewed study that confirms mixed raced people have increase rates of fecundity. The only time it even comes up is when uneducated White Supremacists look at isolated incidents with them, and completely ignore the rate with "pure" (lol) whites.
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Anonymous5(4): @Anonymous: * "increased rates of fecundity because they're mixed."
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Anonymous6(4): @Anonymous: *decreased rates of fecundity because they're mixed."
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TonyTheTiger: No point in arguing with sigh, anon. He's either a huge troll, a sociopath judging from 99% of his comments, or one of the worst examples of what anonymity can make a person say or do through the internet.
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CrotchboobAddict: Race mixing is just something that's suppose too happen in the liberal / culturalmarxist society of today. What they want is a person that look the same everywhere, a slave that just consume
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Anonymous7: How hard is it to find a sane middle ground in this argument? I mean you have people on both sides proposing pretty shitty things.

On one side you have people like Sigh who disregard history altogether to try and make people with his skin tone somehow better than everyone else. People like him will never admit that gunpowder was invented hundreds of years before Europeans began using it in China or that the ideas of the Classical Mediterranean world and eventual Renaissance were largely preserved in Byzantine and Arab libraries/churches. They can never perceive the idea of borrowing ideas between cultures. It's their pigmentation over everyone else.

On the other hand you have people who jump through hoops and make up complete revisions of history to somehow justify a politically correct hatred of Europeans. If we're all equal then this idea of scummy Europeans poisoning everything they touch just doesn't make sense.

Where are the people who aren't racist shitheads who want to purify themselves or try and prove that the color of their skin makes them better than someone else who also realize destroying different and varied cultures to shove everyone together into one vague, racially amorphous blob isn't going to solve a goddamn thing?
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sigh: @Anonymous: "levels of sterility is a factor with mixed breeds of ANIMALS. Not humans, dummy."

But anon, humans ARE animals.
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Anonymous8(4): @sigh:

Yeah, I heard there's nothing in between a Kingdom and a Species. So humans and animals the same. Oh wait...
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Anonymous9(7): @Anonymous: As much as I don't want to agree with Sigh, he's right, we are animals. It's better to specify which kind of animals you're talking about.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: what you people tend to forget it that modern 'multiculturalism' isn't about borrowing ideas or learning from other cultures, it's about moving huge populations of non-whites to white nations. Modern multiculturalism always seem to involve ideas of mass-immigration. That's what most people are against. It's not about hating other cultures or races, but wanting to preserve our own culture, people and freedom in our own nations.

Look at Europe, they have huge problems with fucktards that think multiculturalism must mean mass-immigration (and mass-immigration as means to control the masses, because more diversity means people tend to be less united = Easier to control.) This has really sparked nationalist movements - Some more radical than the others.
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Omnibus: I just thinks it is stupid because regardless of what race you claim to be, we are all members of the homo sapien species. We can breed together, and we all go through similar experiences; love, death, birth, pursuit of knowledge, happiness, sadness, stupidity,etc. So Sigh unless you are a member of the homo neanderthalensis species or of the homo heidelbergensis species, then how can you claim to be superior over another human? Please enlighten me...
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Anonymous11(4): @Anonymous: That sounds more like the White Supermacist POV being dishonestly projected on to "what regular people think", because there are some problems with the system. Nothing more.
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Anonymous12(4): @Anonymous: We're "animals" in the loosest sense of the word. But everyday humans don't CALL themselves animals in the same context that we use the word in. Because we're not the same. It's like saying "all carbon based lifeforms are the same". Which is retarded.

So this is just a fail attempt at semantics. Sigh was dead wrong, and he just tried to ignore context. By acting like we're all the same because we're animals, because it suits his argument. Which is hypocritical because he tried to separate human beings by an even NARROWER classification. Which is why racists are generally known as being little more than retarded.
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MayorQwert: Let me just take a minute to point out that you are all having a deep racial debate in the comment section of a porn image. Stop arguing and start fapping damnit!
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sigh: @Anonymous: We're not the same because we're all animals, we're the same in that particular regard because we're the same in that particular regard.
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Anonymous13(4): @sigh: This didn't even make any sense. At all.
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Anonymous14: I wonder if any of you even noticed they're almost of the same skin color. Which kinda renders the "argument" invalid in the first place.
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MV: lol attractive and successful Africans amirite guys?
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Anonymous15: i saw the pic. 10 outta 10
saw the omment section: boner killer
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Anonymous16(15): *comment rather
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Anonymous17(15): but i do need to say one thing, sigh, why do you look at the accomplishements of your race when you SHOULD be looking at your own accomplishements. I'm a mix of races. half black and half white with an iq of 151, i take pride in it, but i don't relate myself to either blacks or whites. success shouldn't be based on the failures of others :/ you know this as well as i do
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Anonymous18: Why the fuck does there need to be a political debate... I just wanna jerk off...
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Anonymous19: lol
a political conversation in a porn website lol korra is black as well so
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Anonymous20: I like porn.
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Anonymous21(20): I like porn
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Anonymous22: Fuck off attractive and successful Africans
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Anonymous23: @Suzuka:
I'm Black and I hate most Blacks.
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Ble8: @Anonymous: The whiteness is glowing off of you, man. insecure white person acting like a black person #4378367431
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Anonymous24: wtf is up with these dumbass comments.
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loganlink14: @sigh
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loganlink14: INFERIOR!!!! go lick yourself...
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Vicarious_Reality: mmmm
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Anonymous25: i dont like these cancerous black porn things the same reason i dont like scar porn
it looks like shit
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Anonymous26: ^Get over it, boy.
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Anonymous27: @sigh: Shut up white boy

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