Franky_Whiskey: @Richardthedragon: It's actually what the Teen Titans ought to have been on the begining. All that emo, teen angst shit outweighted the funny the animu TT offered, lulziest episodes being the ones starring Mad Mod and that faggot magician guy.
TT Go! embraces, finally, some of the wackiness western toons ought to be known for.
Anonymous2: @Franky_Whiskey: Have you seen any other Western cartoon but TTG? That ADHD-appeasing style is pretty much all they are known for now. So when cartoons like Thundercats(2011), Teen Titans, Young Justice, or even Star Wars: Clone Wars comes along to have a cartoon with an actual plot or at least takes itself seriously for the most, with some comedic elements sprinkled in to lighten the mood, it's a breath of fresh air.
HernsHound: I think it depends on the level of wackiness you prefer. TTG! Is just too silly for my tastes all the time, but is good for a laugh now and then. TT had just enough comedy with a good storyline behind it, and the fact that it had many interwoven themes to each episode (Brother Blood, Triagon, "Slade", and The Brotherhood of Evil) made it even better. I prefer the artwork in TT, that's for sure.
And lets all be honest: Teen Titans Raven, Starfire, Jinx, and the other girls can be Rule 34'd sooooo much more hotly than the Teen Titans Go! versions!
@Anonymous: I said wackyness, not sperginess. Think the golden era of animation, or even 90's toons. Not saying I hated TT, but to me, the whole drama stuff became a burden for the show at times.
kickintheface: I didn't have cable (actually, still don't), so I had to catch TT in syndication, which of course fucked with the episode order. I prefer the standalone episodes to the storyline episodes, because far too often they'd show part of a storyline and then the next week show a completely random episode. TTG is basically what I enjoyed about TT, with a touch of extra silliness.
WalkerBohh: @Franky_Whiskey:then you, my friend, might not want to read the original comics. The original cyborg went though a series of racial issues, one of his friends actively wanted to kill white people after he got out of jail, then cyborg was "eaten" partially by a slime monster that his parents accidentally pulled through a dimensional gate, that's cyborgs origin.
Beast Boy got his powers when he was bitten and infected by a bacteria fatal to all living things except a species of green monkey, so his father altered his genes so that he would partially become one. It was ment to be temporary, but afterwords, he could change shape into any animal he could imagine.
Comics are filled with drama, that's what makes them good. Batman wouldn't exist without his parents dieing, neither would robin without his dieing. If Krypton didn't explode, Kal El wouldn't have come to earth. Ttg is funny for a few episodes, and its created some good r34, but it's a disgrace to the teen titans name and the dc universe as a whole.
Anonymous3: @Franky_Whiskey: then you, my friend, might not want to read the original comics. The original cyborg went though a series of racial issues, one of his friends actively wanted to kill white people after he got out of jail, then cyborg was "eaten" partially by a slime monster that his parents accidentally pulled through a dimensional gate, that's cyborgs origin.
Beast Boy got his powers when he was bitten and infected by a bacteria fatal to all living things except a species of green monkey, so his father altered his genes so that he would partially become one. It was ment to be temporary, but afterwords, he could change shape into any animal he could imagine.
Comics are filled with drama, that's what makes them good. Batman wouldn't exist without his parents dieing, neither would robin without his dieing. If Krypton didn't explode, Kal El wouldn't have come to earth. Ttg is funny for a few episodes, and its created some good r34, but it's a disgrace to the teen titans name and the dc universe as a whole.
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TT Go! embraces, finally, some of the wackiness western toons ought to be known for.
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And lets all be honest: Teen Titans Raven, Starfire, Jinx, and the other girls can be Rule 34'd sooooo much more hotly than the Teen Titans Go! versions!
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@Anonymous: I said wackyness, not sperginess. Think the golden era of animation, or even 90's toons. Not saying I hated TT, but to me, the whole drama stuff became a burden for the show at times.
Beast Boy got his powers when he was bitten and infected by a bacteria fatal to all living things except a species of green monkey, so his father altered his genes so that he would partially become one. It was ment to be temporary, but afterwords, he could change shape into any animal he could imagine.
Comics are filled with drama, that's what makes them good. Batman wouldn't exist without his parents dieing, neither would robin without his dieing. If Krypton didn't explode, Kal El wouldn't have come to earth. Ttg is funny for a few episodes, and its created some good r34, but it's a disgrace to the teen titans name and the dc universe as a whole.
Beast Boy got his powers when he was bitten and infected by a bacteria fatal to all living things except a species of green monkey, so his father altered his genes so that he would partially become one. It was ment to be temporary, but afterwords, he could change shape into any animal he could imagine.
Comics are filled with drama, that's what makes them good. Batman wouldn't exist without his parents dieing, neither would robin without his dieing. If Krypton didn't explode, Kal El wouldn't have come to earth. Ttg is funny for a few episodes, and its created some good r34, but it's a disgrace to the teen titans name and the dc universe as a whole.